> Being Loud.
> Having low I.Q.
> Being promiscuous.
> Being lazy.
Yet every weekend they drink alcohol.
which gives them the aforementioned traits.
Explain yourself alco-nigger.
> Being Loud.
> Having low I.Q.
> Being promiscuous.
> Being lazy.
Yet every weekend they drink alcohol.
which gives them the aforementioned traits.
Explain yourself alco-nigger.
Not so cool now, Is it?
sounds like a good way to go.
Is that like diabeetus for my peenus?
If you drink the liquid jew you aren't white.
Sick of this abstinence bullshit. Alcohol is central to European culture, are you some kind of muslim? A lot of these societies didn't have clean water and drank beer instead. Just don't drink GMO piss/hops/estrogen beer or sugary drinks.
Well, on Sunday I have to drink communion wine.
Beer is part of Western culture. Abdul fuck off.
In the morning I'll be sober, and you'll still be >a fucking leaf
Because I'm a god damn American, and it's my god damn right you commie bastard
>being a leaf
>enjoying hockey
>drinking maple syrup
>letting black men fuck their wives
Yet everyday they are shitposting on Sup Forums.
Which gives them their aforementioned traits.
Explain yourself canacucks.
if you don't drink straight liquor you're not white
You aren't Christian if you drink in his holy house.
"Do not get drink wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit."- Ephesians 5:18
you can drink without going overboard. have a glass of burbon and shitpost for ex
also life sucks (existential angst etc) and alcohol hrlps pause that
>tfw boomer parents are functional alcoholics and potheads
>they are in their 60's
>they have good insurance, because they did not have college requirements and worked for a union
>medication keeps them alive against their own will and they barely pay anything for it
>they won't fucking die
>letting black men fuck their wives
Yet the united states exports the most cuckold porn on the planet.
Every weekend and willingly seems better than every day 'till you die.
there is a general balance within the body
we inebriate ourselves temporarily, increasing these traits
but in the morning the balance has flipped, so we feel extra quiet, asexual and insightful
>we worsen ourselves today to better ourselves tomorrow
News flash: Jesus drank wine
Preach it!
Shut it bong
This is some serious jewery.
You forget its powers of forgetfulness of normal, everyday life which can be worse than most of those things for some people
News flash:Wine of the bible was 9/10 water, equivalent to a near beer. bible condemns all drunk.
" Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy." Romans 13:13
I've stopped drinking
Degeneracy leads to enlightenment. Where have I heard that before.
Fuck off dark arts shill.
You have taken the first steps in becoming a white man. I congratulate you.
>Retard can't into moderation
Who would have thought A FUCKING LEAF couldn't control himself?
Me and you? I guarantee we're on opposite sides of the political spectrum. But god damn me if I'm going to let some maple leaf posting French fuck call one of the finest American crafts "degenerate."
I'll support the wall, but only if they build it in the north to keep moose dicking commies like this out.
>he thinks a hangover is a spiritual experience
KYS degenerate
They've started calling each other leafs
Canada you're the new India in terms of mental breakdown
> Self Control.
> Not engaging in degeneracy.
" bu..bu but muh moderation" sorry alco-cuck that ship has sailed long ago.
>Yet every weekend they drink alcohol.
Dont project faggot.
I study painting every evening after work and ever weekend and keep myself sober and productive for that reason.
Only thing I can do is wait for the day of the rake to end my suffering.
>every weekend they drink alcohol
I drink everyday now.
Yeah a lot of alco-cucks here with no morals, they self deprecate and then turn to the booze. sad really.
Not an argument
>Alcohol as escapism
>Pol is one person who drinks alcohol every night
>Everyone on pol is exactly the same
This. Not even European, but any civilized society developed alcohol. Only niggers and Mudslimes didn't develop alcohol. And, only nu-males and mudslimes don't currently drink liquid civilization.
Not our fault our dreams are all dead and buried.
That we wish that sometimes the sun would just explode.
clearly you didn't go to school with them
those kids in my class weren't drunk, they were black
Alcohol is the nectar of the nitwit.
Your mother clearly lacked self control to give birth to a degenerate like you.
Why don't you do everyone here a service, take the dick out of your ass and fuck off on board the S.S. moderation.
>So sophisticated
Alcohol is detrimental to the white race.
you dont take communion?
Alco-cuck lashing out? I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't just swallow a drink in one go. Sad.
black men drink less than white men on average.
The reason Trump won, right here.
No, I have no church, all too modernist.
kys after finishing off you 40 nigger
Not true my friend; It was Islamic science that developed the great art of distillation. If you ever get a hankerin' for something different try some Raki. It's certainly no expertly crafted American Whisky, but it certainly has an interesting flavor.
where do you think the shiraz comes from you alco-cuck. degenerate cancer.
I always wondered, what does het mean?
I swear to god people only drink alcohol for status. I just can't believe that someone that is casually drinking (not trying to get drunk) would rather get a beer than something like a soda, just so much better
Sounds like you're projecting. Did your daddy drink too much and yell at you when you were a kid?
It means "No." It's pronounce it Nyet
Maybe if you're 8 and haven't developed real depth of taste. Brazil flag reminds me I have to go out and pick up some Cachaca. I'd ask you if it tasted like Rum, but you'd probably have to go ask Dad.
My dad didn't drink, but you do bring up a good point, that alcohol causes fractures in the family unit.
Sobriety 19291 Alcohol: -982
Say that again bitch
"Alcohol causes"
People cause fractures, not drinks. What, you going to start trying to take away my guns too?
. Implying alcohol isn't a poison that dilutes your reason and impulsiveness.
Hes old, rich, bangs a modle and is the president of the united states, he doesnt need to be thin
Implying that blaming the drink for your own damn actions doesn't make you less of a man.
> Implying I drink at all.
>Implying a fucking leaf gives a fuck about cultural heritage
You've never even had it, how would you know what it's like to imbibe?
I'll let you know, that it's not like you have one shot, and then something takes a hold of you and starts demanding that you beat your wife. You're in complete control of your actions, and can rationalize. The only differences really is that your reactions go to shit, and you start discussing things with friends that would never get discussed otherwise.
Never trust a water drinker. There lies a man with something to hide
It does none of that to me, but I have the self-control to drink in moderation.
>Degeneracy leads to enlightenment.
More like breadth of experience results in new perspectives.
And Crowley, he advocated breaking the rules to demonstrate that you were the master of them rather than vice versa. He was a fucked up guy, no question, but you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater if you discount all his ideas on account of his character.
Alcohol is fucking degenerate and i hate that it's use is so common that people are just assumed to be alcoholics. JUST SAY FUCKING HET YOU INGRATES!!!