What did Styx mean by this?
What did Styx mean by this?
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His boyfriend gave him a black eye.
im here to give you a daily dose of autism.
thats about all.... p-peace out.
I love his videos but, I cringed and closed that fucking tab.
I like them
why? his videos were good as usual.
>watching youtubers
what else am i going to watch? the LEGACY MEDIA?
This. You're saying I should watch cuck news on the boob tube? Lol get real. I'll watch styx for the analysis and FtN and TDS for edgier content.
Styx please stop making threads. We all know who you are and a lot of us watch your shit. Your maketing campaign worked here, now pls stop.
P.S. Hyde doesn't do it anymore and he's doing pretty well
I'm not Styx. I just thought it was funny he had the aviators, kind of reminds me of Kaz with the long hair. Do you even shitpost bruv?
Hi styx
You look nothing like that fictional character, sorry
I found Styx a month or two before the election. Watched his stream on election night. Styx is comfy as fuck, and ive been binge listening to all his videos at work. If you're on here Styx, keep it up bro, you're my favorite YouTube channel and I watch/listen to a fuckload of videos.
Styx is a character
What will the next livestream be, probably nothing for a while. god damn gypsy motherfucker
I don't know about favorite but he is pretty fucking good.
Lots of content
i second this. binge watched like 200 videos recently
i dont get why theres always one autist like you that assumes OP's pic is also the poster.
the same shit when vargposting started. and that trump supporting girl.
i think he was fucking with some nasty bitch and she gave him pink eye, he also has a herpes sore to the right of his mouth
he's my favorite.
check out semiogogue and mkfreetv, both have small audiences but are quality
It's an impostor. Liquid Styx
LOL this guy is just a lonely loser. Only he knows about Occultism and Politics.... You're not a real occultist like him.... He predicted everything that happened in the election.....
This faggmaster is worse than LEGACY METEOR. Stop supporting him and his cats. Fucking Vermont vermin
heh he still has his glasses under those
It's hard not to binge watch Styx's videos. He is pretty goddamn informed, and a good alternative media outlet.
>Kazuhira "bombing mud ducks in their mud huts" Miller
I think you know exactly what he meant by that.
He's gone "Hollywood".
I was talking about this with my mom and dad at dinner tonight. I was saying how my favourite youtuber has started wearing sunglasses and how he has gone "hollywood". Styx has allowed his newfound fame go to his head, and is starting to "ball" and acquire "bling" and "cred".
Is Styx this generation's Lennon?
Is Styx this generations marshall Applewhite?
he looks starved compared to his old videos...can we meme him back to good health?
It's a serious affair. I believe there is a battle for his soul right now. You can tell he is at a crossroads due to his newfound vanity. My whole family is very concerned for him.
he is taking the next step towards becoming a living god
after all you can't spell "occult" without "cult"
hahaha quality shitpost my dude
Ya he is eating up his own shit. He is just lonely. The only way he can afford to feed his cats is thru his jewtube videos but now all the faggs on here idolize him and he knows it. In fact I bet hes in this thread right now I remember styx from 2012 with his manson vids
No no, as his physical form wanes, his memetic power waxes.
Soon he'll be a meme lich.
He's way too stable.
Not that I wouldn't drink poison Kool-aid with him if he invited me. I can think of better ways to go, but none of them are plausible.
This commenter is Styx countersignalling.
this - i watch a styx video pretty much daily. he's my primary source of political analysis.
sure, the guy doesn't wear a suit and tie, old grandmas don't know who he is, not even anyone that i actually talk to in real life
but it's simply a matter of fact that he is more on point about 99% of everything that he talks about than anyone else
i mean, this is true. our generation is so fucked up. it's our responsibility to foster something big and real and great. i don't believe that we have to be held down by our generation. we can do something good if we band on one another and put our energy in the basket same otherwise energy doesn't build and these faggots on Facebook are going to run things indefinitely
wtf I still love Styx now?
Love styx, dumping now
Sure, but his autism is among the finest.
Oh no. I don't like this pic at all. Is he... transitioning?
>wearing shades indoors at night
He thinks he's corey hart. His grandpa just gave hima blackeye
>His grandpa just gave hima blackeye
Styx was probably trying to take away his gramp's roads
you call three a dump?
Styx, quit playing us like a damn fiddle.
memeing yourself into infinity n shiet.
come on man.
I think he was keeping his gramps awake all night creating occult vids and petting his cats and writing songs on his casio keyboard so Gramps finally had enough and clocked him. Gramps doesn't like his faggy frog obsession either