Should male virginity be encouraged in a decent society?

I know the general redpill idea is that less partners a woman has the better while must be experienced but doesn't promiscuity from anyone increase chances of stds,bastards and broken bonds?

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To an extent I'm fine with being a virgin, but I'm just a bit recked by not finding a girlfriend. Its like I'm proud I haven't fucked anything I regretted but haven't fucked at all- which I live with at least.

Yes, by spreading their seed wildly without commiting to courting a woman, odds are that they're not going to be around to raise the child therefore leaving the child but one choice, to act like a lawless nigger due to the lack of an authoritative father figure during their formative years

>using your real name on a chinese dick measuring forum


If you promote female virginity you also promote male virginity, fucktard.

In my town women are praised for virginity and men are expected/free to sleep around and the result is not a society of cool alpha machos,instead the result is vast majority of guys sleeping with same few extremally slutty women/prostitutes and desu it grosses me out.the thought of a man I'm with having been with another,especially such woman and touching her bodily fluids and all is repulsive


good point user

male virgins are by definition failures

>Not using your real name on so everyone knows you lift


Elliot was brainwashed by kikes, he would have been a good boy in a healthy Christian society

promote virginity in general and getting married before age 25

Virginity isn't a problem. It's the shame of being a virgin that is a problem.

What a fucking loser.

Why didnt he just go hit the gym and stop being a scrawny faggot.

both men and women should be encouraged to be chaste. People should strive to be more than base impulses otherwise were no better than animals.

raise good points.


In real settings that's not how it works.societies that demand female virginity usually have an "underclass" of women who men get "experienced" with.

NO... You cannot go against MUST spread his semen into several females,only way to have a decent gene pool

Virginity shouldn't be encouraged, but society's focus on sexuality has gone way too far.
Gas the degenerates.

>only way to have a decent gene pool
Few men spreading their seed into many women thus limiting genetic diversity and increasing chances of accidental inbreeding is good for the pool?

This is the main problem. It always has to be one extreme or the other, there's never a middle ground compromise. I suppose that's the left all over though, what the fuck would they do if everything they demanded was implemented when you consider their entire life revolves around demanding changes to things that don't need changed and crying.

Obviously I don't mean virgins for life.

Is this true tho?

I couldn't fuck them all, he should.

Or maybe women should fuck even more dudes so virgins like Sup Forums and elliot rodgers wouldnt hate everything?

when you encourage strict monogamy almost everyone gets to mate.expecting us to screw an unattractive dude just for fun makes no a sexually perverted society ugly people will always suffer the most.

experimented* user

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