Can women actually be insightful and funny?

So I'm sure we have all heard that women like Amy Schumer and Sarah Silverman are the "funny" women and examples of funny women. The problem is these women are not actually funny and only use shock humor. Never any insightful jokes or reflection that make up true quality comedy. The question I have is, is there any women comedians out there that are genuinely funny?
Are there any women out there that are as funny as say someone as legendary as Dave Chapelle or George Carlin? If so who?

they cant

women are funny
get over it

Insightful, yes. Funny, not really. Sometimes. The people that claim they can't be insightful generally don't work with intelligent women.

Nobody works with intelligent women

Protip: you can't


women are not intelligent enough to be funny and they dont need humor to attract mates or appear more witty than their peers
men do.

find anything that women can do well (besides dick sucking, bearing children and bleeding) and you can find a man that does it better.

I'm sure they can, but no kike is ever going to give them a shot.

Anyone that is not a line toeing leftist gets blacklisted.


No. they are cunts

My sides

I like Maria Bamford. She doesn't act like a whore in her sets and she seems like she actually has genuine talent with what she can do with her voice.

Maybe she's a raging feminist I dunno. She's entertaining.

Anjelah Johnson is funny.

Insightful, sure. But not funny. Women are just walking bags of emotions. When faced with adversity or a tragic event they break down and cry. Men tend to shut off their emotions or suppress them enough to look at an event objectively. The best jokes are the ones about tragic or unpleasant events like terrorist attacks or your bitch wife leaving you and taking everything you have. Talking about vaginas isn't funny or clever.

Faggots are probably better at dick sucking according to what bisexual men say. And, Muslims sure do bleed a lot from all those beheadings.


Yes, but they are by and large trained not to be. Or rather trained they don't have to be, and people take the path of least resistance.

Just like anyone, potential has to be drawn out by struggle.

>t. Electrician/Fast Food Worker/Bus driver etc

>implying women can be intelligent


can we stop pretending that women are more than glorified children?

She's an entertaining storyteller and as funny as any modern guy comedian I can think of.

Obviously this is because of male privilege, and like and such as. It's not girls' fault that they can't do as well in subjects that are useful to invention, and go out of their way to avoid engineering, science, and math classes that could lead to inventions. No, it must be male privilege. We should FORCE girls to take science, math, and engineering, because obviously we have to make everything 50/50 no matter what people actually want or are good at.

Only as part of an ensemble of men, never on their own. When was the last time you watched a woman being interviewed about anything? Ignore Hillary Clinton, politicians don't count.

They have no original thoughts or insights. They are decently intelligent and sometimes okay at managing, but terribly at creativity and innovation.

potentially yes

but amy schumer is where she is because shes related to one of the highest ranking democrats in the country. she could be absolutely terrible and everyone in the industry will still treat her like a success

>Or rather trained they don't have to be, and people take the path of least resistance.

No one is "trained not to be funny you fucking lying retard, stop trying to white knight for women. Women can be funny from time to time, but it is mainly try-hard and not as relatable (outside of women) like jokes from men are.

The problem isn't that they aren't funny, it's that you can't identify with the stuff they are talking about. A man telling a joke about his bitch wife is relatable - a woman telling a joke about period blood isn't. People like Schumer and Silverman aren't just female comedians - they are comedians FOR females as well.

Phyllis diller was funny, joan rivers was funny. Google "funniest female comedians" and see what pops up though.

I think user meant that guys need to use humor more often to charm women, whereas women don't really have any need to be clever or witty in a reproductive sense

that said, some women are witty. just not many

Women talking about their sexual experiences is generally not funny because everyone knows that most

women can be sex with minimal to no effort. So when women talk about their experiences it mainly just

comes off as whining and complaining. Its funny listening to the sexual (mis)adventures of men because

most people know that men, on average, actually have to put in effort to get laid; so it is funny if they don't.

Men tend to be more introspective because men, on average, face more social ills than women (such as

alienation, depression, failure, etc) and don't get handed anything or the benefit of the doubt like women

do (on average). Men are on average smarter, stronger, and funnier because men actually have to put in

effort to get what they want out of life; whereas women, on average, get handed most things in life.



Is not funny. Its forced humor to the max.

end the nepotism on television.

>Anonymous (ID: WEwCLxgI) 11/30/16(Wed)22:39:17 No.100987395▶
> (OP)
Current year.
There were funny women 50 years ago virtue signaler.

I'd rather have a women who is good looking and funny (very rare I know but gotta have standards) than one who is good looking but dull and boring.

Most women are incapable of doing good stand-up style comedy, but if you've actually never met a woman who is funny/witty in daily life then you're hanging out with losers

Ann Coulter is based

>women can be sex with minimal to no effort.

Meant "can get sex"

Shit wtf did I do slap my mouse like an unfunny...nevermind....

Some women are funny. Some women are not. You are not funny due to your gender. Humor is subjective anyways so you can't generalize. The issue as of late is that politics and ideology has come into play. Many rebel against it.

>I think user meant that guys need to use humor more often to charm women, whereas women don't really have any need to be clever or witty in a reproductive sense
Close, but also that women will have positive reinforcement of their attempts at wit and humor without regard to the success thereof.


I think women can be funny actors, but I've heard very few women writing their own material that I thought was good...

That being said, 30 Rock was a GOAT show.

Her lips are almost nonexistent and her mouth is tiny. She probably sucks ass at oral

I've read arguments on this before. The theory is that men have somewhat evolved to be funny as part of the mating ritual.

>nything that women can do well (besides dick sucking, bearing children and bleeding) and you can find a man that does it better.
Oh fuck niggah you broke the Internet

Actually in my opinion both *used to be* funny.

Granted, they probably stole most of their jokes. But they were still funny. Good delivery.

Lately both seem to have lost their sense of humor though.

Very true user

Absolutely this but at the end of the day as long as they're half decent looking they'll probably pass their genes/get attention anyway

This was the only one desu senpai.

No to both. I have literally never seen a woman with an original thought in my entire life. Literally the only purpose of the female gender is to reproduce and do housework.

>mfw men are even betters at being women then women are

how do they even compete

Its socially acceptable to go after a man for his humor. I've heard that in comedian circles its always been hard for women to be accepted but for the audience and people who enjoy comedy, criticizing a female comedian these days is somehow gross sexism.

Joan Rivers was funny. when she died I saw an old clip of her on Johnny Carson, she was great.

Are you purposely double spacing?

*Women's poor attempts at acting like men are funny

That girls belly button is way too fat for her body.


I have news for you user

You both still do it.

She was, and she did it while staying classy as fuck. She absolutely did vagina jokes but they were far from a go to. I think a lot of female comedians go to vag jokes when they see they're losing the room.


Didn't Tina Fey write that Mean girls movie?

It was pretty funny and popular.

No they can't. Amy schumer is so unfunny that when she steals other people's jokes she steals the unfunny ones. That's how little they know about humor

push up bra bro. Them tits don't look so great after all.

Do you want to lose 28% of your income getting this bitch preggers, or do you wanna clip your nuts and fuck bitches problemo free?

inb4 Sup Forums says white race cry me a river...

of course I would :~)

>tfw no trans gf with bubble butt + artificial womb to make babies with

I'll have to settle for my sicilian gf

male comedians are miserable, they're funny because getting a crowded room to howl with laughter is the only appreciation they've ever gotten and they know they worked their arses for this gratification. ever listened to Bill Burr talk about how his father treated him and the shit jobs he worked until he finally broke through in comedy? male comedians are funny because they suffered and nobody gave a shit. they had to pick themselves up and as they did so learned life lessons.

women's lives are far too easy and far too comfortable to ever have to introspect and tackle feelings of inadequacy so fundamental that they kill themselves of laugh in its face while dying of live failure.

They are few and far between but women can be funny and insightful

This is funnier than any modern female standup routine.


I think that there is a bit of a reach in that statement. I'm more of a developmental psych guy, so I think we all learn to socially interact in the ways we find are most successful for our goals and with our attributes.

A successful humorist has developed through trial and error, with a necessary level of intelligence(which plays another part in the male/female humor and wit divide. Men are more likely to be intelligent), a system of connecting to others through enjoyment via laughter.

That requires a feedback system when you fail. If you always get a laugh no matter what, you aren't going to be funny, except accidentally.

Women, because of our system of sexual selectivity, lack almost all feedback. All methods of connection are encouraged and successful, and without that struggle you simply will never be at the fullest of your potential.

28% of her tities are silicone

See I think this is more about neurosis. Maria Bamford too. Neurosis is funny.

Clip your nuts?

I'm not sure if you are being sarcastic or not. This is Sup Forums so...

Kate McKinnon is pretty funny and her impersonations are insightful but I think she just does sketch comedy, aka she's not a stand up artist. I just find her talented, even if she is on the pinnacle of bleeding heart liberal trash television and was Egon in Ghostbusters.

dem (you)s


So fucking hot.

See I understand where you are coming from in terms of standup over just guy humor but again I go back to my claim about neurosis.


>Current year
>Women still aren't funny.


Still the most disappointing nudes ever.

She seems very wide for her clothed appearance. Is it just me lads?


Can someone explain how the first chart shows 0% "women only" patent teams, but the second graph shows a 3% "women only" patent team? Then the last one shows 2.6% women only (no male participation). These are three contradictory graphs.

Basement dwelling faggot. Must be scary living in your basement worrying about running into women that are better at things than you. Probably one of those sheltered faggots that thinks that since men have a biological advantage, you automatically beat women at everything.

Is she washing her hair with Zyklon B?

I go to a local comedy club pretty regularly, and there are some funny small-time female comedians. Just not sure it scales up.

What, you think it's illegal to fuck a woman with natural breasts?

FFS what kind of degenerate are you user?

>Amy Schumer
>Sarah Silverman
>"funny" women

Always find this weird because I actually thought she looked pretty good with clothes on. Not that she's the most fugly on the planet or anything, she looks okay I guess. But her boobs are too short/small for her torso. It's not even that she's fat she just has a bad body shape.

Fucking disgusting!


>Posting pornography is not permitted. This is a politics board, not a porn board.


>Posting pornography is not permitted. This is a politics board, not a porn board.


>Posting pornography is not permitted. This is a politics board, not a porn board.

It's like a perpendicular line to the ground from her shoulders down. Not attractive at all.

who's this?


That's gruesome.

Yes they can you racist and sexist piece of shit

>Implying this crap counts as pornography
Nobody is fapping to this shit.


Yeah but compare her to average American girls. She's not that bad.

Amy Schumer and Sarah Silverman are like the female computer programmers who go around bragging about how they're such better coders than the "boys", that coding needs a female perspective, and demanding more quotas for STEM programs: They generally suck, are all talk, and make women in the field who are actually worth a damn look like stupid useless cunts.

I've never heard a female comedian who made me laugh but I have female friends who say genuinely funny things sometimes that make me sincerely laugh. I think women are just shit at stand up

I get your point. Set your sights higher. Plenty of good looking broads here, though. This can apply to all parts of the world (with white women).

Women can in fact be funny. But only if:

A) They've lived horrible lives of degradation (talk to a hooker some time, they have a lot of funny stories).


B) They're hideous, so they've never known what it was like to receive constant male attention and they had to actually develop a personality.

Despite filling both of these qualifications, Amy Shumer is still just a jewess hack promoted through familial connections though.

John Rivers was, and still is, the pinnacle of female comedians, and she was hella fine in her prime. One of the better original roasters and her old jokes still make me laugh.

Kathleen Madigan was pretty good too.

That's it. That's all I can think of.
