Atheists be like "God does not exist cause muh college degree."

"I'm so smart, I know the unknowable. I can even divide by zero."

Your friend,

The psychic atheists who knows everything...

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Gaytheists and fagnostics need to fuck off.

I believe in something based on nothing but faith that was decided on nothing more than history and chance, I am so enlightened.

i bet this sounded really clever as you were typing it

It has nothing to do with being 'clever.' It's an absolute fact about any theist/atheist. They very much so believe based only in faith and only because of history and conditioning. If I'm wrong please explain how so.

I believe in Norse Gods.
Your """""god""""""" is fake, mine are the real deal.

i guess you're right, i believe in Christianity mostly because the historical evidence is compelling.
you can come to the belief in God (theism) without it though.

nice dogma, but mine's better

LOL. The historical evidence is compelling. Interesting, because I found it's not very compelling which is why it's not the most popular religion in the world and it has broken down into 30,000 denominations. Pretty compelling. You're a Christian because you were born to Christian parents who were Christian because of history; I was certainly not suggesting that there's any compelling historical evidence for your beliefs.

>it's not the most popular religion in the world
it is though
>broken down into 30,000 denominations
that number's bologna, even the realistic one is still bologna since every brick and mortar church with congregational polity would be counted as its own denomination.
>You're a Christian because you were born to Christian parents
are you saying converts don't exist? LOL.

I was an atheist for a while but after enough time I came to realize that God is the best answer we have so far. You just have to come to understand the idea of God not as some dude but more as a culmination of everything that exists.

> "Its more logical to worship an alcoholic chain smoking British faggot (hitchens) than to worship a religion that actually did something good for once."

It's no longer the most popular religion in the world in terms of actual adherents. You can call yourself Christian but obviously not adhere to the religion or know more than the most basic tenants and furthermore all denominations (and yes there are as many as 30,000, you can look that up yourself) can barely be considered the same religion. Accept that throughout history you can't agree on something because the religion was so obviously fabricated start to finish. In this way even Islam is more credible than Christianity as it has remained true to itself for centuries.

Of course there are converts, however in Christianity in the U.S. for example, less than 7% of adherents have left Christianity and the vast majority of those have moved to unaffiliated religions. You're trying to take something that is generally true and discredit it because there is some minuscule number of converts? Yeah no.

Islam is the fastest growing religion and more people convert from Christianity to Islam than vice versa, which wouldn't happen unless it had more historical credibility.

My point is, your faith is laughable and I can't take anybody seriously who professes to believe something that can't past the most basic smell tests at any point throughout history.

>and yes there are as many as 30,000, you can look that up yourself
read this, it explains why the methodology used to get this figure is bullshit, "bill's baptist church" in america and "bill's baptist church" in canada would be counted as two seperate denominations.
there are 242 Roman Catholic denominations (not rites) going by the same figure.
>fabricated start to finish.
prove it
>less than 7% of adherents have left Christianity
i'm saying there are converts TO christianity, so you saying "you only believe because your parents believe" is stupid, since it's possible that that's not the case.

lmao most of Hitchen's work criticized Islam, he wrong about that? Or did they do the "good" that you mentioned

The fact there are converts to Christianity does not legitimize the religion. It's quite simple to understand.

Of course it's possible that it's not the case, but in 93% of the cases in the U.S., and 99% of the cases globally, you are born into your religion. Pew research did that study. If your'e one of the special 7% that converted into Christianity, that is actually pretty amazingly stupid. I can't imagine a scenario when I would have ran across something to convince me that some religion was the one true religion as I grew up religiously unaffiliated.

Even if there were only 20 Christian denominations (there are many more) then that undermines the integrity of the religion's core as it's clearly easily manipulated which obviously discredits its very foundation.

Is it so hard to believe that all atheists are your intellectual superior and you should accept everything they say as truth because they know better than you?

Geez, I guess this is why they say da Nile ain't just a river in egypt.

(((christcucks))) need to fuck off too

>The fact there are converts to Christianity does not legitimize the religion.
no shit, it de-legitimizes your silly "you only believe because your parents believe" argument, which is all i brought it up for.

>Even if there were only 20 Christian denominations (there are many more) then that undermines the integrity of the religion's core
do you even know what a denomination is?

You used fewer "s before god than after.
Norse Gods: 0
Christians: 0
Autism: 11

I don't know that that's the claim of most atheists and certainly not the intellectual ones, seems more like a meme to try to legitimize one's own faith instead of debating the other side, but of course we have actual intelligent people to do that like William Lane Craig even if what they say doesn't make sense, he's still much more equipped than the average person on the internet.

In general, the statement "you are born into your religion" is true. It is true 99% of the time globally, this is supported by evidence. Your minuscule number of anecdotes hardly entirely discredits my argument the vast majority of people only believe their religion because they're born into it. I understand you need to defend this point because it immediately makes you look bad.

Yes; a denomination is a branch of the church that believes in some cases, entirely different things yet is vaguely related through some basic core characteristics.

>You're a Christian because you were born to Christian parents
>the vast majority of people only believe their religion because they're born into it
what happened?

What's happening is you're trying to distract from fact to nitpick something about my original post, that I never really believed but stated for expediency as it's a general rule. Christianity is dying faster than any other religion on the planet and Islam is growing to fill its shoes. That's where we're at and instead of trying to justify your religious faith you've focused on arguing with somebody who concedes there's no way I could rationally support the idea there is or isn't a God or God/s but can certainly agree that Christianity is full of scientific and historical inaccuracies of tales that are as wild as any work of fiction I've seen.

Is there part of my clarification that you object to? I'll direct you to the pew research that suggests you're born into religion. Anecdotally your experience may differ however I can't think of a single person who grew up religiously unaffiliated who is now a practicer of any religion, so were you born into your religion or are you born-again, and if the latter how did you become so. I'm very curious who got to you.

>Christianity is dying faster than any other religion on the planet and Islam is growing to fill its shoes
let's see some data to support that, that's not what i've seen globally, maybe in the west but that's going to be corrected really soon.

>instead of trying to justify your religious faith
didn't realize it was on trial

>Is there part of my clarification that you object to?
you changed your argument.
you already said you didn't really mean it though in your other post i'm replying to, so whatever.

>believe based only in faith
>history and conditioning

please do enlighten me as to the history and conditioning of atheism in western society

theism/atheism are unprovable - sure - in the same way that we don't have proof there isn't a giant jellymonster inside Saturn. There's no PROOF it doesn't exist, so to believe or not believe in it is simply silly. I am therefore agnostic about the jelly monster inside of Saturn.
Think this is a ridiculous comparison?
Well, that's because of


I can prove that the Christian God doesn't exist.

It's actually really easy.

I didn't change my argument, the basic argument is and was that 99% of people are born into their religion globally, most likely that includes you unless you're willing to admit otherwise. I'm curious if you're willing to lie on the internet to save face as well.

God does not exist because it is a scam. You are being spiritually and intellectually scammed. You are part of a two prong attack religion called Islam/Christianity that the Jews have been using to doop you since the time of Babylon. Just like they use left/right, republican/demicrat ect.

>please do enlighten me as to the history and conditioning of atheism in western society
here you go:

Go ahead m8

I don't need to understand the entire Universe to prove that the Christian God doesn't exist.

I can use the definition of God as laid out in Scripture. The way God is defined in the Bible makes Him impossible to exist, assuming you actually know how He is described in the Bible.

Just like a four-sided circle can't exist; neither can the Christian God, because He has been defined incongruently.

This isn't hard to do at all. God is defined as all-loving, perfect, etc. How much of the Bible do you have to read before you come across evidence that He is NOT all-loving and NOT perfect? You don't even have to go past Genesis.


The history and conditioning of atheism in western society comes obviously from generally three sources. The first being the chance you were born into a household that was religiously unaffiliated. As I've pointed out to the other user here, 99% of people are born into their religion. If you were not born into one, you may find that you start to believe a God does not exist. The second is obviously culturally related, when you've grown up in a largely secular society where religion has lost its impact, your parents may not be strict practicing adherents of their religion and have given you the leeway to conform to expectations of the secular culture, perhaps you've heard atheists speak and you find their arguments convincing or perhaps atheism was through conformity. Third is obviously related to an inferiority complex whereupon you need to assert superiority by believing in position that you feel is more intellectually valid. Atheism has a rich history in Western culture and has for centuries.

No, I don't find your example ridiculous. I couldn't say for certainty that there's no Jellyfish in the middle of Saturn nor is it exactly an important question. The absurdity of this statement has more to do with the impact or implication of the alternative and how we progress as a species.

>be me, don't believe in god, don't go around talking about it because that's gay
>voted Trump, eat red meat, fuck bitches, have a good job, have 2 bachelors & 1 masters, both /fit/ and /fa/
>read Sup Forums's characterization of all non-believers as retarted neck beards who live in mommy's basement and worship Dawkins
>suspect all atheists like me who don't flaunt it or suck Dawkins' dick and don't try to convert the faithful could beat up all you athiest bashers in a big giant fistfight
>suspect all the Christians who don't go around shitting on the atheists could beat up all you atheist slandering basement dwellers in a big giant fist fight
>suspect that you're the christian version of the fedora-wearing atheist types that we all hate

>compares history of Christianity
>to philosophical discourse popularised in the 20th century

>doesn't respond to anything else I said

Christians be like, "God does exist cause muh bibles and churches."
"I'm so blessed, I know the unknowable. I can even talk to an invisible man."

Careful, brethren, he has a 3rd grade secular anti-Christian education and he knows how to use it!

pic related looks like "Christianity is dying" to you?

i don't care about the 'born into' thing anymore, you made an absolute statement and then changed it to a probabilistic one when i pointed out it's not necessarily true.
even if i get you to admit it, it gets us nowhere.

it's a stupid argument either way:
>you only believe x because you were brought up in an environment where believing x was likely
>therefore, x is not likely true
sub in "the moon is not made out of cheese is true" with "christianity is true" for x to see the absurdity

i was only pointing out a part of the history of "conditioning for atheism within western society"
i didn't read anything else you said tb᠎h senpai.

>The first being the chance you were born into a household that was religiously unaffiliated
parents are wholly religious people

>need to assert superiority by believing in position that you feel is more intellectually valid.
Everything I believe in and think, I think because it is more "intellectually valid" - this is true of all thinking beings and in saying this you are saying "you believe this because you think it makes sense" - an entirely vacuous statement.

>I couldn't say for certainty that there's no Jellyfish in the middle of Saturn.
If you truly think this then you are an agnostic in the truest sense of the word and there is no point arguing any further. I do think that a lot of religious/agnostic people would disagree with your stance on this.

>being a christcuck

I actually went into college as an atheist and came out a deist.

i read it now, and linking to verificationism and logical positivism is wholly relevant to the rest of your post.


>I know the unknowable

It's religious people who claim to know the unknowable you clueless faggot

atheism at its worst is a group of edgy fedoras
religion at its worst is islam

> I have no counter argument: the post

Yeah...they are more sanctimonious by far than most evangelists that come to my door. that said, they don't hold a candle to the global warming crowd.

how do you know what's knowable and what's unknowable?
how would you define "knowledge?" specifically in contrast to belief.

>Sup Forums christcucks


>God can't have good reason for permitting evil and suffering
prove it, no philosopher ever has

People always question the existence of God but never contribute to the world to the people who feel forsaken or the people who need it most