Objectively speaking, was America ever really great?
Objectively speaking, was America ever really great?
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Lets hear some arguments against it.
Great for fuckin beastly black girls
You pick.
I'm asking the question nigger. When was America great?
1776 when we defeated the strongest army on the planet until 1990s when we ended our protectionism, ended our free market unions, and stopped enforcing our laws. Now all we are is a big peacekeeping machine leaching off the backs of several white nations in North America to provide international corporations with massive profits.
Which objects?
1789 to ~1810, 1830-50, 1865-1880, 1920s, 1945-60, mid 80s through 90s
There were a few depression periods. Other than that, America kicked ass through its entire 250 years. Starting around the 2000s it has been in a little static period and kind of drifting away from its inherited formula for success. Thats generally what MAGA means, re-invoke that American greatness.
Absolute cultural victory!!!!
You have to go back. Go start packing. Now.
Pretty much these. America had steady growth and insane resources from the very beginning. There were periods of uncertainty but compared to other countries problems, they generally lasted under a decade.
Currently, the United States is probably in one of its worst positions ever for people. The ability to obtain medical treatment is at an all time difficulty with regulations. Costs of living are rising exponentially and people who are just giving up to live the welfare life put exponential stress on the middle class. Having children is probably the most difficult it has ever been since every couple who has decent jobs are working 50 hours a week a piece just to do moderately and make savings and pay bills. They have no time for kids or anything.
It just sucks. I'm 25 and I work 9.5 hours every day and have 2 hours of traffic. I come home to have a few beers, maybe talk to a friend or play a quick match online of some game, then I watch a little television or read until I go to bed to do it again. I only have free time on weekends.
America has been the great-est since 1800s.
We could kill anyone we chose to and still can.
Right now.
Before the 1965 immigration act.
Yes. Right now. We're still the greatest country in the world and in the 90s we were the greatest country to ever have existed
>not even a tripfag
Antebellum days when a man was entitled to his property.
It's still great in some respects. The problem is we need to amalgamate the greatest aspects from each era, because no era was peak everything.
I want to be here more than anywhere else.
Technically "great" is entirely subjective, so the only objective basis you could give the argument is possibly economic growth.
best tier
okay tier
shit tier
fucking kill it tier
Whats a weekend?
I the immediate period after WWII but it waned off fairly quickly.
/s/90s/80s/ everything got not great 1989.8
We were pretty fucking great during manifest destiny. We take that for granted now, as if we've always been this large and majestic. Our ancestors worked their asses off to conquer this continent. The fact that we jumped from the east coast to the west coast, and everything in between, populated it, built infrastructure and thriving, peaceful, stable economies, in a mere century, is nothing short of historically impressive. Rome would blush.
We eradicated polio and put a human being on the surface of the moon.
The world is terrible, but comparatively, we have done amazing things.
>1776 when we defeated the strongest army on the planet
The British army has always been awful at fighting and it certainly wasn't the greatest
>post WWII not at least ok tier
>only when Elvis was alive.
Fuck Lyndon B. Johnson
This exact post is when America was great.
Soon we can add 2016-2024 to the list
Since 1800s the United states has been the ultimate power in the Universe!! I suggest we use it!
Wrong pepe.
The day pepe stepped foot on us soil
When we were #1 in education, had the largest middle class in history, went to the moon, were 90% white, were the worlds leader in innovation.
Basically any time period before the 2000's
We are still no 1 in all that.
it was never great
We are dead last in education in the western world
We have basically zero middle class
we are only 60% white
we are getting beat by countries with 9 million people on the innovation index
>We eradicated polio
with cells taken without Henrietta Lack's consent. oops
Did we vaccine rape her?
for the greater good.
First immortalized cell line
I grow them too, have about 100 million frozen down in liquid nitrogen
The ones who don't know when America was great are either foreignfags, or 90's/00's kids.
America has always been great, but in recent years though (say the last 2-3 decades) we've been on the decline. We have shitheads chimping out because of any little thing, companies screwing their employees out of jobs and leaving, fuckin bogus laws, corrupt politicians screwing over people, everyone's offended at something, fucking participation trophies, wanting to bring in unwanted military aged men from war torn regions who don't even like us... Very little being done about it, but that's beginning to change. I'm old enough to remember not having to lock the door on my home, or even leaving the door wide open in the summer to keep the house cool at night... You can't do that anymore unless you live in some small town with a couple hundred people. How many kids do you see nowadays being kids? You don't see many climbing trees, or building ramps out of plywood to launch their bikes off of, playing tackle football in the street... Fucking parents making their children wear crash helmets while on leashes as they walk through the mall, pumping your kids full of Ritalin because they act like kids and mommy wants quiet time while she has her phone in her face all day liking posts on facebook...
We have our problems, sure, but if we weren't great, no one would be literally dying or breaking laws to be here, copying our fashion, music, movies, using our products...
> when we were top in manufacturing
> when we had good education
> when we didn't have SJWs and this PC trash
> revolutionary era when we kicked British ass
>climbing trees
Very this.
I don't know about "great". It is a nicer place to live in than 95% of the trash heap countries on this earth but that's kind of like being the best gymnast at the special olympics
Very briefly, but yes.
they just elected pic related so you can safely say right now