Would you?
Would you?
Depends if I'm getting shot with a bullet or getting my head chopped off
>deny christ
>wait for him to walk away
>360 noscope him in the back
nothing personell etc.
This. You can always repent later.
>tell the lunatic you deny christ regardless of your beliefs
>stay alive and leave
>continue believing whatever you want
>deny Christ and die later = torturous hell
>don't deny Christ and die right away = blissful heaven
I think the choice is obvious
>not going to the source
>needing a middleman
No, I wouldn't. Unlike mudslimes, my religion doesn't allow me to lie.
This. Use the element of surprise just like Jesus did when he rolled into that Temple and kicked some serious ass.
No sir, I deny you.
unless you get shot in the head anyway
Also, get this autism off my board, This is Sup Forumstier.
Sages and raged.
if youre a faggot who believes in christ then you can repent in death, dumb faggot
that rooster gonna crow
Nope. Would sooner die than deny my savior. The bible says that he that denieth the Christ, so shall he deny you before the Father.
Matthew 10:32-33
Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
I already did. There is no god, america.
To live is christ, to die is gain.
you christfags need to start operating in the real world where adults dont talk to non-existent sky wizards
Too bad. You lie about everything. You have no morals. You will spend eternity in a furnace and God doesn't live in the sky
>Getting a one way ticket to heaven
Is this supposed to be a hard choice?
Did you people just make Jesus your actual king?
Once you receive Salvation by believing in Christ and that He is and was God and the only begotten Son of God who spilt His blood for us. Then it cannot be lost. If you sin you will have a bad time but you will still have been saved. This is why Christian gay haters are wrong. Among other reasons
What do you mean John?
That's nice nobody cares
I believe in kek, flatfoot.
>"I deny- NOTHING"
>it's at this moment I fall to the side out of the line of fire, popping the door open as I go down
>With a massive kick, I throw the door open into the officer
>His entire body lurches with the impact
>I hear the sound of precious air leave his lungs in an instant which feels like eternity as the cop drifts backward in slow motion and the door starts its opposite journey
>by this time I've acquired my gun from under the passenger seat and I sit up and aim at the officer who has just regained his composure
>he looks at me long enough for me to say one line
>"there's no donuts in hell"
>the muzzle flashes
Already do. you faggots literally worship a jew then come on here talking about merchants
Go back to israel
>mfw some people still believe in god
I think if you deny Christ yer fucked m8.
You don't know what the fuck Judeans are or are not and you support the synagogue of satan so why don't you go back to a zionism thread
>dont worship a kike
>good one officer. i would never consider such a thing
And this is why you're cucked by birds
Day of the rake soon, Justin.
Yeah just the merchants of this world like Booby Nutsandyahoo
Trick question, You can't deny to christ anything because he is already dead
Of course not... I would simply use the power of Christ Almighty to vanish from his gaze and allow God to take care of the rest...
Of course I would die. I had an abusive older brother, and learned to resist such pathetic attempts at coercion as a matter of principal.
It's not even about Jesus. I'll only ever defy what you want if you point a gun at me.
Armageddon, soon, Babylon
I praise only one God.
the Lord God KEK.
i dont speak maplenigger
If you deny him then you were never truly saved.
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Matthew 7:21-23
Notice Jesus says that he NEVER knew them, not "oh I knew you once, but then you turned you changed your mind so then I forgot you".
If you aren't prepared to give up your life for Christ, you are not saved, he does not know you.
Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
Matthew 16:24-25
The bible is extremely clear on this. Fuck off with your liberal christianity non-biblical shit.
The fuck does that matter. He lives. Are your dead relatives deleted from existence?
The great emu war. The cuckening of all of humanity
Jokes on him, I already chugged a bottle of bleach
>I'm coming, Lord
You're a good man. I would die trying to kill that man.
You don't speak anything but blasphemies
Are you blind? I never inferred nor said any such thing. Read the thread again
It is you who are blind, or more likely a jew spreading a false gospel. Your exact words were
"Once you receive Salvation by believing in Christ and that He is and was God and the only begotten Son of God who spilt His blood for us. Then it cannot be lost."
If you deny Christ, then you were at no point saved.
Perhaps you should actually read the bible some time if you aren't just a jew spreading disinfo.
By that cop pulling me over? Sure. Jeebus will forgive at the moment of truth if he does, in fact, exist. An actual psycho cop (however rare) is not to be contradicted.
That said, if it's a Sharia patrol, that means SHTF and my weapon is already trained. We'll see who kills who.
My consecutive identical numbers say kek has predestined you for Leaf Hell.
Ask the officer if I am being detained, if not then I will be on my way.
There is no god
**slaps your spaghetti pocket behind your fly**
what now?
Nice repetition. Tell me where I said to deny Him. You're fucking stupid and a liar. Retardef zionist right winger who just wants to get off on a high horse
Tell him I am a sovereign citizen and that due to The Articles of Confederation he has no power over me and then be on my way.
hoyl shit strya
So you can't defend your point from scripture and are now just gonna totally reveal your jew self? Read your own posts. Repent.
Nise trippies.
Just kill me
I'd rather die than deny Christ, but doubt Christ would want me to die meaninglessly.
I'm reminded of the end of Silence by Shusake Endo
>You may trample. You may trample. I more than anyone know of the pain in your foot. You may trample. It was to be trampled on by men that I was born into this world. It was to share men’s pain that I carried my cross
Run away. I saw your post and agreed with it and gave my points that are based on Bible. It's all there. I won't do your work for you. It is what is written. Christ is the Word. Who existed before Creation as God Himself. I thought it was nice to remind of the true redemptive power. Nothing I said said anything about any denial. You cannot lose your Salvation once you accept Him as your Saviour. Go be miserable in a tavern somewhere you barn toothed mummy
Sure thing. I'm a a pagan.
If he aims his gun at me he breaks the NAP, especially if I'm the owner of the land he stands on. My brother is a local warchief and for a low price of 30 bitcoins he would avenge my death.
So what is it about faggots do you love so much? Are you gay yourself?
>deny one out of thousands of gods
Nigga, the odds of that policeman predicting the god I worship are so ridiculously small.
Julian is rolling over in his grave.
You know that was written and made up by a Jew right?
the policeman doesn't have to predict anything.
His mandate to carry out white genocide dictates that he is killing christians and only christians. The only true religion of the white race
(catholicism is heretical spic shit.)
Pretty sure Jesus knows what's in your heart. You can say the words, doesn't mean they hold any value. Life is sacred and killing is wrong, lying to the pig to save your life shouldn't get you in shit with the almighty
I'd probably flip him off too before I die - fuck any inhuman freak who would do that shit. Enjoy hell.
>He tries to shoot me
>It's a hologram
>you deny christ
>he shoots you anyways
>you go to hell
never for a once
Let's be real, Christianity was a Jewish plot to destabilize Rome. It was the Marxism of its day.
>worships a dead commie jew faggot
>accuses others of zionism
back to your cuckshed leaf
>Denying Christ is a sin
>Died for your sins
>Lol but wait this one sin is extra sinful
Everything is repent-able
I'm an atheist. So I guess I deny Christ.
I don't worship Jews of any sort, and don't let the christfags lie and say Jesus wasn't a Jew. He is of David's lineage, he is a kike and so is his "father". Blue pilled faggots on this board.
Jews aren't judean-- you're stupid.
>deny Kek or check them! b-baka...
pull the trigger, pig
>What do you mean by "or"? Are we really going to impeach a president for a minor bedroom indescretion?
Unless you're a suicide bomber.
Zionists are none of those things so you go be a zionist and a slave. I will be my own person who follows Him and you can have your period