Sup Forums will defend this and vigorously campaign for it

>Sup Forums will defend this and vigorously campaign for it

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No, but Hillary Clinton will.

Will we though?

>burn flag "fuck this country"
>no, pls don't take my citizenship

top kek. Anti-American Commies EXPOSED

4D chess user

If you still don't get his twitter game you obviously don't belong here.


I can't publicly masturbate in the street.

Public masturbation is protected by the first amendment.

a CITIZEN has the right to burn the flag

any non citizen burning the flag should be declared an enemy invader and removed by the national guard

same for any protestor waving a foreign flag

Once bought, a flag is private property. Are you saying a person doesn't have a right to do whatever he wants with his property?
You are the commie here.


>implying Sup Forums has ever been ok with flag burning

Of course we are fascists.

People really don't realize that all this shit is just placating to the Cletuses and Mary Jenes in the midwest? Trump don't give a fuck and he's not going to actually do anything about it

Yall remember trump's greatest troll?

He bought a fuck-off huge literally gigantic American flag and hoisted it up on his land.

Some faggot commies complain about it, the state says he can't have a pole that goes that high.

So he adds a huge hill to his land and puts the flag there, effectively making it the same height, but also totally legal.

Shit was hilarious, happened quite a few years ago.

Well no shit, this is step one to us getting right wing death squads.

Oh well, if you burn the flag of the country you reside in, which grant you all those welfare money so you don't have to work and shit. I don't think you have the right to live in the country anyway. If the country is so bad, why not leave? Oh right... the welfare.

M80, IDGAF one way or the other. I have never burned a flag and I never will. I didn't burn one when Obongo became president. Make it illegal, or don't, it doesn't hurt normal decent people in the least.

>inb4 muh slippery slope

There's no good reason to burn the American flag as a citizen of this country. It's the kind of thing that they do in countries in the middle east where their people hate every man, woman and child in America.

Nigger OP will voraciously suck cock till he dies and defend the action.

The actual point of this tweet was to force the left to start defending free speech. Trump is going to turn everyone back into the classical liberals we ought to be, that is the philosophy of our country after all.

dont you know OP? anything our god emperor does is automatically a good idea!!!!

It's just a suggestion. It would probably not pass but if it did I would have no problem with it. The only people who burn flags in public are leftists.

It would be like outlawing SJW's, it wouldn't affect any of us what so ever.

source? need more info on this

Hillary Did!

Fuck off Reddit cuc k

Good way to get protestors to burn American flags. That helps demonize them in the eyes of normal people.

Goddamn this man was literally put on this earth to rile up lefties. It's glorious

>statist bootlickers will defend a flag
Is this news to you? What were you trying to imply?

He stated his opinion. The same opinion most Americans hold but are just too scared to admit. I admire his candidness.

This guys knows what's up. 4d chess

who would want to burn an american flag? i love america

>wants a totalitarian controlled state
>destroy everyone not within their religion and race
>demands women save their purity for marriage
>wants severe punishment for those who do not obey

pol is muslim af

Only citizens should be allowed to burn the American flag because the Constitution only guarantees the rights of U.S. citizens.

>people aren't allowed to have opinions

Oh you're free to burn it, sure. Just don't expect to retain the citizenship of the country whose flag you just burned.

He's just pretending to be retarded, right trumpcucks? :3

Saying Trump is a miserable piece of shit isn't saying Clinton is good. Clinton isn't even at the table any more. Arbitrarily attacking Clinton is no longer a strategy. Trump needs to stand on his merits. :)

Hillary is shit too. But this isn't about Hillary anymore, she's out of the game.