What is the Kellogg's boycott about and why are fat Liberals against it?
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Do these people really lack this much self-awareness?
I don't believe this is real, even normies can detect such an obvious shill tactic.
>eating pop-tarts willingly
Just fuck my shit up senpai
he has such a punchable face
Fat people fucking suck.
Here is a fatass on the British NHS talking about how the massive amount of money taxpayers are paying for him 'isn't his problem'.
wtf are you talking about, the blubber would deflect the blow
The Nazis had it right
These people should be fucking euthanized
Two strawberry pop tarts have 400 calories, one fifth total needed for a day. This guy prob eats a box a day.
I have a box of s'mores pop tarts I've been working on for almost two months now. Eat them as desert but even then they're too sweet. Wind up throwing half of one away every time. How these genius' can consume them regularly is beyond me. Then again, he is 300lbs..
SJW's are targeting Breitbart sponsors and Kellogg's caved to the pressure and stopped paying for ads. I wish the right could mobilize like this and start letter writing campaigns against leftist websites like Reddit or something.
>Then again, he is 300lbs..
Closer to 400.
Finally some tard explains this shit.
Calling up and complaining is probably a good idea.
Its not much of a boycott for me because I hate their fucking food for the most part.
I unironically like raspberry poptarts
I don't even toast them either
Kellogs told their ad agencies to pull ads from Breitbart because they didn't want to be associated with Pro-America and Pro-Trump websites.
>Kelloggs stops putting ads on breitbart because the view aren't aligned meme
>breitbart unleashed its wave at the Kellogg stocks
>We're boycotting Mexico and making SJW's fatter at the same time
We did this exact thing for ShekelShoah, against Gawker.
smores pop tarts are delicious but I usually will have a full glass of milk and a cup of coffee to just go with 1. I just have them on weekend mornings.
I guess we found the 300 pound "hacker"
Liberals love child labor
i used to be a 210 pound manlet. it just doesnt taste as sweet when youre a fat fuck. partly because you eat sugar constantly and parltly because your insulin levels are all sorts of fucked up. fat people deserve ridicule.
easily over 400
Wait, you're telling me I have to live without this delicacy?
But wait, there's more!
200 calories per poptart is ridiculous and they are shit
I'd rather eat a serving of blue bell coffee ice cream - 150 cals
poptarts are garbage
the store brand shit is usually better and cheaper
>How to make everyone laugh at you. Have a face surrounded by a ring of fat and take a picture with sugary fat foods
GOAT pop tarts coming through
This all started when Kellogg's stopped advertising on Breitbart.
Kinda funny how you guys scream about how SJWs need safe spaces and you all lose your shit about an advertisement decision - it literally doesn't affect you at all
>how to piss off the left
>take a picture of yourself starting a forest fire
How hypocritical of Kellogg's to be making this statement when their old ads catered specifically to white America.
surprisingly, the nazis had a lot of stuff right.
Oh, this chance doesn't come up very often.
I'm a direct descendant of John Harvey Kellogg.
I jerk off every day.
Who is "you guys"
Isn't it about child labor or something?
we did do this exact same thing you fucking noob
>kellogg pulls ads from shitty buzzfeed tier site
>leddit idiots act like this is a problem
>decide to act like SJW retards and boycott them because it hurts their poor feelings
Please you leaf, you can't even begin to appreciate American cuisine unless you live here and venture the shelves of kroger.
Fuck Breitbart, I like Froot Loops.
>kinda funny
That was a special case though, there was a real motivation for it. These Breitbart attacks are seemingly random like they decided to go after a conservative site and they had people willing to go along with it. They've been going all out on it too, I'm a regular at a Catholic forum and I've even noticed SWJ entrism where they pretend to be Catholic so they can fit in and warn us about how terrible Breitbart is. You can see it here:
It's not just there either. I'm seeing it all over the place.
Oh, this thread is nothing to do with the fact Mr Kelloggs used his fortune to promote circumcision as a solution to masturbation, and is the sole reason it's still popular today in the West, despite the fact t Jews don't really give a fuck about it?
It has nothing to do with the fact Mr. Kellogg's would get an enema each morning from a boy child?
Oh, OK then.
Also what were the 99999999 and 100000000 gets? I was away for a while and missed them.
so being a gay black jewish liberal isnt enough these days?
Holy shit. I need these inside me.
>implying leftists boycott things
they just riot outside the headquarters
right-wingers boycott
100000000 was "fuck leftists".
99999999 was "jill stein 2020, ban anime"
So what's the list so far?
Yeah they do, remember the chick fil a boycott by leddit?
Everyone supporting this retarded stunt I.e. You
Pretty sure Kelloggs never advertised with Brietbart anyway
you can't be alt-right unless you are physically fit, so that pretty much precludes eating kelloggs products.
It's funny because it doesn't even fucking matter at this point, Bannon is in the white house and so is Trump. Liberals are so fucking slow and incompetent it's hilarious. We'll have a dozen new "breitbarts" up and running long before the original ceases to exist.
>pumpkin pie
I just asked what it was about, you daft cunt.
What are you doing here and why are you so fucking retarded?
>Bans sugar from coke
>Sells coated sugar with optional pastry
>Plebbit cries about a non-issue
>It somehow gets attached to the "alt-right" (which doesn't actually exist)
>This somehow means Sup Forums is mad
Gas yourself.
I love the alt-right meme though, someone should point out to leftists that when you set a strawman up you're meant to knock it down BEFORE the reason you set it up (in this case to "win" Hillary the election) and not several months after. These goys really are thick as shit.
Well...they ARE limited edition
So this is about BreitBart and them ads?
>"Haha I never cared about Kellogg's anyways, it's all junk!"
>proceeds to accidentally purchase Kellogg's products like JIF at the local walmart
is that boogies little brother ?
I find myself reluctantly hoping you meant that sexually. It's the less disgusting alternative. By a wide margin.
Did you not read the thread or did you just reply to my post for a personal explanation?
God damn you got my hopes up that this image was real
Toaster Strudels are like 1000x better anyway.
to me that doesn't even matter. instead of throwing out their products, why not show Kelloggs that they are the #1 endorsed brand by the alt-right and its subgroups?
Surely that would be the smarter thing to do in this case. It would validate kellogg's advertising on Breitbart.
JIF is shit tier peanut butter
>remember the chick fil a boycott by leddit?
I think I remember that one.
Something about gays...yadda yadda...and now chik-fil-a has double the number of locations.
More like Nathan Dieyoung.
Fit sends their regards.
My morbid curiosity got the better of me. I bought both of these horrible creations. I did some experimenting and discovered that you can improve upon the recipe by dumping a can of root beer on the box itself and eating that.
>tfw too poor for poptarts so
i have to buy store brand
Nigger shut your mouth
You're missing the point completely, but I guess I should've expected thay
>be 6'3 or 6'4
>be over 400 lbs
>take your shirt off
>take a photo of yourself
>then post it online
i'd be okay with liberals if they were just a bit more self aware
>choosing Pop Tarts over Toaster Strudels
I'm the OP, of course I read the thread.
What I want to know is why you reddit faggots come to an anonymous board saying things like "you guys".
You are user if you are here you stupid piece of shit. You are "you guys"
Seriously kys
General Mills makes the only cereal I eat, CT Crunch
Who gives a fuck about kelloggs
>choosing either of these abominations on your circulatory system.
enjoy your reduced blood flow m8
> he thinks Sup Forums is one person
Please self-deport back to plebbit please.
Looks rather good, actually.
I also like the political commentary about how the SWEDISH fish has two BLACK cookies surrounding its pink.
He is a 400lbs. hacker.
They probably hate circumcision.
I say you guys because you're human beings posting on a website
At least that's what I assume, considering the hive mind mentally you could be a bunch of bots operating out of a supercomputer in a dingy basement
Hi Nathan, Cletus here. I will join you in your protest soon. You see, it is the 30th and my EBT card won't be refilled until tomorrow.
Hopefully, you can add this image of me shopping with my stupid mom in the meantime.
Considering the way this thread is going you very well could be
>look at me being all edgy, going up against the edgy anti-establishment edgelords