so get your gun and PROTECT HIM
So get your gun and PROTECT HIM
>Implying I can get anywhere near Trump.
no fuckin way.
Holy shit. Oil btfo, sauds btfo
China is also about to get hella rich
That would be interesting to see play out.
Would this cause an armed uprising?
pls dont die trump
JFK was trying to do a lot more than that though. If it was an inside job we don't know exactly what the reason was.
>when a pleb actually thinks that we can tie our extremely complex economy, which is essentially the global economy, to a fucking shiny rock
And I perceived one of its heads as if it had been slain to death, and its death blow was cured, and the whole earth marvels after the wild beast.
Yeah good point. Let's tie it to nothing.
We know exactly why JFK was killed. It was over his attempts to expose and deny the Israelis their nuclear program because he knew they were deranged and dangerous kikes. It's the same reason they moved against Nixon with that trumped up Watergate bullshit -- he was looking to move against jewish interests in the wake of his landslide reelection victory.