D-Did we vote for the wrong candidate?
D-Did we vote for the wrong candidate?
Of course we did
>MRW you guys were Clinton supporters
>well I didn't
No. I want you all to burn.
That's why I voted for Trump
He's about to unleash his stand power on Romney.
He's not gonna be that much better than Hillary.
At this point of backtracking on his promises and pro establishment picks, there wont even be deportations
No. We want to destroy libcucks like you.
Still not a woman.
Hahha, I think we'll be seeing more of Doom Jeb in the years to come.
Let's think about it.
His only consistency dating far back was better trade deals and America first. And law and order.
The anti establishment and drain the swamp were all last minute bullshit his campaign adviser told him to say so he could beat Hillary. It was all a ploy.
Avoiding ww3 mass immigration and getting better trade deals is the best we can hope. Everything else is business as usual.
I didn't vote
Once the decision was made to keep voting, it was always going to be the wrong candidate. The system is clearly laid out in Tragedy and Hope. There isn't a real choice, just divergent paths of arriving to roughly the same place with plenty of room for error in case societal inertia takes it slightly off course.
Of course. Don't be a fucking fag. Kek willed this
but I thought only cucks pointed this out and anyone who thought this was legitimate criticism as a shill?
>Avoiding ww3 mass immigration
His DHS potential picks include pro-amnesty shills
He wasn't the best imaginable candidate but he was probably the best possible candidate.
Stay on him and let's keep a very close eye on those cabinet picks.
Defeating Clinton was huge but our Republic is not out of danger yet, not by a long shot.
>mass immigration
The thing about that is that he was clearly quoted, and his son verified and reiterated the position, advocating for a touchback amnesty program. That means the Mexicans have to leave first, but then they get to come back in.
I only voted for Trump because Bernie Sanders was cheated out of the democratic nomination. I didn't want to see Hillary win, and would have voted for anyone the republicans would have picked.
i threw my ballot away
i vote for Jesus
It is shillish to imply Hillary would be a better choice because the three big issues I pointed out were most important.
Pretty much this. He is a lesser evil to hillary and when she gets indicted it will btfo the libtards. Trump isnt innocent and Im not talking about the racist sexist bs smear campaign liberals have wrought. Ron Paul would have ended the fed. Trump is gonna get himself cucked, of course its too soon to tell.
at least mitt looked fucking terrified. mitt is clearly an evil cuck, so trump scaring him is a good thing.
you got scammed just like the students at trump university
c-can we stop with the faggoty stutter m-meme, p-p-p-please, faggot?
only if you were propping clinton up as a superior alternative
Can someone explain to me how Trump is supposed to be "draining the swamp" when he uses the same nepotism practices DC is infamous for? And how can Trump supporters defend it? That is literally, "It isn't wrong when *I* do it" tier retardedness.
Bernie Sanders is a communist.
No. Why would you even ask that? I don't get it.
Welp maybe he can scam china and free our country from debt. One positive way to look at it.
Slow and steady.
It was Jebs turn.
We voted for the mortal vessel of an Egyptian god of chaos and darkness who was ancient when the pyramids were built, timeless and unknowable.
I think everyone here knew what we were getting.
If he replaces comey and lynch thats enough swamp draining for me.
How can you know this besides talking out your ass. The man hasn't even taken office yet.
Congress term limits
Banning lobbying practices for five years
Ending the nation building and regime changes.
That's what he is selling as draining the swamp.
>We should've elected queen cuck instead
Get off my board
Only the RIOGHT candidate can smile like that
>Congress term limits
Trump already compromised on that one. Not surprising idiots would actually believe Trump could do anything like that because they don't understand it would require a Constitutional Amendment which has absolutely zero involvement with the office of the President.
Lesser of 2 evils tbqh.
He's already gotten carrier to commit to saving a thousand jobs. That evil look on his face, the one that looks like a wolf about to dine on an innocent sheep, that's the face of a winner.
We'll see, its not scripture its just a personal prediction. Its not like the holohoax is gonna happen again.
This desu. I can't wait to die
I've been out in the middle of the jungle for a week, what is definitely going to ruin Trump chances forever now?
there is no wrong or right , gods plan is going as it´s meant to be with a devils night.
Drumpf got BTFO by a dinner photo.
gggg-eee bb-bbut wh-whY?
Sounds fun, how easily or long can you survive?
>when she gets indicted
FBI determined nothing there to prosecute her.
After years of Congressional investigations the Republican majority in Congress found nothing to prosecute her.
Trump backtracked on his claim of appointing a special prosecutor.
How can you still believe she will be indicted?
Did you vote for the wrong candidate?! Look I am tired of the alt right falling apart because Trump is not the embodiment of Adolf Hitler (great as that would be) He is a huge victory and stepping stone to get us to the point that this video of Nazis bombing Muslim Refugees is at. Yes it is like looking into the future boys.
Loving Trump.
Lynch is Attorney General that position is decided by the President you ass. Congressional Term limits wasnt even brought up.
Probably indefinitely on my own, but I was there for work, not pleasure.
Sounds like a shit reason to start a concern trolling thread.
I bet there a few Christians on here secretly wondering what Kek actually is, I have no doubt that it's connected to Satan somehow.
I'm not even a Christian, and I think Trump is pretty much the perfect fit for the "anti-Christ." If I was more /x/ tier, I'd be worried about it.
Hmm, how did you learn to survive? I want to be capable of going innawoods someday.
Whoops! That was a mislink.
13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
The alt right becomes transhumanist, joins with the Dragon, and takes over the world in the future.
Are you honestly okay with Trump using the same nepotistism practices so long as two people you don't like are replaced with people chosen based upon their loyalty more than their merit?
Why would hillary support a recount?
I sure didnt, i voted for Bernie, then Hillary when he lost
Well duh kek is Satan.
Only Satan has the power to make anime real.
Don't be such a fag about it.
I fail to see how that question is relevant to the point. Perhaps because Trump claimed millions of illegal votes occurred and she didn't think they might have been done in Trump's favor? Or perhaps because an independent third party presented a reasonable argument that there might have been some voting hanky-panky? Or . . .
I could've sworn that it was a cartoon frog and a link to a wikipedia page.
SENAFRONT and SENAN family members, plus private courses. Start just camping and trying shit out you have good books for while still being close to civilization should something happen. The US Army Survival manual is a great place to start.
Basically, it comes down to practice.
oh my god, this is exactly what i wanted, to make anime girls real
Thank you Satan for bringing your Christmas joy !
Hes not a dictator this is the US. He cant even take a shit without approval. Are you telling me you're scared of a guy in office that wont do shit without support from the house and senate?
Hmm, your family members and location are an advantage. Living in Los Angeles it is tough to get to the wilderness. I might move to Alaska todo some deadly job and practice there in my off time.
Pepe the cartoon frog is a hypersigil for kek who is the ancient egyptian god whose role is identical to Satan, even appearing as the adversarial serpent Apep aka Pepe.
Also check my id, it says gay in it. Kek functions in mysterious ways sometimes.
>Hes not a dictator this is the US.
Straw man.
>He cant even take a shit without approval
Irrelevant bullshit is irrelevant.
>Are you telling me. . .
Fuck you if you honestly think I'm going to bother responding to your question when you ignored mine.
My point is its all speculation until he takes office and even then you got Jeff Sessions as AG. That alone is enough for them to do more investigation without Trumps official approval.
How do you know loyalty isn't a merit if it takes merit to be loyal to Trump? A lot of people weren't. Being loyal to him isn't insignificant.
Worst case scenario Trump is still way, way better than best case scenario Hillary.
>My point is its all speculation until he takes office
Sure. It's easy to call something speculation when you ignore all the evidence.
Whoa whoa whoa. Are you all just being loyalist because of that service guarantees citizenship stuff or do you not think he's one of the funniest men alive?
>How do you know loyalty isn't a merit
If you sincerely have to ask it is a waste of time to bother responding as you do not grasp even the basic failings of the practice.
So you're basically bluffing and have no argument once actually challenged.
He's funny but people who were loyal when most thought he was going to lose were loyal because his message was important regardless of the odds. If your loyalty is purely cynical you were more likely loyal to Hillary.
Not at all. I could point to you the difference between loyalty and merit. I could even explain and use graphic illustrations (like Dilbert or the Simpsons) where loyalty being considered a merit has resulted in people being placed in positions they don't deserve and cannot handle. But you have made it clear to me either you are determined to ignore evidence that don't fit your narrative or lack the mental capacity to understand.
Your question was fucking rhetoric, it didnt justify an answer. You got a response instead. You're welcome.
But loyalty is not an absolute unto itself. It is subject to context. Loyalty to a presumed victory is qualitatively different than loyalty to a presumed loser.
>Your question was fucking rhetoric
Now you are just trying to marginalize the point. Even if you stick your head in the sand all indicators point to Hillary not getting indicted.
That too, I love assholes who expect dialectic in response to rhetoric.
No, it wasn't just cynical. I want him to fix things. I don't even know how to explain how much I hate what the Obama years have done to our country.
>But loyalty is not an absolute unto itself.
Straw man. The point was not about loyalty itself but about loyalty being valued higher than merit.
It's not a straw man. Stop misapplying logical fallacies you clearly don't understand. Loyalty when you support a winner is possibly opportunistic. Loyalty to someone you expect to lose is more likely a sign of merit since you are supporting them for reasons other than selfish gain.
Not just the Obama years but even further back. Like 3 administrations back maybe. Maybe all administrations Idk. This is all new.
You did in the primary, yeah. It's never as good or as bad as you think, though. We're gonna be OK.
No. He's going to achieve exactly what we wanted. Total meltdown of the left wing into fascism, at which point they are acceptable targets for elimination, because it will be even more impossible to reason with them than it is now.
By 2030 we will have had the Great Purge, and we will enter a new age of enlightment.
Yeah, at this point I'm just hoping Trump keeps the US from falling apart until the next technology induced paradigm shift.
Yeah but who gives a fuck. Kinda regret not going for hillary tho
>It's not a straw man
Alright. Please explain to me how it derives from the point. It seems you are determined to cherry-pick the aspect of loyalty and disregard the aspect of merit when it comes to the point of DC style favoritism.
>You come back to yourself from within deep meditation
>Clinton has won, you rejoice and go back to everyday life, happy that its finally over
>Boy life sure has been great these past eight years under the Clinton presidency
>CNN says that life has actually been a simulation for the last eight years and they are sorry
>The world shifts, suddenly you and everyone else now populate a dystopian horror world
>You come out of the pods by millions to a world populated by savages
>Years pass, this life has hardened you
>One morning you wake up
>Doctors in white coats are shocked at the sight and restrain you
>”Oh no he got conscious during the pod reset! Someone help!”
>You're screaming, no, no, no
>”I'm sorry, but you have to go back.” the man in the white coat says as the mask is lowered
>no, no
>”You have to go back.”
>You come back to yourself from within deep meditation
>Clinton has won, you rejoice and go back to everyday life, happy that its finally over
Why? Give me one good reason ANYONE should've voted for Hillary?