David Duke is a Sup Forumsack
David Duke is a Sup Forumsack
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I remember it being way older than a year, like before Trump announced his candidacy
>following FBI agents on twitter
It was. I made it back when I was on 8/pol/
no blue check mark
nice twitter account OP
He never got verified dude
then how come he doesn't know the fucking laws of Sup Forums
Never reveal your power level in public
No shit. Hes a creepy old retard who newfags seem to love because he validates their shitposting
you newfags are such insufferable faggots
god what a fucking FBI plant autist
I refuse to believe someone could be this retarded without being a setup
Why aren't you on 8 anymore? It's actually slightly better, the userbase I mean. Is it because of the mods? They are either extremely autistic or comprised and sage bomb every single thread they don't like
>muh power level
How is this useful again? The nsa/fbi/cia already know that you post on Sup Forums. The only thing that does is confine our way of thinking to the internet
I swear to god this nigger is controlled op or something
The mods are kikes and the users are too no fun allowed.
8/pol/ sucks
Did you just figure this out?
Have you never seen any of his other tweets? He literally did everything to indicate he went here other than outright state it.
Fuck off Agent Stevenson, stop trying to protect your inside man. We are on to you faggots.
Spoiler: many websites regurgitate Sup Forums memes.
Why? What looks reasonable and sensible to me
>Calling Duke controlled opposition
get off this board jew
How has Twitter not shut him down yet?
Oh right, he's controlled opposition.
>Former KKK leader parrots Trump's hateful policy to remove citizenships from individuals.
I can see the headlines already
Not everyone is controlled opposition, sometimes people are just stupid.
David has been a known KKK guy for years you faggot.
haha, pretentious oldfag is butt hurt.
>Why? What looks reasonable and sensible to me
He is calling to deport people for having different opinion then tying this ideo to Trump by saying MAGA. Do all stormfags have violent autism or is just most of you? How can you fucking socially inept fucks not understand how David Duke supporting Trump is not positive and Duke knows this.
Is this guy for real?
So fucking what? Trump already won the presidency. Why do we need muh pr to appeal to normalfags? In fact, I think this is a good thing, since people will become desensitized when Trump will take away citizenship to anchor babies
>He is calling to deport people for having different opinion
not just any "different opinion".
It's treason.
u could be hang back then if u spew shits like that from your mouth.
Because I want Trump to win twice and not stain the name of Nationalism like Hitler did?
Trump is not a stormfag
Trump is not an ethnic nationalist
Trump does not hate Jews
Knowing all this ask yourself why would a KKK member support him other than being controlled opposition?
>trying to speak logic to newfag edgelords from Sup Forums
Honestly because little ever gets done. I mean doxing those shitheads stealing confederate flags was super fun but when it came to subverting communities like Reddit or Twitter to spread our message, no one was receptive to any kind of plan. Even when we did get enough guys onboard there were hordes of people typing 5,000 word essays about how we were Jewish Mossad agents and it wasn't really worth the effort. We did a great job of subverting normie communities here, and if you can get past the shitposting it's tolerable.
A lot of the guys on 8/pol/ are older and they've been in the movement for a long time and as a result they're not really in any position to change their minds; as a result debate and persuasion are kind of out of the question. The rest are paranoid to a point where nothing could get done if we wanted it to.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that the whole place is kind of stagnant.
Anyway, speaking of 8/pol/, f you remember this you're officially an oldfag
>Without White pride Whites would have given up being what it means being White long ago. It's about cultural survival, not bwing divisive.
He isn't even verified.