Is there a bigger group of losers than the fucktards who join the military?

Is there a bigger group of losers than the fucktards who join the military?

It bothers me when I'm at a store and they ask me if I am eligible for any discounts, and they name the military one specifically. I'd really like to say something like "Nah, I am above the military" but instead I just say "No".

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Great thread

They defend your liberty to be smug.
Take that bitch attitude to Syria.

>I'm an edgy virgin and I'm better than American soldiers


No they don't. People in the military have nothing to do with my civil rights.


Only if you're getting a Syrian cock shoved up your ass because we live under sharia law you fuck tard

and they say we're the worst posters... No Canadian would make a bait thread this shit.

>defend your liberty
>in Syria

Did you guys know that people in the military have to take monitored drug tests?

What that means is that someone stands there and watches the stream of urine as it leaves the person's body and enters into a cup.

Isn't that gay as fuck?

People in the military have no rights at all. They can't refuse a search, people watch them urinate, etc. Yet somehow they are credited with defending "rights". Ha, these little bitches don't even have any rights themselves. They're basically government property and extreme fuckin' losers.

I've always owned myself in life. That makes me above any cocksucker who joined the military.

Most are just HS grads who had no option so they decided becoming a burn victim for the Rothschilds was their best option

>Is there a bigger group of losers than the fucktards who join the military?

theyre literally 80 iq retards that thnik theyre the shit

>someone watches the stream of urine

and they are government whores.


fuck off, you're just the pawns of the zionists

waste these muthafuckers:

Fucktards who join islam.
Oh and you of course.

This made my cock hard.

What I try hard to understand about them is that they have problems from P.T.S.D,
It's sad but, it angers me seeing them all be drunken degenerates talking about the war and being all stuck in an angry mood all the time.

They have some weird teenage entitlement sense.

"You can't say shit you weren't in [branch of military/war]"

It's fucking horrible.

>"Nah, I am above the military"

No, you aren't.

Everyone in the military deserves your respect until they give you a reason to take it away—assholes who pick fights and start shit, for example.

If people didn't volunteer you would be forced to serve for Xbox amount of years. They actually do give you the liberty to be a spineless little bitch the rest of your life.

X not Xbox. Fucking phones

>I'm above the military
Nigger you're below the worms squirming in a pile of shit

They just sit around playing xbox most of the day.

That said they still deserve respect.

Should I join the Navy?

Nah man, Vietnam ruined any chance of the draft ever coming back.

Why do they deserve my respect?

You type like a sub-80 IQ nigger, have you considered enlisting?

Autismo incoming

>spend 9 weeks in basic and we'll pay for literally everything
>can have almost any job now
>oh and here is a suit and a list of discounts


I don't respect the air force fags who sit in Nevada and blow up some sand nigger's wedding with a $30 million drone while in an air conditioned room. Say what you will about those sand niggers, bombing their weddings and funerals made them some tough mother fuckers

The mall cop said some dumb shit, but he wasn't even wrong.

Navy is for queers

It sounds fun senpai

For actually doing something for the country.

OP, you are a loser with nothing better to do than anonymously talk shit about people who actually walk the walk as far as freedom is concerned. If the military bothers you so much you're welcome to go waltzing around the bad parts of Detroit or Baltimore and see what it feels like to have no armed coalition to protect you from people who want to hurt you.

You remind me of some pseudo-hippie mentard I once met who was working at a Mexican restaurant:
>Me: Hey do you guys have military discounts?
>Him: Like, man, I don't even believe we should have a military.

Mopping a boat for four years sounds fun

> I'd really like to say something like "Nah, I am above the military"

So if I start a business or manage a company, I am not helping my country? I see.

stolen valor is the best thing because of the real military boys to act like little bitches. i mean, they should be called out, but they do it like such bitches

Who let the neo-con on Sup Forums

Join the airforce, it's the best for getting trained for a good job. Try to get into the cyber warfare career field


>army fags that got cucked by their wifes with Tyrone while deployed
>muh (((freedom)))


I'm actually an isolationist, but nice try. You don't have to be a neo-con or hawkish to think it's a good idea to have a military. You just have to not be a retard.

>So if I start a business or manage a company, I am not helping my country? I see.

You provide a service to customers, but not to the country.


>Say what you will about those sand niggers, bombing their weddings and funerals made them some tough mother fuckers


Nice bait faggot!

>Sup Forums shows it's on the spectrum.

But the country needs jobs. We don't really have a refugee issue.

> Xbox amount of years.

let's make this a thing.

It took my about a year, but I moved on from that phase. It just takes some people a bit longer than others.

The sad truth is that some how've only done he military, and have not done anything cool since then :(

OP's definitely been cucked by military dudes.

Fuck phones. "Sadly they've only done the military and nothing cool since then."

Will be replaced by robots with the rest of the 1st world's underclass soon enough.

I think the reason why the military is given such respect out of hand is because they're seen as a necessary evil. Sure the military gets a lot of cunts but also some decent guys too. A country can do without several occupations but a country without a military, without a means of defending itself is essentially a non entity. So I personally respect military men simply because someone has to do what they do and, for a lot of them, it's something that they didn't really have a choice in in the first place. More over I think the reason why a lot of ex servicemen take such pride in their previous service isn't because they're necessarily proud of what they did but in what they were apart of. There's a distinct culture in the military that people who haven't served simply don't understand. That's also why ex servicemen get mad when people talk shit about the service, even if they didn't enjoy it themselves. From what I understand you can go through a ton of careers in your life but your time in the military is becomes a permanent part of your identity for the rest of your life. You might leave the military, but it never really leaves you.

Sorry, the military is not something you can play down unless you've actually done it. There are some very real psychological responses to bootcamp, military lifestyle, combat, etc. You simple cannot say you're "above that" without having the proof of even being able to do it, plus you also sound like a complete fucking moron. Respect the people who give up their liberties to protect yours.

>when English is your second language


The mall cop was 100% right though

Cry more about em.

Let's not pretend people in the military join for selfless reasons. And let's also not pretend the military has done anything to protect our freedoms in recent and not so recent past. They are a necessary part of a society but the hero worship is obviously too much. lets not become basic bitch conservatives in here. If you think the average military guy joined out of some noble mindset and that what he did was beneficial to our nation you are simply naive. Maybe I'd like em a bit more if they were used to actually help us. But I would still know that the average guy in the military joined because he wanted a job.


>you will never be in the shit in vietnam in 1969

>hur hur da troops r defendin r liberties n shieet
>seal thinks that it is illegal for them to kick him off their private property

i'm going to make a hip hop rap some and a nigger is just going to shout "STOLEN VALOR STOLEN VALOR" for the whole song while pointing at real military people

>tfw drafted and forced to serve PS4 years instead of the usual Xbox years

> and people think athletic woman are not more competent than that fat fuck


>Is there a bigger group of losers than the fucktards who join the military?
Yeah, your one of them.

This. Anyone who really believes the US spends more on the military than the rest of the world combined because they want to defend "MUH FREEDOM" is a brainwashed blabbering idiot. Sending young stupid kids to die in a desert has nothing to do with civil liberties.

yeah, they should be here talking care of niggers and spics and muslims

>t. airforce recruiter shilling
its the best if you're into a cooperate desk job thats 9-5.


kys, this bait is probably older than you.

Depends on your career field.
You could be in something really awesome, or you could be in what you said (administrative shit), or you could work 12 hour shifts of shitting in a box + before & after time at the armory.

You and your boyfriend

they have some of the best military to civilian jobs i'll admit, absolute pain in the ass to join that branch right now, i ended up joining the Army as a 14T after much thought.

Okay, nothing against that guy in particular, but doesn't Ameerican military have at least some basic rules about minimal physical fitness?

This dude is not chubby, he's not a bit overweight or bear mode or anything, he's plain fucking morbidly obese. Nothing can convince me that this fella is as effective in phisically demanding tasks as a person with a normal build. Why would any military take in/continue to keep such soldiers when they present a clear and obvious danger to themselves and their brothers in arms and are uncapable for effective duty?

a volunteer military is a terrible idea. it guarantees you a military composed almost entirely of pond scum that couldnt survive in the free market. it should be a privilege preserved for the nobility and aristocracy.

Kill yourself phoneposter

Am I wrong?

There are penalties for being overweight, including diet restrictions, but these are more lax when you're not in basic training, live off-base, or in the fucking army (the most lenient). If that man served in the Marine Corps he'd have a boot up his ass.

Oh great, another faggot who has done nothing for his country trying to lecture us about he military..

Whats wrong butter cup, did your Womens study professor's strap on hurt your butt a little too much today, so you are going to bring your impotent rage to a internet site and rage like the impotent beta cuc k that you are?

Oooh what a hero!

Lol if I got drafted I'd just turn 360 degrees and walk away

You're retarded

Old picture Marines love to shop around.

Here's one for them. . .
Most likely that chubby fuck is National Guard. Theoretically they have the same standards as the active component but not all units are up to standard. His unit probably fudged the paperwork because they didn't want to explain why they were not able to deploy the soldier in question.

If you are out of weight you are ineligible for promotion, awards, etc but like that matters in the fucking sandbox. . .

What's the matter OP? Chelsea Manning not writing you back?

Seriously, cute bait. What fucking store ever asks if you are eligible for discounts?

>"Nah, I am above the military"

Wow how edgy of you

>I don't respect the air force fags who sit in Nevada and blow up some sand nigger's wedding with a $30 million drone while in an air conditioned room.

I do. Seems very effective.

I don't think the US military is doing too much good right now in the Middle East but that doesn't mean you need to be a gigantic faggot to the good goyium

kek has blessed you in both ID and digits


He's a Nasty Girl. He is/was in the 81st BCT, part of the Washington State Army National Guard. iirc he got recalled to service after getting out and getting fat.

Praise him brother

OP wears a hounds-tooth fedora and plaid knee socks. Hipsters are above everyone in their own fetid imaginations.

>do X to be smug

That has more to do with the individual's personality.

go give a loaded shotgun a blowjob, you ungrateful cunt.

we to be fair while everyone on this website are worthless subhumans, the way that american soldiers get idolized is kind of retarded

>Syrians want to take away my rights.
Wrong. You're thinking about big government and the idiots that vote for them.

Good question.

Anyone who is in the military is a fucking idiot, or they desperately want out. I have no respect at all for enlisted men.

If a guy tells me he was enlisted I think about how that means he walked into some strip mall and got conned into believing he was gonna be a hero risking his life for the most evil forces on Earth. Sometimes, I give guys the benefit of the doubt cause I also did stupid shit when I was a kid, but nothing as dumb as signing my life away to Bush or Obama.

Friends of mine who "served" (more like got served) tell me how much they hated it, how they despised their dipshit officers, and how it's basically the equivalent of being in prison, but you occasionally get to shoot a gun after diversity training.

Think about it, the US military has done NOTHING good for the country since the Indian Wars:

Civil War: unnecessary. slaughtered hundreds of thousands of young men. unleashed nigs.

WW1: Why did a single American die in this stupid fucking war designed by bankers?

WW2: We fought on the wrong side. Should have had a peace treaty with Germany/Japs and prepared to destroy communism.

Korea: Who gives a fuck?

Nam: Who gives a fuck?

Afghanistan: Why? Osama wasn't even in that country.

Iraq 1 and 2: destroyed a poor country, created more terrorists.

Next war will undoubtedly be even more retarded. Anyone who dies in these wars may actually deserve it if they're dumb enough to sign up and run into battle. I don't give a flying fuck about "our heroes" and most enemies of the US Mil end up looking more heroic and ultimately winning in the long run cause our shitshow army is so full of corporate corruption and buttfucker rednecks.

Soldiers are disposable enforcers for the politicians and nothing more. Being a "veteran" is evidence of nothing more than someone's gullibility.

Pic related. It's what the fatass degenerate US Army does.

He was a national guard trucker in the Iraq gravy train era. As long as he knows how to drive a rig, he can be as fat of a fuck as he wants.

Abolish the military. Get invaded by Bolivia, Cuba and Canada under a Trudeau led invasion. Die not a military faggot.

That said I think you would either have to love war, be a massive Boy Scout, or be a retard to want to go fight in the Middle East.