I'm 24 and have a 60k salary with ok benefits. No debt with 20k in saving. Is this considered successful?
I'm 24 and have a 60k salary with ok benefits. No debt with 20k in saving. Is this considered successful?
also have cutie gf and live on my own
Depends on where you live, but let's say you get married and your wife ends up making about the same as you, then by all means you're well off, you can vacation once a year for a few weeks, own a decent sized home, and a few cars, I'd say you're doing very well
Chicago... The good area though
You have a sustainable money flow and you have savings therefore you are economically successful. We don't know if you snort cocaine or fuck hookers with STDs so we can't really say if you're successful in other fields. If you want your money to give you a general successful tag in every aspects in life then you've got issues.
I go to church but don't pay tithing or do service. Just wondering what else I can do
60k before taxes in the nice part of Chicago is poverty, unless you meant Chicago suburbs
No suburbs. Wicker Park area.
>make $18/h in a pleb blue collar job
>only have 50k savings
I am a failure, people may say "oh wow 50k that's a lot of money" WRONG! I've been building up those savings since I was 15, most Americans make >80k USD and can save 50k in just a year of living frugally
Not if you live in CA. All of your 60k salary will go to taxes and rent/mortgage.
Very. I'm 35, 72k + bennies, 10k in debt, no savings. 1 house, 2 cars.
Available capital is key for most businesses. Keep it up and diversify those savings
Then just watch your expenses. Coffee and restaurants, toll roads, parking meters etc can nickel and dime you to death.
And your rent should be no more than 30% of your monthly take home pay.
Got a good deal on rent from a friend. New job so I'm cautious. I want to be successful
Most americans can hypothetically do that. Most americans don't. You're doing good. Congratulations leafbro.
Seems like you are doing well
Shame you are still stuck in the cycle like the rest of us
60k in Chicago is equivalent to 35k in the rest of the US.
At least you don't have to live with the niggers.
It's a good start. Get to 30k savings (6mo salary) and then start heavily dumping into retirement investments.
It's unfortunate you aren't 4 years older. If you'd bought a house in 2009 then you'd have a good chunk of equity right now as well.
I took that route. Used the market crash to my benefit when I was 20 in a rural area on a USDA guaranteed $0 down payment mortgage. No PMI. Then the Congress and IRS did a one time fully refundable tax credit of $8000 for new home buyers.
The federal government literally shoveled me money. I spent no money aside from a token $500 earnest payment for the builder to commence work on the house.
Budget friendo, and ask for raises often
And the mortgage is $800 monthly including insurance and property taxes. 1500sqft 3 bedroom house built in 2009 Phoenix AZ
>Phoenix AZ
Success is relative asshole. Its more about being satisfied with yourself, which you can do making 15k living in a tiny apartment eating ramen everyday. If you were really successful, you wouldn't have to ask us.
I forget there's other boards on this site. thanks
but I'm happy
>75K salary
>Only 5K in the bank (Just started this job 6 weeks ago out of grad school)
>22K student debt.
I'll be successfull in a few years but right now I'm playing catch up.
I should stop buying guns I guess. But I like guns.
>most make >80
Median is still around 50-55k. You're wrong.