Drumpfbetas think a puppy is the same as a lifeless clump of cells

>Drumpfbetas think a puppy is the same as a lifeless clump of cells

There is literally no comparison to a puppy and a fetus.
Also vets routinely kill puppies in the womb while fixing dogs.


Why do you libcucks think you can just say the other side believes in something stupid, just to try and argue it and make yourselves sound right, when in reality they other side never believed what you were going on about in the first place

Abortion is the only thing keeping the nigger population in check.

All shitskins and refugees should be sterilized inorder to be allowed to reside in white countries.

I want those stem cells so we can grow new asses and get rid of scars and shit.

Except that puppies don't try to get gibsmedats and threaten the existence of the White race

>lifeless clump of cells
if the cells were not alive then it would be purged from the womb by the womans body

1d checkers is to much for liberals

there's literally photographic evidence included in OP