If whites are so superior

then why is it that all major technological, discovery, religious, and cultural contributions are Jewish?

They are also the majority of the universities, they control the media/banks, basically control the central banks of the world, and the majority of white people literally pray to a magical zombie jew every night before going to bed.

p.s. white americans getting btfo by azns in academics. not just jews.

jews are white

No (you)'s for OP

>blonde hair
>blue eyes

Feels good

Name a single contribution and I'll tell you why it was stolen or complete bullshit.

Jews have done nothing.


jews only invention is neurosis

>jews are white

I really wish Sup Forums would make up it's fucking mind about this "Jews aren't white (except when it's convenient)!" meme.

If Jew are white then persians/slavs are white.
Stop this nonsense.

1) Christianity 2) theory of relativity

>Stop this nonsense.

slaves are whites, it depends on persians

With the exception of electronics/computer, technology hasn't progressed since the 1970's

total unsupported lie, the math literally doesn't work, einstein is a fraud, the whole thing is meaningless, gps is done on towers on the ground-not satellites

Slavs are white
Persians are white

Some Jews are ethnically pretty much white, but they are very distinct and have made themselves such an enemy to us that they are de facto non-white.

>its another 'reel masterrace' thred

Iranian using a proxy I reckon

>let's ignore the Achilles Heel of every white nationalist movement ever

Deciding who is white is pretty fucking important leafcuck

It doesn't matter if Jews or Iranians are white. They aren't European culturally and don't care about them

Posts the other graphics.


>then why is it that all major technological, discovery, religious, and cultural contributions are Jewish
This is a blatant lie.

>Slavs are white
>Persians are white
back to mexico wetback

No because I think jews/persians/iranians/mexicans/russians/slavs are all not white.

stop projecting

Jews are definitely our biggest competition, but they only have a global population of 14m and they need people to do their bidding for them. white people could annihilate the Jews quite easily if we banded together. The nazi movement alone almost destroyed them in europe and they had to get other white people to come to their defence.

In summary they are very smart but still dependent upon us which gives us some share of the power

Well historically kikes are a fucking failure. They have been enslaved and conquered by pretty much everyone in their region.

>total unsupported lie, the math literally doesn't work, einstein is a fraud, the whole thing is meaningless, gps is done on towers on the ground-not satellites

also the earth is flat. globalism is a jewish lie.

Jews are smarter on average.

also weaker on average. white people have good all round traits. reasonably strong, reasonably smart

Columbus was le secret jew

Whites are the master race because despite any claimed of higher iq or other races achievements all races including Jews and Asian will leave a majority of their peoples nations to live in a majority white SETTLED nation for a better life and there has never been a analog for this for white men

Race is more than iq

Jews steal science from whites too.


kikes BTFO at Caltech, where there are no legacy admissions