Whats your plan for the race war?
Race War Prepareness
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probably try to masturbate a little less so I can watch more tv and write more angry letters
be armed, and be out of the way
damn the fbi lets any fat fuck join don't they
Lube and getting used to NTR.
im not FBI im a REBEL
what is that expression? hahahahaha
im doing a Salute heres from another angle
Sage all shit post
Skinny Fat detected
don't run out of breath in the middle of the aryan battle
reminder to Sage all shit post
>Skinny Fat detected
skinny fat? he's fucking massive
i have to wonder whether you're incredibly fat yourself that you would ever call OP skinny
Looks like serial killer
I bet I can still kick your ass I am muscle on my legs and arms
yea my girl says that to when I dont smile heres one of me smiling she says I got a baby face
you look pretty cute desu femanon here wya?
dude, you are the reason why the meme "stormweenie" is used often
lighten up, both inside and out friend
stormfags out
Obama can take my guns but he cant take my swords
thicken the walls in my igloo and wait it out
can I get a better shot of those swords? where did you get em?
Armed black face, shooting kikes down...
>Admiral 8/pol/ shows off his katanas
Dont pass your genes on, you are one of the ugly mut whites we want to eventually get rid of. Just because you are inferior doesnt mean you are not useful. Walk into a black neighborhood dressing normal, no stars and bars, nothing to show you are racist. Get someone to videotape you acting mentally challenged. Let the niggers beat the shit out of you and cry and beg for mommy and daddy to look as pathetic as possible. This will serve as anti black propaganda. Do your part.
sieg heil fellow aryan
i would imagine you've already seen this posted 100 times, but just in case because i think you'd love it:
looks cool sempai
I've seen webms, but that's the first I've seen the whole thing with audio
Thanks for obliterating my sides
>goes to moms house
>get my old leather jacket with the BUF patch on it
>go google hunting with friends
Lets see your girl, I bet she is fat and and has a goofy looking face.
Shoot everyone involved. Take all the women. Doh.
Lucky girl
Also once my area is secure I would like to open a safety area for white civilians
im just gunna be all like NIGGER XD
and then the blacks will be all like dead haha were dead haha
and then boom, hitler 2.0 ben garrison meme war inly tsrong will live only strong will hide.
Do you have any plans for your life?
Did you finish high school ?
How do you feel knowing that to superior white people like me, and many Asians,
that you are not on the class ladder?
Heading out to the middle of nowhere. Move into a shack/house my family owns and just chill like it's 1915.
I want nothing to do with this dumbassery.
Fuck off (((FBI))).
See this is why white nationalism isn't taking off in America. These larping retards in bumfuck Kentucky doing shit like this.
Op, also
Do you shower ?
Ok I see alot of shit talkers im trying to see how people are trying to prepare for the race war if anyone wants to talk to me add my skype shadowstorm123456
Liberal White Women can have their Niggers, I'll be in South America with women like her
Prevention. This is done by defusing tensions before they explode.
Poison the watermelons
"race war prepareness" what do you mean prepareness? The race war has never stopped
race war has been called off, or at least put off for 4 years, due to trump victory.
nice try, fbi.
White woman are absolutely disgusting compared to even the ugliest Brasilians
the only women to marry are
Asians, Columbians, Brasilians,
No particular order
>couldn't have said it better brother
Yo dis boi knows
>can't even spell Colombians
>tfw 3/4 Nip
>tfw I can date Asians without it being race traiting
Kill niggers man
>can't even spell Culombians
Shitskin detected. I'm glad you don't like our women, but fucking leave my country.
Nigger detected, enjoy our shit women
All your women shit out kids from different fathers at the age of 21
Kill everyone with a different last name than mine
Yeah, here's the thing buddy.
Anyone sad enough to want you is just going to get you killed.
Your best bet is going to lay real low and hope to hell whoever wins will play nice with you after.
Fucking sweet pun. Gotta give you a (you) for that one mi hermano secreto.
you may as well be a nigger