Why are knives better than guns?

For self defense I mean
>Easier to conceal
>Easy maintenance
>Not loud as fuck

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Knives are pretty based

A knife never runs out of ammo.

different tools for different jobs

why don't you shut your hole you fat fuckin retard
you know nothing

You ok burgerbro?

Except when the bigger stronger nigger muscles it out of your hands and stabs you with it gg nerd leave the shivs to the thugs

Knives can be excellent offensive weapons, but firearms are superior as defensive weapons.

Catching your enemy off guard, and quietly putting him down with a knife has been recognized since the beginnings of mankind.

Running up full nigger and dumping a magazine into someone off guard will get absolutely everyone else's attention immediately.

In before some Call of Duty cuck mentions suppressors, they're not that fucking quiet...

Huh? Boy you have it figured out. I wonder why cops don't carry knives instead of guns?
CLAP CLAP CLAP.........stupidest thread ever!

Yeah, but can you throw a knife at 1700 mph?

if you're close enough to stab someone you're close enough to get btfo

>Self defense
Why do you leafs always type in such a retarded way?

Also, people won't call the police when they see you simply carrying one. They won't all start looking panic'd when they see your holster.

People are so retarded every time they see a gun. I don't understand that phenomenon. And I'm in fucking Hong Kong.

I'm great, thanks for asking.

Knives are way worse weapons. It's not even close.

It's hard to kill someone with a knife, unless you stab them in a vital place like the heart or the neck. Even then, it's possible that they can live if they get fast enough medical attention.

Plus you're fucked with a knife if there are multiple attackers.

Haha no, the bad guy is almost definitely bigger and badder. You're getting clocked and having that knife shoved up your ass sideways.

>self defence..............
Yup, cops carry guns just to murder random people. It has nothing to do with "self defence".......
Bedtime, I'll wait until morning. Hopefully all the retards are gone by then...........

here, take this test pls

Can't you actually go full jihad on somebody with a knive, if you got assaulted first, at least in some states? Like literally slit his throat when he isn't actually a threat anymore.
That sounds like a pretty big plus to me, if true.

Yeah okay, see how useful a knife is when you're in a bar or club when some terry shows up looking to get froggy.

You're American, get a fucking gun.

Technique trumps muscle, he can't grab shit with the blade wriggling it's way through his radial tendons.

Bring a knife into a gun fight hero.

>Technique trumps muscle
Omoshiroi Ken-sama.

Go ahead, try it. It's just like the animes.

They aren't better.

messy marvins can't into thuggary.

I don't need your fucking test you slimy piece of dog shit. I already know that I have no empathy for retards........
People unfortunate enough to be born with down syndrome are ok though, but not you retard...........there is no excuse for you.
Are chopsticks better than knives?
For self defence I mean
>easier to conceal
>Easy maintenance
>Not loud as fuck


Fuck that shit, lances all the way

I dont know. I reckon it'd be easier to shoot someone. And I don't mean in the sense that it's easier to pull a trigger than apply force I mean the actual act of stabbing someone would be pretty terrifying even if my life depended on it. I'd be able to shoot a gun without a second thought though.

That's why I carry 2.

I bet you like to lance, a lot.
I'd call you Lance a lot.

Someone pulled a gun on me once.
I threw my knife into his hand and severed his trigger finger tendon.
Knives > guns, except at long long distance, and even then, you can sneak up on them.

"Technique trumps muscle, he can't grab shit with the blade wriggling it's way through his radial tendons."

............and you can't live out your kung-fu fantasy with a bullet hole in your head.....soooooooooooo?

Better at short range for sure.

Mythbusters figured 21 feet IIRC, I think their guy was too slow, I would put it closer to 14 feet, possibly even less depending on the situation.

Either way, at the range you're most likely to need it, a knife is actually a better weapon.

Of course, pulling it against someone who has a gun and is more than a fraction of a second away from you is suicidally stupid...

fuck off bud, you're disgracing the sacred leaf and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

I think role-playing is stupid.

This thread belongs in Sup Forums

sauce on knife

>Unsheathes Katana
>Teleports behind you
>Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru

Nothing personal kid.

Come at me then.

>not using a trebuchet

Sorry Terry, I'll simmer down and go to bed soon..........but seriously, this retard thinks that knives are comparable to guns???????

I had to say something, boy needs help.

Knives are shit, this isn't a movie or a video game you can't just grab someones wrist and slit their throat in one quick motion without being very well trained and lucky. It's significantly better than having no weapon most of the time(It can escalate situations and cause you to get more hurt) but it's more useful in the way that people are scared of them and will back off then actually being useful as a defensive tool. An untrained person with a knife will lose to a trained person who can keep their calm 80%+ of the time.

Also guns are much better as long as they're appropriate to the situation(Ie no sniper rifles at a 5M distance). They're significantly more threatening and much easier to use effectively.

if you bring a knife for self defense you better be good at grappling motherfucker.

Why not /k/?

>not using an inclined plane

Lances are meme tier unless you're using one on horse back or in a car etc.

The real best self defense weapon in terms of medieval equipment is a spear, then a halberd, then a mace then a long sword.


This is a subtle gun ban thread. Saged.

they should just carry rakes

Nobody wins in a knife fight

>made in China

Why does concealment and noise matter for self-defense?

You know what happens to people who carry knives?

They get shot.



>Knives are shit, this isn't a movie or a video game you can't just grab someones wrist and slit their throat in one quick motion without being very well trained and lucky.

The hell I can't. When I was a kid one of my jobs was killing the chickens. It ain't no more complicated than that user.

>It's significantly better than having no weapon most of the time(It can escalate situations and cause you to get more hurt)

The way that happens is when you pull a weapon (knife, gun, katana, doesn't matter which weapon) that you're not actually prepared to use. Don't do that. Bad user!

>but it's more useful in the way that people are scared of them and will back off then actually being useful as a defensive tool.

Yeah, nah, that's exactly what I am talking about. If you pull a knife thinking that will make people back off, well, maybe you're right, great, they just call the cops on you after, GREAT right?

That's how you get yourself killed you stupid fuck. Here's what a person with a brain would do instead. Keep that damn knife in a place where they can grab it real quick and then pretend it isn't there until and unless shit gets so bad you're really going to use it. Then use it.

There is no pulling it out and brandishing it. That's not how this works. The moment you figure you I got a knife is the moment after you are mortally wounded, capisçe?

>An untrained person with a knife will lose to a trained person who can keep their calm 80%+ of the time.

Nah, no, they won't. If they're both absolute morons the guy without the knife is going to die almost every time, the other guy only about ~40% of the time.

Do you count double kills as two victories or two losses? Very important question in knife fighting hombre.

>Easier to conceal
Not nescessarilly. Anything elongated is difficult to conceal. that is why most CCW are subcompacts
by a negligible amount
>Easy maintenance
For no reason should maintaining a contemporary firearm be difficult unless you are an imbecile
>Not loud as fuck
True but then again it's effective range is reduced to a couple inches

Did you ever stop to ponder the old saying 'Bringing a knife to a gun fight'

Knives are for Niggers.

>The real best self defense weapon in terms of medieval equipment is a.
Thats right, its a bow.

This. I carry one, but it's an absolute last ditch option.

>forgot pic

Zee Warudo ?


Now you're talking

That's what americuck trainers say to make themselves sound badass.

In reality, the better trained fighter will always win the knife fight.

But americucks are by nature soft and passive goyim, so they lack the warrior instinct to properly use a primal human weapon like a knife, unlike Slavs, Slavs still walk with a pair of balls between their legs.

>implying i'm allowed to carry a knife

>But americucks are by nature soft and passive goyim, so they lack the warrior instinct to properly use a primal human weapon like a knife
>In reality, the better trained fighter will always win the knife fight.
Sure did wonders for these guys

That's a cool gun! 9mm and tiny! I'll never get to own one of course I'm Canadian. Only criminals and cops get to carry hand guns.........but I'd bring that to a knife fight any time, if I could.

>Underrated shitpost

You realize you don't just stab someone and then they die, right? Even if you luck out and sever a major artery, they're still going to be perfectly capable of pulling out their own knife and stabbing you right back, or simply taking yours and using it on you.

Your little fantasies aside, if you're ever in a situation where you're forced to stab someone, you've already severely fucked up. If you had any brains, you'd use them to avoid being in that situation in the first place.

Have you considered not being a faggot and not pissing upon your Scandinavian heritage by just carrying one and the fuck with it?

If Mohammed al-Sandneger does it in your country and gets away with it, do it yourself you fucking cuck.

>confusing kindness for weakness again
know your place, subhuman

Stone age buffalo niggers versus white people, yeah, that's a great comparison.

Go to war with a white nation like Russia and see what happens to you, Jamal.

Chickens aren't the same size and intelligence as you. They don't even come up to your shin.

Bows are overrated, it is useless at any close range, requires significant training to be effective and it's more or less outclassed by crossbows unless you're incredibly skilled.

Spears require no training and are very simple yet effective.

Oh gee willickers, if you shoot someone, they can just pull out their own gun and shoot you!

Can you be any more of a fucking cuck?

You can't get this kind of satisfaction from a knife.

They'll use AKs a bunch of drunk slavs charging down the hill with a dirk, balls swinging, ain't gonna win against a M16.

CQC time? That is why we invented shortened shotguns, lets see you keep running at me from across the room when I've put a basketball sized hole in your gut.

>Go to war with a white nation like Russia and see what happens to you
They would get their shit demolished which is why they were glad Trump won, Hillary was pressing for war against them.

I'm glad it turned out that way. I didn't want to go killing fellow white people because they kicked a bunch of filthy (((bankers))) out of their country

Try running away from someone with a spear.
Now try running away from a bowman.
But memes aside sword was the best weapon because closed spaces and the fact that it could simply cut the spear in half.
In the original post i actually meant bow/handcrossbow but whatever.

Implying I don't always carry both

Spears were always the worst option, they only stuck around so long because they're cheap.

A common blacksmith can crank out like 100 spearheads a day, a swordsmith would be lucky to get one done a day.


I am very glad you did not elect that vile cunt too.

But this is how the USA would be after a war with Russia.

Your military only seriously uses shotguns for breaching, Jamal.

Turn off the xbox.


You can't get this kind of satisfaction from a gun

>1 hour and 41 minutes

I aint watchin that shit, nigger

>Implying we wouldn't issue the shit out of them if vlad kept trying to knife us every time we entered a house.

What's wrong with you slightly less bad Haiti?

Well no of course not, that is a two handed sword.

>You realize you don't just stab someone and then they die, right?
Yeah, I do. Pay me for the class and I'll explain the full implications of that fact in context of which techniques you should practice.

>Your little fantasies aside, if you're ever in a situation where you're forced to stab someone, you've already severely fucked up. If you had any brains, you'd use them to avoid being in that situation in the first place.

Your little fantasies aside, the world is not always a nice place for nice people. Yes, you should absolutely do your best to avoid these situations when reasonable. You should not take it to the extreme of never leaving the house, however. And therefore you should be prepared for the fact that despite your best efforts you might find yourself in a very bad situation nonetheless.

>Chickens aren't the same size and intelligence as you. They don't even come up to your shin.

This is true. But it's also true that if I can grab a chicken and chop his head off clean with a light knife, I can mortally wound you before you've figured out I'm attacking.

Not that I, personally, would be likely to do that to you, you understand. Not unless I truly believed you were about to do something equally bad to myself or my loved ones or innocent neighbors. I'm just talking about what's possible, what you should be prepared for if you are walking around thinking you can defend yourself.

Because guns exist. But the best scenario is to have both, of course.


We're talking about defense not hunting, even then you can still throw spears. Swords require training and arn't as good as people think they are, they are very good and that's one of the reasons they have historically been used so much but being able to get close enough to hit someone with a sword when they have a spear is very difficult. If it's 1 on 1 and you don't have full plate armor it's very hard, it's not as simple as just cut the spear in half or knock it away with your sword.

Part of the reason spears were used is because they're cheap and easy to make but they're so much more than that. They're one of the safest melee weapons you can use because outside of lances which requires being on horseback nothing has better range. They're also very simple, easy to use and hard to fuck up. They're the most effective melee weapon in untrained and even moderately trained hands in highly trained hands a sword is usually better, and it is much better if both are in full armor because you can half sword and actually kill people in it where a spear can't do much vs plate without luck, it can easily deal with leather or chainmail though(Although chain can stop a spear it's far from guaranteed).

I prefer 1 edged knives, because you can break a wrist with the back of the blade really easily.

I've done it to my brother by accident.

>Now try running away from a bowman.
You only run away from a bowman if you start the fight outside of his range.

Otherwise you run towards him.

>But memes aside sword was the best weapon because closed spaces and the fact that it could simply cut the spear in half.

Jesus fucking christ you have no clue. Swords were best cause you can *wear* them and carry them everywhere, and cause when people saw that hanging off the belt they knew that not only were you a badass but you were rich too.

You'd still grab a spear before a fight you knew was coming, and only pull the sword out if you lost that.

Guns for show, knives for a pro.


> But it's also true that if I can grab a chicken and chop his head off clean with a light knife, I can mortally wound you before you've figured out I'm attacking.

I'm just going to assume you're not baiting, that's not even close to true. Even if you manage to hit a major artery, which is very, very hard to do there's still time before they will die where they can put up resistance and potentially kill you. People arn't fucking chickens, they're as strong and as fast as you having a 5 inch blade is a large advantage but it can easily be overcome by skill, muscle difference or sheer luck.

Everything's situational. Guns offer a lot more flexibility and destructive power. They're a better deterrent as well. An assailant may take his chances against someone armed with a knife, but would definitely reconsider if they had a gun.

That's not to say that someone armed with a knife couldn't take down someone armed with a gun. Like I said, it's all situational. Does the person have the gun drawn? Are they aware of the situation and prepared? Then again, I could come up with another just as stupid comparison if I said that gun x is better than gun y because of reason z.

I'm pretty sure that I could kill a whole unit of special forces if I were to come from behind with a fucking tank.

Why are these topics even a thing?

Go back to Sup Forums, faggots.

> when they see your holster.
Implying they would.


It's not some weird Karate shit like you guys think... You use your left hand to keep the other guy in place, grab the back of his neck, or his collar, his shirt. You pull in and just stab stab stab stab with the knife hand.

You don't swing or flail around with it. Just close in, grab on and stab.

I'm pretty sure you couldn't actually, tanks usually require like 2-5 people and you don't know how to drive one, or shoot one.

Also special forces are pretty well trained so they'd hear you, disperse and run or deal with you if they had the means to do so.

They aren't better. Knifes are a multitool. Not a self defense weapon.