How do we fix women?

How do we fix women?

impressive shit

Damn, that's an impressive shit.

Damn, that's one buffalo sized deuce crawling out her ass

Damn, what a shit.

Damn, shit

Imagine seeing that come out right as you're about to rape her.

Shit, damn

Damn, that girl dropped the kids off at the wrong pool.

Im really really really am impressed by that shit

Holy shit

Damn, what's with all the shit?


Not even once

I can't remember the last time I had a shit that big

>that's one big pile of shit


Crikey, top shit

i wish i could make shits like that


I am still 50/50 on the fact that she stuffed half of a stuffed animal rabbit up her ass

You fags, they all obviously pooped on her

Wtf i thought that was bunched up pantyhose or something

Where can I get a QT white girl that can shit that well?


Why are you amerisharts so easily impressed by a big poo?

Who on earth eats that much before a party

Y'know, white men don't rape black girls. If we wanted some sodomy going on, we would pick an animal that is more pleasing to the eye than a fucking dindu.

>posting indian porn


whos the lucky pajeet?

#teachmennottorape #feminism

Its a self defense mechanism.


>He isn't impressed
Nigga we don't all live next to abbos.

you have to admit it's a pretty big pile of shit

Shit, shit's shit.

Look how uniform it is in size, color and texture. That all came from one ass.


you can't


holy shit

Everything's bigger in Australia. So I'm not surprised you are desensitized to such large shits.

>Some poor wage is going to have to clean that up off the floor after she stands up in a daze and stumbles back to her dorm

Does this happen to every girl at least once during university?

>easily impressed
M8, how big are aussie shits?

damn impressive shit

Damn.. that's a massive shit


that is a great shit

Have you ever seen shit so impressive it somehow crossed the line past disgusting to almost awe-rendering?

wonder what it tastes like hmm

I've seen some shit but damn...

dude taking a big shit is something to be proud of

>implying you don't admire your logs
>implying you don't take a picture and send it to friends
>implying they don't compliment your shit

Usually. It's called getting a general arts degree


good shit imo

That's the biggest pile of shit since Jeb's election campaign.

Well shit.

wtf i love this thread

let islam take over, beat them into submission, slut shame them.

I don't know what I hate more, Islam or "women".

Kek. This is alcohol induced incontinence for sure. Poor girl should've pinched that loaf before texting stacy


>implying toilet attendants arent all closet scatfags

he will love every second of it

Look closely. Her impressive shit has been perfectly sliced in half by her g-string on exit. That is art, my friends.

i've never heard of this shitting technique

Must be of Indian descent

Impressive marbling.

Damn, that shit yuge

Women are much worse. This is one of the higher stage red pills that most of Sup Forums isn't ready for yet.

only people I know that do is are faggot normies and sluts.

That shit is high test

Where did you get this pic OP?

WTF didn't know women also poop...

good god. How are public universities still legal?

I think you mean general sharts

well sheeeeeeit

Did someone lay a turd on her and framed her? Cuz man thats a big wad of shit

kek nice

someone feeling a bit left out with all the shitposting going on?

95% burger diet causes chronic constipation and diahrrea

What's she thinking Sup Forums?

i want to know this too...

uhh for a friend

Are we sure that other women in the bathroom didn't shit on here?

Thats a big shit



Wtf I love India now

You just answered your own question

what kind of redditard "raid" is this? low energy, guys

That is an impressively incredible shit

For Loo


honestly? ban birth control and plan b, but that's not gonna happen

I was reading a Jewish genealogy book and found my surname in it. How do I apply for Israeli citizenship so I can strut around the holy land with IDF cuties?


WEW it just keeps getting better.

wasted devil trips


4 poo.

Well, normally we poo in loo and don't see the shit snaking out of anyone's asshole.

No, look how her g string sliced the shite in two.

>For Loo
yeah it really is. It would surely clog most toilets