Come at me commies

Does anyone from you stupid leftist ''ridders'' actualy whant to have a discussion where they will prove there idiology is the right one?I am full capitalist COME AT ME!

Daily reminder that communism has a 0% success rate.

And yes, fascism has worked before. Salazar's Portugal and the pseudo-fascist economies of the nordic countries prove that.

Also, waifus look much cuter in a Nazi uniform.

lol fuck you you're so brainwashed by Porky that you will never understand the glories of communism. Why even debate with you classcucks? I've tried to debate with you over the last few days and its just been non-argument and strawman after the other

At this point I'm seriously considering leaving

>doesn't even know what capitalist means
okay "capitalist", what private industry are you the owner of? What wages do you charge your workers and how much do you make off of what they produce?

Even Islam is preferable to your shit-tier ideology


Not an argument.


Literally all you need to do is count the amount of indians killed by captilists and you'll understand how retarded that graph is

NO! Don't go!
we'd all miss you terribly.

lets talk then. I am a capitalist too, but I am also a socialist. these two things exist hand in hand all over the place in the forms of police, fire, schools, and interstate highways. every capitalist country has socialistic attributes, the question is just how much


lmao, communism is still taken seriously? I must have missed the memo.

Google socialism, then explain how having police, fire [fighters], schools and roads are inherently socialistic.

Yes,i do agree on this one,we cant avhiew full capitalism yust like we cant achiew full democracy or full comunism,but eaven then we know f0r a fact that capitalism works better then anything we have right now.

if you're a socialist you're no better than all north european countries who let niggers run amok on welfare, you're commie in sheeps clothing

yeah, nazism reached great things for germany desu, no mass starvation like in the communist countries though

>if I don't play the game I can't lose.

They had Che flags at Obama offices back in the day and apparently this Leaf fag was all about Castro.

Almost put another Saul Alinksy communist as president, after already two terms of a Saul Alinsky communist. Funniest part was when he had to purge Van Jones (also an open communist) because he had the gall to mention Trotsky Neocon 9/11.

These communists are so fucking stupid.

t. unemployed

I think you may be confusing communism and socialism. all socialism is is the idea that the collective pitches in for services that benefit everyone. (i.e. taxes to pay for things like police and fire departments. "social" security, etc) imagine how awful it would be if you got mugged, called the cops, then the cops handed you a bill...


Like I said, google socialism. You are the one that does not know what it means.

Well? Do you agree with Karl Marx on gun rights?


>I am a Capitalist
>but I am a Socialist
So a mixed economy? That's what we have already. Since the days of Teddy Roosevelt.

Communism which is of the people meaning democracy turns to dictatorship real fast. Only ignorant youths worship communism and wise up to honor the republic when they start thinking for themselves.

hackers manifesto.

why are public utilities and staples of life monetized?

long answer plz k thx sir

im in agreement; capitalism is unbelievable at making money (which is a good thing). what it lacks however is any moral compass or ethics, so we put restrictions on it so we dont have shit like monopolies and child labor. we also introduce socialism to help even things out a bit and provide basic services to help society as a whole. public schools for instance is an excellent form of socialism


yeah kid shure

exactly. i would argue that we just need to extend the socialistic things we have already to include things like healthcare and higher education. all while still being a capitalist country (like norway for example)

There should be gun regulations ,i prevear the test that would determin if the human who whats to own a firearms has ''everything okay with he,s head'' guns are big infrastructure i do beleave in 2th amendment of USA but there should be regulations on it.

Yes,i agree.But i beleave in rather republican kind of way of capitalism,also it would be great if we could make economy soo good that there wouldnt be need for public schools ,everyone would pay for there own education ,witch would make better shools in general.

We aren't leftists you stupid Jew.

Sup Forums is a Libertarian board.

that was a conquering, you toilet

i dont want to fight with you. socialism doesnt have the clear cut definition that communism does; its much more or a range of ideologies.

Not an argument and your wrong Sup Forums is moastly right wing board.Also liberterian=left

moastly? why not moistly?

Fuck yourself here is an argument. Communism is founded on the labor theory of value which is objectively wrong. So if the founding principle of communism is wrong why should I believe it.

Just starvation for the jews and communists.

See pic related /leftypol/. Note not just Castro and Allende's abysmal failure, but Franco and Pinochet's incredible success. Socialism always fails because it fundamentally goes against the grain of human nature. Fascism has succeeded most times it's been implemented because it's realistic about human nature. Nazi Germany only failed because of the war, which granted, should have been avoided.

right, but the fact is that Socialism is a range of economic and social systems/ideologies characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production.
Having police and stuff does not fit the definition, so you should stop calling yourself a socialist, and just call yourself a welfare statist.

whoah, this guy is intense

>Having police and stuff does not fit the definition
Can't have socialism without the state enforcing it, famalam

government run institutions are always going to be less efficient than a private one could be. I will concede that. (a key part there is "could be" however). government run institutions are bound to be more stable because they dont run off risk/reward system like private ones do. privateization is inherently unstable because it relies on other businesses being created and failing all the time, and there is always the risk of failure. i just am under the belief that something shouldn't be put into a situation where they could be susceptible to market forces (schools, social security, etc). that way if god forbid you lose your job, your kids can still go to school and get medical treatment without you being saddled with mounting bills. somethings are just too important to risk if you ask me

Protip: you can never 'prove' commies 'wrong'. They know they are wrong. It's a troll's ideology.

They just want to steal your shit. There is nothing more to it.

"founded" on a lot more than that
>who is hegel
>who is lacan (later)

we do enforce it: compulsory school laws for example. its better for the country as a whole if we force everyone to attend school until they are at least 16

If your name is Rothschild, yes.

We will steal your fucking shit.

>meanwhile /leftypol/ remains the last remaining truly red-pilled site on the internet

my statement was that A does not imply B, not that B does not imply A.

why do you both with capitlists

I gues so,but the problem here is,that many people who are not working who are yust lazy,are using these things ,that others have worked for soo hard,this shouldnt be like ''oh yeah we all share the same money and same education'' no this should be thing of considuration ,but also these kind of thinks should be very isolated,if you understand what i mean,there shouldnt be souch a gigantic amount of money put inside of goverment there should be small amlunt to help those in need not those who are lazy and arent smart enought to make profit.How is it fair that if i had 0 children and i would work my ass off every day and i have pay for the deeds of idiot who has 4 children and cant sustain them?The only reason why we care at all is becose of empathy.

How are you going to control who kills who when Commissar Jamal and Commissar Ahmed are the ones with all the AK-47s?

I think you accidentally your post.

Fuck me

niggers, sand or otherwise, do not have the mental capacity or sense of solidarity to form a useful proletariat

they must be rendered irrelevant...or cleansed.

Yes, I know you enforce it.

you want me to fuck you? i fuck stormweenies

I kill Antifacucks

I wasn't talking to you, retard. I was talking to the nigger that asked why I both with capitals.

>why I both with capitals.
nigger what the fuck are you saying

I get this. i really do. My only counter argument to this is: yes, some people are always going to excessively take advantage of a system if they can. however, I think that these people are a low hanging fruit argument against a system that is largely misunderstood and that we all benefit from. for every moocher, there is someone who lost there job through no fault of there own, went on welfare temporarily to keep their family afloat, then found another job and got off it.

Putting any restrictions on who can own firearms is a recipe for disaster.

yes,i do understand this but that what i mean,i think there should be help for those who lost there job,the ones that you described but i dont think there should be souch a gigantic amount of cash put in the welfear,in my own country there is souch a gigantic amount of crap that is paid bye welfeare for example free lunch for kids who learn in school who come from low income family,s ,i cant onlly understand 1 thing why should i pay for the lunch off of my pocket for the children that have parents that knew they wouldnt be abble to sustain them but STILL made those children?And there is many more of this kind of crap and in the end im left with nothing from my monthly salary that i could af spent on investments mybie create my own buisness and make jobes?

do you believe we should have drivers licenses too? how about pilot licenses? i am genuinely curious; what is it about gun restrictions that gets people so worked up, when we willingly accept and welcome restrictions on virtually every other part of our life because we don't want to share the road with an 11 year old driving an f150...

what about felons?
any weapons, or just small arms?
Should we let anyone have nukes?

So you think that giving them to psihalogicaly ill people is a good idea?Like orlando shootings ,the seller first refussed to sell the rifle to the bastard but he still got one and shoot many inocent people.If we had the test before he had to own firearms this could of been prevented.

>could have been prevented
Not really. Crazy people will always do crazy things.

because in that situation, penalizing the parent means penalizing the child, whom is innocent in all of this. my parents were awful drug addicts and i grew up incredibly poor because of that. luckily, i still got to go to school and i got a free lunch at school because i otherwise wouldnt have been able to eat. I am an architect now because of that. without it, i would be a drug addict just like my parents.

was there today, and post every now and then.
>tfw your not there supporting it ironically

Nice user. That's what welfare programs are for.

i appreciate that. and thats why i just kind of feel this need to defend them. they made me a productive member of society where i otherwise wouldn't have been

Fuck yeah Freedom!

I see,the problem here is hovever ,not every one of these children grow up as sucesfull and good giving to sociaity like you,the thing that i would like to have is that every kid has to be given an IQ test that if shows at least 100IQ would receave these free meals otherwise we would yust pay for kids who would latter on grow up as boms and not give anything to sociaity.


Even if you want to think about it like a Jew, investment in productive members of society is worth it.

Maybe I'm just too white for this shit.