Bolivia Announces Complete Ban On Rothschild Owned Banks

>Bolivia has followed Hungary's footsteps and has kicked the Rothschild's banks out of the country. Bolivia has re-claimed its financial independence by not responding to financial pressure from the U.S government or Rothschild owned banking entities.

So when will Bolivia get taste of some freedom?

is this a fake poos site

WTF I love pan flute nigger now.

Bolivia is about to get wrecked.

Trump declares war on Bolivia when?

Is this real?

What reason will they use this time?

Nazi, rainforest death camps.

Oy vey!

Nazis, commies, muslims, and now again Nazis. It has come full circle.

Either they are going to get a puppet government put in shortly or, hopefully, other nations grow a pair and do the same so that way, there is safety in numbers. Fuck all JEWISH and PRIVATELY controlled central banks.