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>tfw 22
>finished my first book
Why did nobody tell me books were so amazing?
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>tfw 22
>finished my first book
Why did nobody tell me books were so amazing?
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please tell me you're memeing
Storm of Steel
What kind of books do you want to read? I mostly read fiction.
No kidding... if anything maybe "Holes" back in the 5th grade but it was forced as fuck
How did you go to high school???
We all had to read at least 9 or 10 books. Most people read more.
You can't say "I skimmed it" because I had a class in school where all we would do is read the book in class out loud so we all had to read the whole thing.
read it nigga
enjoy your fantasy world
I will. It's much better than reality. You enjoy whatever it is that you like.
>Features racemixing as a major plot point
>Sup Forums approved
choose one
If you like fantasy and you're ready to sink your teeth into a very long and very rewarding series, look for Steven Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen.
I more 'heard' books rather than read. So in high school I'd read when forced (and that'd be a few paragraphs) or if it was "Reading Block" as they called it. But picking up a book and reading it in its entirety, no. I can't remember a single book aside from "Holes"
And I "skimmed" by pretty well in high school. I was an admittedly shameful cheater
I don't get it. How did you pass high school? And I'm guessing no college...
But yeah. Soon as you finish your last English class, you realize books are actually amazing and it's just that English teachers are complete cunts with shit taste.
Where the hell did you go to school? At my school everyone could get away with sparknotes. I think I read like 3 books in all of high school, never read a book just for pleasure until after.
another one for you nigga
Are you me
Do you have something which is preventing you from reading? OCD, for example? I used to have OCD so bad that it took me months to read a single chapter.
When you're a lazy procrastinating fuck like I was, SparkNotes held it down. For better or worse. And sly plagiarism could hang you on a string
>Why did nobody tell me books were so amazing?
I just started warhammer 40k Horus heresy Im really enjoying it
Were you homeschooled in Dixie
Whoever made that spelled /x/ wrong.
The Eisenhorn and Ravenor trilogies are some of my all time favorite books, but I couldn't get into the Horus Hersey.
I'd like to call OCD (who knows, it could actually be) but I just couldn't be bothered reading. I felt it was never convenient. Like "what am I getting out of this?" I think I looked for books hoping for physical strength rather than mental
He was saying that that was the only other book he had read back in his childhood. It wasnt a suggestion
Read Kurt Vonnegut, The Sirens of Titan is my personal favorite, his short stories are fantastic as well
Because nigger culture is rampant and niggers dont read
>Sup Forums approved
Okay I'm reading, but I don't want to leave the hivemind
Since my first book was a biography/autobiography, I guess I'm headed in that direction. I like understanding the minds of figures throughout history and contextualizing it with modern day events/figures
So anything in that route
Voltaire is also good nigga
MvP, family
Here is a YUGE list of books that you should read. Happy reading.
Aren't you guys retarded?
Isn't George Orwell's 1984 a social commentary on the present reality?
Mein Kampf is required reading.
Knowing about the Federal Reserve is something everyone should know.
Yeah, but it's still fiction. I mostly read sci-fi and fantasy though. That's one of the few books that isn't one of those two that I've read.
only beautiful thing about Islam is the book cover
Still worth a read so you know your enemy.
>first book
Holy shit your parents should not be breeding
>Never read a book until 22
Are you black?
They probably are still breeding.
Be sure to read lefty books too. Our only one up is knowing our enemy.
You should try the Foundation series by Asimov
Go dog go
Another list.
read about Shylock too nigga
Day of the Trifids is god for beginners
Yurope! explores what would have happened if hillary clinton ever became president
Would you have believed that they were without reading one?
>letting yourself get cucked by the written jew
Dubliners (for starters )
yurope 2 explores what would have happened if trayvon martin lived and killed george zimmerman instead
A personal favorite of mine.
It's about the failed diplomacies of the United States against the soviets in Asia.
A good book for understanding how our bodies respond to being in a war zone. Defiantly a good read for anyone who is interested in the military or police as a career.
With how highly people speak of them? Yes
Does this speak on at all the process of how one has to "rewire" their brain into a killing machine?
It'd be interesting to know the process
I was so struck when I saw this:
>Day of the Trifids
Buildings falling apart and being covered entirely with weeds after less than a year without maintenance really destroys the immersion.
No, the books teaches you to recognize the problems that the human brain has and basically it psychologically preps your mind for the inevitable.
It will not teach how to be a killing machine. The book aims to make stronger warriors. A man that merely kills to kill has no virtues, a warrior on the other hand has virtues.
In regard to your video this does not really surprise me. I know a good hand full of martial artists and veterans, and some of them do have this mentality that they are ready for something to happen.
Some of these people feel useless in today's society, and they crave to become relevant again. They want be needed; however they will not throw the first punch because of their code.
I did not truly learn to hate Islam until I had read this book from cover to cover
>been a friendless loser most of life
>didn't have internet or cable up until recently
>been reading books because its the loners hobby of choice
I'm in Uni now and I guess I'm making some friends. They all seem astounded when I tell them I read books in a few days. Or when I tell them "I read book about x".