Tfw your country is cucked beyond repair

>tfw your country is cucked beyond repair

Welcome to Belgium. This is Brussels, the capital city, district of Molenbeek. Also home to the peaceful religious people that bombed Paris.

What's there to be done at this point, move somewhere else? Beginning to give up hope.

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Belgium should be walled in and nuked.

>home of the EU

what did you expect?

Fucking hell man, this is exactly what the Afghan bazaars looked like.

What's going on in Belgium politics? Any conservative groups on the rise?

All good Europeans welcome to relocate to Slovenia

Large cities in germany are pretty much the same, good thing I'll only be here for another 2 years, and the cancer hasn't spread on my area as much.

Just saw it, lol

I've stopped following Belgian politics about five years ago now. Always the same horrendous socialist pro-diversity crap being shoved down our throats.

Comes a point where you've had enough of it, and simply lose interest/give up.


Do they have homes or do they just squatter in the city? Like is it now normal to see them laying down cardboards on the ground as their beds?
They have no money, but theyre hanging out at shops? Or are those shops(the tents) their source of income?

>blacks get angry
>arabs get angry
>whites get angry
apathy, anime then suicide

Where are you going ?


move to america

Let your balls hang! Is that not your country? Go for broke! Sound off like you got a pair. Help them fell oh so unwelcome.

If you're willing to work hard for what you own then you're welcome here.

wtf I love Slovenia now!

Poland isn't based they are just a decade behind the rest of Europe as usual
They'll be just as cucked as Germany in a few years

this cannot be real. FFS !

Burn it down!

He's white he'll have to pay thousands to maybe get accepted here
Our cuckverment only lets din dus and towel heads in


They do have homes, typically with their entire family squeezed together into one building. Most of their households having four/five children each.

Not much else to do when most your population has been brainwashed by rampant (((leftist))) propaganda. This has become the norm here now, I know a lot of people that are outright fine with it and criticize me for being racist.

Have considered it. USA or eastern Europe.


For fuck's sake, at least our illegal beaners work for a living.

How progressive!
Belgium yes!

I'm really doubting that, at least the last couple of times i was there it didn't seem that way, but if it changes maybe the us will make immigration easier for white europeans.

>when you pay someone to lie, and give poor translations


I live ten minutes away from Molenbeek. And trust me, I really do wish what you're saying were true.

This is how they think.

Don't move to Poland its too poor. Research Slovenia. Our Gdp per capita is highest of all Slavic countries. Zero crime , I don't even look the door to my house. Nature beautiful. Google image it.

OP you're being followed


Didn't even see that, what the fuck is he doing.

Come to America and try to help us outnumber the Mexicans and blacks.


Organize with your European brothers and boot them out

Someone filming through this window as well

Going to see what happens if Le Pen gets elected in France. Maybe then real change can start to take place, them being our direct neighbors.

Either that, or we get cucked even more with more of them moving from France to Belgium once she's in office.

Mossad must be on to you

Islam just walked in and took all your shit, raped your women, intimidate your children in school and you guys just bend over and ask for harder ramming.

I agree. You guys are fucked. The only thing you can do is fight back. Take their shit, their women, intimidate their children, and slap around their old people.

You need to think why the fuck you are ALLOWING THIS TO HAPPEN. Are you afraid of being jailed, of being fired, or are you the coward the whole world knows you are.

Make me some chocolate, bitch.

So your just going to move? You should have a brain anurizum right now! Sound off like you got a pair!

If polish are so based then why are their woman flocking to other countries to whore themselves out ?
The E.U will continue to take in dindus especially now with turkey blackmailing Germany
They will simply flood, overwhelm and out breed you all
Move to the states now that Trump is in

Yeah let me just shank some dindus and end up jailed for life. Sounds great.

I'd rather try my luck somewhere else.


>women flocking to other countries
>poland remains gibsmedat free

hey silver lining mate

Holy fuck I've not visited Brussels for years. Just remove Brussels already.
Did you forgot about Cordon sanitaire? It's not going to change.

Well it really seems like most of the scum in poland fucked off to the UK and the south in poland cities like warsaw are beautiful, and remind of what a city looked like before turks and other refugees flocked to it.
And hey, if I can score a job in a non libshit city in the US sign me right the fuck up.

Why are you people doing this to yourself?

I never said shank a dune coon. Be heard! Make it unpleasant for them. Show your ass! Don't leave till the mother fucker is burning to the ground!

>that woman in the front
>don't talk to me or my daughter again.

You're welcome to Aus but yeah our immigration system
Is fucked for white people and all our major cities are liberal cuntholes that are flooded with Asians

I know the hero you need.

>Beginning to give up hope

Top kek. You're late for morning prayers btw.

Ofc it won't, they're effectively silencing the only party that'll result in less dindus. Feels good to live in a progressive democracy doesn't it?

I'm not Vin Diesel, user. What'd you expect a skinny fag to do? I guess I could date a man with nationalistic ideals but good luck finding that over here. My homosexuality only adds to me feeling more and more unsafe in my own country, so much that I'm not even open about it anymore, only with very close friends.


Hey Belgium, go get some sticker paper from a supermarket, print this out, cut it with a stanley knife, and stick it to some poles/walls/bathroom cubicles

I can make you some in French/German/Dutch if you want

If he promises not to send me to summer camp for being a fag, I welcome him.

Slow news day for Alex

>dont look at me or my husbands wife ever again!

Going around stamping stickers out in public is not going to help make me feel any less autistic, user.

Reminder that western Europe was like Poland only a few decades ago.

Shit turns quickly man.

I think it would make other native Belgians feel they're not alone if they saw them

up to you though, if it was me I'd want to at least show some resistance

>little girl has brown hair
looks pretty white
do you think she'll integrate and go to university or support terrorism?

yeah that's true, allthough germany has been cucked even back when i was a poobabby, thanks to the turks. Let's just hope Trump makes immigration for white people that actually want to work easier. Maybe America will need some people after he throws the trash over his wall.

Holy shit how did it get this bad waffle?

Tens of thousands coming in a year, all clumping up in the same spot, fast forward several decades and this is what happened.

>a fag
Nice job, you're embracing the stereotype everyone is glad to remember us every fucking time.

There is no hope for Belgium.

>There is no hope for Belgium.

The sky is also blue, user.

You're still miles from the 60% America is at, you can still fix this

Be the change that you want to see

Niggers, Asians, Spics, you name it, I don't like them but they don't get a visceral reaction from me. Only trannies can compare to the instinctive disgust I feel when I see a headscarf.

Slovenia and Slovakia are different countries

I don't inherently dislike them either. Foreigners are fine in my book if it's the odd Pajeet here and there minding his own business.

What's happening across Europe however, is not.

Mass immigration effectively made me racist.

Really makes you think.

thank god we are mongols

maybe we will survive this white genocide

That's beautiful. I can only hope we achieve that much diveristy in the United States. Instead we wanna cut off our helping hands.

>Belgium gets rolled over by Nazis
>Belgium gets rolled over by Islam
Who's next?

Following that logic France is clearly next

Yeah, well, leave the country before the mudslims discover you're a fag and behead you.
And 60% of my family agree that Islam is cancer and are disgusted by migrants. Same for few friends. I'm not keeping my head down, but what's the solution? Bombing myself in a mosque and yelling DEUS VULT?

Because of some old fuckery for example, in our country, far-right politics is impossible and excluded. Try to live a few years in Belgium, you'll understand that alone you're not going to do much change. Also, free-speech prohibited.

USA to free us when the dindus take over entirely.

I can already see it, Trump's head adorned by a golden crown as he rides his steed into our liberated streets.

Help us, Trump.

wait so if muslim men have 80 iq
how much iq do the women have

You wouldn't believe how cucked the west is apu. Good luck with the pakis.

>>tfw your country is cucked beyond repair
Which country?

>Puerto Rico
I refuse to believe this isn't proxy baiting

America went from 8 years of Obama to Trump, thats a massive sudden change. If you can dream it; you can meme it

Maybe the people of Belgium are just waiting for the right person to wake them up


Hard to tell. Reactions to Trump have mainly been negative. In a lot of people's eyes over here, he really is literally Hitler.

Nothing wrong with admitting being a colony. It is desirable to be realistic.

Uncuck yourself, stick up some posters

(I know it probably doesn't make any sense, I used translate)

deport them back to syria.

stay and fight. if you leave, you just gave away your country and they win. not to mention they now have a home base in the middle of europe. start fucking uncucking your fellow eurocucks. be proud of your country, dont apologize for "politically incorrect" words.

join the meme brigade

All white people need to move out at once. Then watch the country implode.

You know whats weird? I have NEVER seen a picture of a Muslim/sand person smiling; always angry or distraught looking. Maybe grinning when around small children, but that only makes things worse.

Go somewhere with guns wherever you go dude. This shit isn't going anywhere. They will spread forever and they will fight. Be somewhere that will fight back and is able to. YOU are able to. God bless homie I truly fear these exact images happening around me

also, it could be worse. you could be a UKuck

>The statistics showed that 89,444 babies born in London last year – equivalent to 69 per cent – had at least one or two parents born outside the UK.

These make me profoundly sad, OP. I know all this shit is going on over there but it's really jarring watching Europe turn to shit. Come to America, we need more uncucked white people.

Hence why I'm finding the USA very appealing right now. Even more so with Trump in office, it gives me hope that not everything's lost.

And this was in 2009, it's gotten much, much worse since then.

"Molenbeek" literally means "mill by a creek".

Pic related is what a "mill by a creek" used to look like in historic Belgium.

S-so glad we have diversity now


>"Molenbeek" literally means "mill by a creek".
That's Flemish btw.

Brussels and its surroundings used to be Flemish; "Brussels" comes from "Broekzele", which means "place by the marsh" in Flemish.

And now Brussels is majority French-speaking. And about 25% Muslim.

The French ruin everything.

Remove croissant.

The European Welfare State is crashing and Crashing fast. These People are on the Streets because they are Losers who cant hold a Job. Only Thing to do is to Hold on to your Family and defend your People when the Money dries up

>Hence why I'm finding the USA very appealing right now. Even more so with Trump in office
I feel the exact same way over here.

Although on the one hand I'd like to fight and lead Flanders to return its own identity.

With my wit, extensive knowledge, and deadpan delivery, I'd make the perfect local political superstar to achieve this.