If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain.
What age did you grow up user?
If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain.
What age did you grow up user?
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Was conservative since birth because my parents were, then I became liberal at 11, then I because lolbertarian at 13, then I became some sort of unholy fuckwit that I am now at 14 and have slowly added and edited what I believe in but no real groundbreaking changes.
You're not a libertarian at 30. You have nothing to lose.
it's 20 and 30
i was conservative by 25
liberal at 16
center at 19
center right at 22
Heartless since birth
there never seems to be older people converting to liberal ideology. most lib to conservative people i have met usually have experienced a major reality bitch slap.
like knowing a social worker who gets killed by the person she is trying to help.
I agree. I was raised in a conservative household, but became slightly left leaning after high school. Nothing crazy,but I was a fan of renewable energy (more specifically, the government forcing renewable energy on us in one way or another) because it was good for the earth, I gave to charities helping poor people in Asia, I enjoyed modern architecture and yearned to live in a downtown highrise.
In just 6 years I have basically rewired my brain. I now want nothing to do with modern architecture, I greatly admire the craftsmanship and genuine artistic talent that went into making the great structures we now admire. I want nothing more than to build a house on a nice piece of land and raise my family there. I still don't have a problem with renewable energy, but only if it's done solely on the consumer's will, and they bear the full price for it. I stopped giving to charities that helped the Asian poor , and I now give solely to our church.
I became a traditionalist Sup Forums, what the hell did you do to me?
I became a
Get pretty tired of the "you have no heart" if you're not liberal in your youth. While we were all young and stupid once, some of us just weren't quite as dumb as the rest of the flock. Is that a crime?
25 F Conservative
The only liberal thing I had was "Can't we all just get along?" You know, a true utopia, but seeing as the people, I.E. non-whites were typically acting ungrateful and trashy, I started to not like them more and more. Essentially, you don't just go from liberal to conservative overnight. It starts to manifest greater every month or year.
Have you ever been to a buffet and had large black or Mexican families show up? That shit will red pill you really quick. The children run around with dirty hands, touch shit, run around between the chairs and tables chasing each other like it's a playground, and in the back of your mind, you know damn well one of them is going to tip over someone's glass of soda, and the parents, especially the fat mothers, sit there without a single fuck given that their children are misbehaving. It's like they're "too tired" to discipline their own offspring, when in reality, they simply don't care.
>"Fack what dat e'stupid gringo sez. I don' give a fack!"
And then those undisciplined children become undisciplined teenagers, then adults, and evolve into full-blown niggers, brown or black.
t. Californian.
26. I've had the taste of red pills in my mouth for about 6 years now, though. Never really swallowed them.
27 now.
Oh, also, I'm female. Don't think it's truly relevant, though. The truth affects anyone willing to believe it.
Raised conservative
Swung midly left through late teens early 20s
26 and on dat red pill cuh whutchu know bout dat breh souf sida chicago nigga
similar here, tho not a focus on architecture ;)
18. Moved to London. Enough said
Liberal at 14
Civic nationalist at 16
it's relevant because women typically don't have as much ingroup loyalty famalam
evolutionary/historically speaking, women are toss arounds. better to be with the conqueror as a subjugate than dead with the conquered
means you've got some warrior genes on you X chromy or something or other
Raised a right-leaning Christfag, so no calling out niggers or jews in my house.
My father did enjoy making fun Chinese drivers, and put on a chinaman voice that had young me in hysterics. So I always had a racist streak in me.
I'd say I finally started to get really woke and realize multiculturalism was a crock of shit in high school, where I was a minority white and found no melting in the pot for any parties concerned.
After some time on /n/ - News and a few years working, I finally started getting woke around age 23.
Difficult to answer. Guess I became more 'conservative' at the advent of gamergate and with it the flood of retarded SJW/feminism. So about at 22-23?
25 now, and I'm still a shrill weed smoking burning-man going hippie at heart, but my respect for reality and fact puts me of being an ironic hippie who's also a civic nationalist lol.
Never bought liberal bullshit. Ever.
Caught onto the Jewish tricks very early on in a liberal household.
Always doubted the holocaust.
Far-right since 13.
There's more to it when it comes to architecture. Look up who created contemporary art such as brutalism. Look who designed the new glass skyscrapers or new New York subway station designs and you will see that (((they))) are behind it, but it's also a sign of "No more tradition. This is the new future." It's like an enemy climbing your castle walls to pick out your flag and replacing it with his as a sign of conquering.
Also, if you study masonic architecture, or perhaps occultism within architecture, you realize that the coordinates in the blueprints are a mathematical formula, much like a satanic glyph or sigil in the name of El or Molech. Some are even obvious through the geometry, usually from an aerial view.
>tfw 23
No heart for me, I guess.
I can't wait that many years to be opposed to the mudshit invasion of my country though
I was a cynical piece of shit since my teen years. I gave some liberal ideals the benefit of the doubt but was never advocating it.
Turns out being cynical in this respect made me right most of the time.
I sometimes hate being right.
I moved to California with nothing, broke my back to make a living with 3 jobs, and started hating people around me who found every way to birch about life, meanwhile I'm hitch hiking to 3 different jobs in the snow and sleeping 3 hours a night, lived in my truck in the woods for a year, I felt so powerful that I lived in a land where I could take as much as I was capable of grabbing, and truly felt happiness. Meanwhile I'm surrounded by people who romanticize trauma and hardship because they've never experienced any of it themselves, and felt like most young kids were crippled by what the media told them their lives were limited to. Then I couldn't ignore just how many rich limo Jews ran all aspects of the media, all downhill from there
hey baby want som fukk
stop being a pussy
be right and make no fucking excuses
like.. don't make me fuck your mom kangaroo style you know how she gets when she gets them fosters in her man
Liberal at 16
Center/Right leaning at 18
Full Conservative at 20
I have always despised Islam, multicultural fantasies and other naïve shit.
I guess that I took a full swing towards the right when the ''''''''refugee''''''''' crisis really took off last year.
liberal till i was about 12 and I started watching Hitler speeches and became national socialist at 14
>What age did you grow up user?
Age 8.
I always despised shitskins but I was an SJW thinking whites are evil, men are pigs, women are better up until around 16
consequence of living with a man hating single mother and going to a liberal "muh diversity muh whites taking beaceful native land" schools
over the years all that changed. Especially once I started college and my "professors" shoved anti-conservative views down our throats, prompting me to do actual research.
Started realizing shit wasn't right around 26-27. Turned into a full gas the Marxists at 29.
Fascist by age 19
I was raised to be conservative
>tfw based since birth
That's when I started browsing here, now I'm 23 and have no social life... but I've got a job and a decent apartment, so that's a plus.
I recognize myself in that somewhat, except that I never believed that whites were evil and women better.
We had a course on male privilige, straight privilege, wage gap, feminism and all that bunk when I was in my first year of Uni.
That too prompted me to do my own research and reject all secretly injected leftism on my uni since.
>never had to personally overcome liberalism within yourself yet
You're a ticking time bomb, sorry. It's like not having chicken pox yet.
I've always been this way.
>tfw heartless brainiac
I was a conservative from birth. Blue collar parents that had me at 40.
liberal at 10
ancap at 14
monarchist 16 and onward
i went right fast
>became slightly left leaning after high school
>fan of renewable energy
>gave to charities helping poor people in Asia
>enjoyed modern architecture
you are like a little baby
i was psychedelic left from 15 till a psychotic breakdown, then started thinking my anarchism and realized all roads lead to this government again, and that both angry majorities and unchecked minorities are a menace to people who just want enjoy life, that politics was the most insiduous cancer of the virus that is language, and the ultimate goal of all politics is complete control over other human beings, so i just go around arguing against all positions and subverting all their quests to conquer the world
then i got into conspiracy stuff and from there to esoterism and comparative religion and figured that the whole system actually is deeply rooted in the same mythos i thought was ground-breaking as a leftist, so i realized i had been brianwashed by media, which made a lot of sense since i was reading and consuming all sorts of culture that were actually part of the massive culture, albeit the fringe part
then i realized it was all on purpose, the most main-stream media sources of all "drop references" to deeper and deeper groups in the mainstream till you reach esoterism and find that you are already alligned with it and all your ""facts"" and ""ideas"" are watered down versions of their religious doctrines
Around 25, I don't think I'm conservative though, but by whatever the definition of 'liberal' is in this day and age, I am not that either. Not sure anymore.
this is an adult board son.
I'm a liberal in the old school sense of the word and I was never a modern liberal. Modern liberals are scum (but they still wake up).
They can still wake up, I forgot the can.
24 right now
>Supported Obama when 16
>Voted Romney when 20
>Voted Trump last month
>Usually straight Republican ticket in non presidential elections (voted libertarian senator because Mark Kirk is a snake)
This, somewhat.
Edgy Libertarian in high school, liberal in college, gradual conservative post-graduation and once you're working and left to make it on your own
if you are not a nationalist communist at any age you have no brain
>autistic libertarian at 14
>autistic civic nationalist at 18
>autistic but self aware ethno-nationalist at 20
>Liberal from birth to about 16.
>Centrist until 19
>Conservative until 21
>Be me, almost 22, self-hating mixed race pseudo-alt right nationalist
This place might have ruined me.
What test is this?
Between 25 and 35 I made the slow transition to conservative. One day I just noticed that my favorite news aggregator site (FARK) was really just annoying the piss out of me and I didn't agree with anyone. That's when I realized I wasn't liberal.
A bit after that, I thought I'd look at the notorious Sup Forums I hear about on all the other boards. And it's like ... this is where I belong. These are my people. There is nothing to argue about here ....
then the next presidential election, I voted straight-red. Fuck liberals. No regrets.
bost results
I've been heartless since I started laughing at gore on Sup Forums when I was 13. Didn't really care about politics until I was 20, and at 21 now I'm probably more of a (closed borders) libertarian than anything.
My default opinion with politics is if it doesn't directly harm anyone else, I don't give a shit and it should be legal.
Early 30s.
Own businesses that cater to a very left-leaning niche lifestyle, was involved in it for many years, eventually OD'ed on redpills and haven't wanted anything to do with leftism since I was about 32 (which was a decade ago).
I'm 31 now, about to turn 32. I am completely isolated in what was once my left-wing haven. What was once a movement that protested the Iraq War is now concerning itself with MUH WOMEN'S RIGHTS, MUH WAGE GAP, MUH REFUGEES and I can't fucking stand it any longer.
I'm not far away from being completely ostracised from the community, at which point I'll probably have to move into the country and become a tradesman. Sounds comfy as fuck right now T B H F A M
got doxed in a video game at age 30 by conservatines and got my ass into gear reading the "oppisition?" media
my fault in hindsight. grew up online reading hacker "manifestos" and stories about nikola
You got that wrong you commie fuck
it "If youre not a rebel at 18 youve got no heart"
No. Theres a height requirement
Raised conservative, swung left during high school, realized everything I thought I knew was a lie, and now I'm an 18 y/o civic nationalist. Thanks Sup Forums.
23-24, around there
Seeing my friend attempt to justify the Ferguson riot pushed me out of the bubble
Heartless reporting in.
I started taking the redpill when I was around 12, but I've always been republican. Even now I'm only 20.
I was a liberal at around 12 and then turned full on redpill fascist at 15 when I discovered this site and others like it. Now I'm 20 and nothing much has changed except going further to the right.
Spirituality factor surprised me. I'm not actually sure what my religious beliefs are, but I don't follow any organized religion at least. I guess Deism kind of describes me.
That phrase is usually said by people that look like this.
Raised sort of right-wing, got my head filled with bullshit in college, started questioning it, became a white nationalist.
Just be a paleoconservative.
whoa whoa whoa, what's this Liberty vs Duty nonsense?
Liberty is a right-wing concept. The logical conclusion of all leftwing ideologies is the sacrifice of liberty in the name of equality and the "greater good"
Where does libertarian lie on the left right spectrum? I mean, the left hates free speech with a burning passion but i always see people call libertarians left.
>If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35 You Have No Brain.
What happened to 20 and 30 you fucking jew?
What does that make Trump since he didn't become a Conservative until around 66?
Nigger hating skinhead since 14
I was a generic Reagan type conservative all throughout high school then around 18 I went into a lolbertarian we can all get along phaze when I got into playing in a punk band but after being around that scene for 2 1/2 years it pushed me full hard nationalist and traditionalist right, nothing like seeing pure degeneracy from behind enemy lines that will red pill the living hell out of you. By the way I'm 24 now
I was a liberal by 18 and a conservative by 27
i can say fairly confidently that you are nothing yet
I was a liberal up until I was 18 and went lelatarian, currently at 23 I still hang around the center right, im alright with either of the parties depending if they don't fantasize with minorities and "free shit" monkeys. I'll tell you what though, growing up in a somewhat of a bigger gay community while also being kind of ghetto, you turn real quick to the right seeing the stupid shit LGBT and minorities do/say. LGBT people and minorities have the biggest victim complex and believe they need everything handed to them or else your a bigot/racism redneck retard. Some gays, blacks, and hispanics are pretty alright people, but the people here where I live, I wish for the 1960s again on them every single night. They don't deserve shit.
Liberal at 15 more conservative/libertarian at 25
When I was 12
Liberal at 15
Centrist at 17 when I enlisted in the army
Conservative at 18 after basic training
there are more ways of thinking.
20 was when my process started
I'm 25 now
Explain fascism.
I grew up at 11.
I've been a libertarian since.
right/left is the economic axis
right is free trade, left is redistribution
libretarians are right wing, but they're liberal on the authority/liberty axis
I was a liberal until around 20. I grew up in a liberal area of a swing state and my parents are liberals, but I've lived in a red state since I started high school.
i've met alot of libretarians from that right column tho
>inb4 no true scottsman
Uh.... no?
Believe me, if she's on Sup Forums you don't want her. She either aint a she or looks like a troll. Trust me.
Post tits.
Yes, some people go full retard. It happens, it doesn't represent the whole.
what do i win