Canada joins the US

>Canada joins the US
>We decide to fixe up some state lines, while we're at it
What else should be added to this map I saved from a thread from two days ago?
Upstate New York splitting?

Oh, wait, I'd like to add that Puerto Rico becomes a state with the US Virgin Islands and our other territory in the Caribbean, the American Caribbean, and our Pacific Islands become part of Hawaii, with a lot of autonomy.

Labrador is Quebec's clay.

No, it's not.
You'll become a state, won't change shape, and you'll like it.

ah ben calisse

You obviously don't have your president's negotiating skills

That's why they didn't elect me.
Honestly, if people from Labrador come in this thread and say they'd join you, it's fine.

I mean there's almost no people there.
I think it is Quebec's rightful clay, there was like paperwork issues and Ottawa screwed them over or some shit.
C'mon, just fix it while it at. You know that shape is wrong.

I'd fix it, but I really just want discussion, and can't fix the map.
Mainly because the idiot who made it made the states white, while the background is clear.
Anyone know how to change Paint's background to anything but white?

I mean, so transparent stuff shows up as non-white?

>there's almost no people there
> Quebec's rightful clay
It will become "Trudeauland", the Quebecois can begin their exodus now.

Reminder that Alaska in this image would be a nuclear power. This is my wet dream.


It'd still be a state.

Not when I'm done with it.

Why? There's literally no benefit to leaving the US with Alaska. The gov would never let it happen, as there's too many resources up there to just let it go, not to mention the sheer number of government facilities scattered around. There's not even a million people living in there

id rather Canada and all the people in it burn the the ground then we take the remains

>not to mention the sheer number of government facilities scattered around
The vast majority of which are abandoned.

Meant for


Nobody wants to join usa except mudbloods. I'd rather be nuked.

Well, looks like my thread is a failure.

kys you kissless virgin