So I'm thinking, are we the only intelligent species that has gotten further than anything else in the universe...

So I'm thinking, are we the only intelligent species that has gotten further than anything else in the universe? Did we get lucky with our planet and how far we have come?

I'm getting pretty depressing famalam, I think we have gotten as far as we can go. What really is next?

Maybe there are "aliens" in forms of animals aka life and what not but I don't think they are intelligent like us to be traveling and making decisions like we can.

I think we truly are alone.

Other urls found in this thread:

Aliens from a distant planet whose life was slowly dying loaded a meteorite full of microbiotic life in order to restart themselves and hope in a few billion years we'll form intelligence.

It landed somewhere north of the Congo.

>I think we truly are alone.


Kek but realistically there is probably microbes and shit living on planets but I don't think they are ayy lmaos

How is the earth so perfect and carved unlike all other planets ?

There have been trillions or more species on earth in 4.5 billion years, but only one with intelligence enough for written language, art, and science.

We are extremely rare, just on Earth. Now imagine how rare we'd be on a planet that is an entire ocean, or a planet with immense gravity, or a planet where the creatures must hibernate for most of their lives.

Think about all the alien civilizations that had the same kind of attributes we had to thrive, but died out due to disease, asteroid impact, volcanos, nuclear war, ai wiping them out, gamma ray bursts, etc. Think about all of the alien civilizations that prospered but died out a billion years before us, or come into being a billion years after us.

I think as of this current moment, we are rare on Earth and in the universe. It blows, senpai.


What do you mean by that? We haven't really seen any other planets with liquid water on them yet.

That's exactly what I'm thinking out of just the perfect planet we're on we are the only one who can build shit and leave here for space. I think we are intellectually alone on Earth.

Kek is the Christian God Confirmed

Praise Kek

When I have a conversation about intelligent life in the universe I always bring up the point that the universe is vast in not only by space, but also by time. The entire history of humanity thus far has only been a spec of a spec's spec on a spec of a spec in regards to time when compared to the age of the universe.

The point is this: it may be easy to think that humans are the only intelligent life since we haven't had any indication that there is other intelligent life elsewhere in the observable universe, but we simply don't have the ability to know if other life forms exist or have existed elsewhere. The further away a system in space is from earth, the less we can know if life currently exists there. For all we know, there could be intelligent life forms looking at earth and assuming that it's inhospitable to life because they see an earth from millions of years ago when it was still cooling from formation.

This is just not true. Pure Jew & atheist propaganda. The earth was created around 6000 years ago

I'm watching PBS show about finding alien planets and they just used the Keck Telescope - shit is real famalam

There are 4 rocky planets in our solar system. One of them has advanced life.

There are billions upon billions of stars in our galaxy alone, and billions of galaxies in the universe.

We are not alone. We may never encounter intelligent life due to the scope of the universe, but we are not alone.

We've found a lot of water in our solar system. It's not nearly as rare as once thought

If aliens existed we would have found them by now

No different than santa or the tooth fairy, but it's nice to think about

Citation needed

Yes but like said above the time aspect limits all other life from even knowing of us - same way we are looking at the past. However I agree even close there is probably adapted bio life in one way or another but not in my opinion in such a way that we have built so much shit and knowledge in the last couple hundred years.

By that logic God also exists and atheists are retards.

>are we the only intelligent species that has gotten further than anything else in the universe
There is no real way to answer that question, the universe is extremely vast so it wouldn't surprising for other intelligent life to exist.

I fucking hate this species.

Our leaders are literally pedophile cannibals.

Ayy lmaos please kill us all.

But if they don't know about us and vice versa, do they really exist?

Mercury, Mars, Venus, and Earth are the rocky planets. There are about 100 billion stars in the milky way and 100 billion galaxies (roughly) in the observable universe

No. If God exists, he would be a higher dimensional being not observable in our universe. I'm talking only about our observable universe.

Who the hell knows.

Now is the time to colonize other planets before I die or get too old. You have 70+ years to do it.

Obviously there is no way of knowing. My guess there is ayy lmaos or some sort poking around. Not interfering but in a galaxy far away type thing.

>good chance of dem bacteria shit that live in geysers being within martian ice

>europa is hypothesized to have a warm body of h20 larger than all the oceans on earth. That has been undisturbed for a long ass time.

All we can focus on now is winning the wider race war

Thats fucking absurd

It's just meme magic - they must've got signals from Keck so they named it after him.

>If we count the number of grains in a small representative volume of sand, by multiplication we can estimate the number of grains on the whole beach.

>For the Universe, the galaxies are our small representative volumes, and there are something like 10 ^11 to 10 ^12 stars in our Galaxy, and there are perhaps something like 10 ^11 or 10 ^12 galaxies.

>With this simple calculation you get something like 10 ^22 to 10 ^24 stars in the Universe. This is only a rough number, as obviously not all galaxies are the same, just like on a beach the depth of sand will not be the same in different places.

> even the esa/nasa faggots don't know

but can you fucktard imagine 1022 to 10^ 24 stars ... i know i can't, which makes all more likely there to be life we will never encounter

This system is under quarantine.

I'm going to be called a larper for this but there are definitely aliens far more advanced than we are out there. My aunt works for the DoD and has the highest security clearance she can have and talks on great detail about different species. Specifically that there are ones that want us to grow and subtly try to guide us, and ones who want to conquer or destroy us that the others protect us from. I think she talks about it openly with us at family gatherings because who would honestly believe her? The only reason I do is because her descriptions match up eerily well with what I assumed were schizo or larp posts on Sup Forums.

So it's safe to say with the time we have we will MAYBE find some small biological life but that's it nothing intelligent just life that can survive in harsh conditions but otherwise useless to us.

Not yet m8

I think on this, but i think while there may be other intelligent life in the universe, to likely hood that they have weapons like we have/will have is unlikely

for humanity to be at the level we are today, has taken near endless warfare against each other, as a race we have poured more energy, time, minds and resources into advancing our weapons of war above all else, we havent cured world hunger, our space program is has advanced little since inception, but our weapons are incredible.

for an intelligent sentient species of the cosmos to compete on this front, it would also have required them to not only engage in a shit ton of internal war but they would also have to have not destroyed themselves in the process, something humans fear more and more.

while im certain there is other life in the universe building space ships, and colonising other planets
I'm not sure they'd like to meet us, we walk a very fine line, and i think that is the rarity

We can't leave the planet...

Literally no idea ... the life span of any life is rather short - take intelligent human life for example what are ~ 4000 years compared to millions?

Chances are there's been intelligent life somewhere that has died out ... on top of
that we/they will never encounter if these guys are right (+ the technological advancement required is insane ...)

I think its quite intriguing but knowing how vast this pond is and expecting to visited by the frogs of the universe is just ludicrous ... even though they might/have exist/ed.

(((Nasa))), just stop.

Yeah again I think it's just mostly less developed so far in this timeline we are alone man. It is depressing as fuck.

Its depressing if you think the meaning of life is to continue it existence

So fuck Mars really, they should focus more on mining asteroids.

>I think we have gotten as far as we can go. What really is next?


We will be immortal and colonise the milky way.

Now I want Westworld more than this hippie NASA planets shit. Also Elon Musk is a retard for wanting to colonize mars.

A little bit of perspective would be helpful in addressing this problem. The universe is 14 billion years old, ours is a 4.5 billion year old third generation medium sized yellow star. The potential conditions for the evolution of life will be present around red-dwarf stars for many trillions of years to come. We exist in the infancy of the universe, our solar system is part of the first generation of systems with enough heavy elements accumulated from previous novas to support complex biochemistry. The stars and systems that came before were bereft of heavy elements, simply accumulations of hydrogen and helium.

but what made the aussie?

Kangaroos and humans breeding

Real talk

there are around 100-400 billion stars habiting at least one planet in our galaxy alone. there are so many galaxies in our universe that we aren't even close to be able to count them.

we are NOT alone. I believe

>no mention of fermi paradox in thread

educate yourselves and then form an opinion you mongoloids

Found a helpful graph of stellar lifespans. 80% of stars are red-dwarfs, which have lifespans that are 10 to 100 times longer than that of our sun. We are less than .1% into the lifespan of the habitable universe, spawning around a large and volatile short-lived star. We have a great head-start, our descendants may be in position to become masters of the universe for the next trillion years, if only we could shake off the lower races that are holding us back.

theres a good chance theres lots of intelligent life out there but they're just not smart enough to invent the same level of shit as us

The most important question is:

Read 'rare earth', tackles this probability


>humanity is going to be that mysterious ancient alien civilization that some upstart, young spacefaring species comes across

Could you tell us everything you know about these different species my friend?

Usually I like older books, but 16 years is extremely old when we talk about our knowledge of explanets and the possibilities of life in the universe in general. Basically anything pre-Kepler telescope is very outdated. I've watched documentaries on the subject from 2014 and they feel old already.

I agree that the chance or life on other planets is low in a percentage/planet rating, but for all other aspects there is virtually no chance that we are alone.

>In an effort to destroy the Eternal Imperium of Man, evil space-merchants will infiltrate our institutions in an attempt to manipulate our descendants into allowing primitive alien vermin to flood into our systems

Reality exists because conscious minds perceive it. The universe and the laws of reality are so perfectly complex because if they weren't, then the conscious observer would fail to exist. Based on this premise, and if there truly were infinite universes, both parallel and before/after this one, and our universe is in existence because we observe it, then it's quite possible we are the only observers in the entirety of this universe. Just a theory based on the anthropic principle and the conscious mind.

I like to think we aren't alone. But it begs the question, where is everyone if we aren't alone?

Many ideas come to mind, but I have a theory that is based on a type of civilization's 'heat death'. In which a point is reached that it fails to advance. I also believe we are on the cusp of this inevitability. Mankind will consume itself, by removing the natural factors that permitted evolutionary and societal progress. The weak literally consume the strong because the strong created an environment that is beyond our biological refinement.

I now believe that while life may be widespread in the universe, creatures like us are probably uncommon, and technological societies are vanishingly rare, making the likelihood of contact remote at best. I am less confident than I once was that we will find unequivocal signs of life in other planetary systems within my lifetime. I believe that, when seen in the fullness of planetary time, our modern era will prove to have been the fulcrum about which the future of life turned for, at minimum, our entire solar system. I believe that we humans are probably the most fortunate species to have ever arisen on Earth, and that those of us now alive are profoundly privileged to live in what can objectively be considered a very special time. Finally, I would guess that though we possess the unique capacity to extend life and intelligence beyond Earth into unknown new horizons, there is a better-than-even chance that we will fail to do so.

I first saw Christine Kennedy in 1992. A woman of twenty-nine with three children, she had had a lifetime of unusual experiences, "dreams," and episodes. As a young girl, she had used alcohol to block out her "night terrors." She had been in recovery and sober for a number of years before she saw me, and she continued to go to recovery meetings. Christine often woke up with bruises on her body. When she was six years old, she woke up and "knew" about sexual intercourse. She had seen UFOs; she had seen beings in her room. When she was pregnant with her first child, she remembered arguing with someone that the baby was "hers" and not "theirs." She had read an article about me in OMNI magazine and sought me out.

Like Allison, Christine resisted her abductors. She never surrendered to what was happening to her and tried to fight back as best she could whenever she could. She eventually used video and magnetic equipment in her room to try to detect the presence of aliens and to try (vainly) to deter them from taking her and her children. She hates the beings and has tried but failed to protect herself from them.

aliens are like rich and smart friends
that are to visit their poor cousins on earth
they might do that but not now maybe
it takes alot of good will