What is he doing?


I wanted this Trump:

>And in 2012, Mr. Trump’s tweets about Pakistan specifically had a different tone entirely.

>“Get it straight: Pakistan is not our friend,” he tweeted. “We’ve given them billions and billions of dollars, and what did we get? Betrayal and disrespect — and much worse. #TimeToGetTough”

he's just taqqiyahing the sand niggers. Get them to let their guard down, then accidentally slip a nuke or two to modi

>What is he doing?
pissing off the poo in loo


friends close enemies closer?

Weird ominous shit like he always does

they weren't even a separate thing until 68 years ago...it's about religion

Does anyone really know at this point? I'm sure he hates Pakis and was being polite.

He has called everything and everyone fantastic, tremendous, best or something similar at some point. So I wouldn't count too much on that.

>What's he doing?
The same things he's always done. Doing his impersonation of an invalid sunbather. Lying and flipping.

Grab em by the pussy Donald!

*waves pom poms*

Has he been getting full briefing of secret info yet? I know he had some already. Consider he might know a few things now

god this reminds me of my sister's paki friend who's so fcking hawt, plz KeK grant me these digits to one day bang her.

>Has he been getting full briefing of secret info yet?

Yes. Pakis were the once who actually captured bin laden and handed him over to the US. All that zero dark trinity garbage was 100% propaganda

>That ID

84D intergalactic hyper-chess.

Look up the Hunza Valley in jewggle images, its one of the most beautiful places on earth. It's also one of the safest in all of Pakland because the Hunza are predominately descendants of Alexander the Great's army so white with green eyes.

Sadly the rest of Pakistan is a shithole of crime and pollution



Kek spoke

Have fun getting mud on your dick user!

>Votes a meme into office
>Spends everyday trying to figure out what he's doing


Why do you praise an government official who purposely walks back on his positions? Can you say with even 90% certainty what Trump's positions are? Unbelievable. You fools are so drunk on this man's orange koolaid you'll let him speak lies into existence. He can do literally anything and you'll claim he's playing 4D chess with the media. All this allows him to do is lie, deceive, and distract the general public while he furthers his own selfish goals. Over the next 4-8 years, we could easily witness levels of corruption that Hillary could only dream of. Sup Forums memed this into office and genuinely believe you've done nothing wrong. Fucking disgusting.

Man, when he goes sarcastic he can be BRUTAL

>doubting the God Emperor
This heresy needs to stop!

There you go white trash.

he's found somewhere to move you to.

>guy on right
>looking at autistic indian FB shitposting

>Guy on left
>Scoping out which building to bomb.

You have to realize that Pakistan was fine until the British shipped all the Muslims in india into it.

>OP 1992: I hate broccoli
>OP 2016: I'll have broccoli with that please

>Sup Forums still hasn't learned how to play 4-d chess.

Pakistan is an important military area you morons. Why want to mend those bridges there so we can still use them.

Anyone with an iq lower than 110 shouldn't post here.

The guy in the right is worse, because he has a darker skin and causal wear?
This is all you got?
He isn't even doing anything obscene and we are talking about a country, that has open defecation as a problem.

he probably tries to outjew the jews

>Anyone with an iq lower than 110 shouldn't post here.

We have literal children posting here so you are right. Sup Forums filled to the brim with low IQ 14 year old high school with zero understanding of realpolitiks

I even doubt most here even know what that word means

>stupid people
>on my Sup Forums

This really is a fantastic place of fantastic people.


Fuck you, Pakistan are complete subhumans, we actually have a fair amount of them here. Quit your dreaming/propaganda. I'd take a million indians over one pakistani.

He's doing the right thing.

Pakistan has a border on Afghanistan which is the most ungrateful nation in history.

If Trump can sweet talk the Pakis it's a symbolic step towards word peace as well as hundreds of thousands of people feeling more comfy.

>why isnt the leader of the free world publicly shitting on the entire population of an allied nation

Really made me think. OP is definitely not a faggot

>911 vs. 711

flip flopping because he is not a professional politician and doesn't know what he's doing

the best damage control would be to make it known that his words should be taken seriously from a certain point onwards then he should start behaving because he is the president of the US

was dahnald a false flag all along?

That's literally just Trump's standard patter for when he doesn't want to give an answer. I don't think you should take it as reflective of his agenda or views.

>curry fever

hue hue hue hue hue

He is selling the U.S. to the highest bidder. I hope it's India. You will pay for the bantz.

I was going to put some salt on my breakfast but I just read your post and went past my daily recomended allowance.

According to your laws there probably might even be some Nobel Prizes who shouldntpost here... bravo user

Some spook told him some horrible shit, its the only reason you flip this hard.

I really wish you fucking NSA FBI and CIA types would fucking level with us so we could fucking make a decision. All this secret, only the boss man knows and alphabet soup people only undercuts your legitimacy, since we don't know what the fuck it is you're hiding.


You don't get it, he took the biggest gamble.
If Pakistan snubs him, he's not number one at diplomacy.
If they don't snub him they're first on the gratitude list for favors with the already legendary Trump generosity.

It was the congratulatory phone call. What's he supposed to do, tell the prime minister to go fuck himself?

Pakistan didnt exist until the run up to Indian Independence from British rule...

Pakistan has a border on Afghanistan and there are plenty of Pakis peacefully integrated into Britain, even if the rest of the Asians call each other 'Paki' as an insult.

Pakistan can be an asshole, but that doesnt mean Pakistani's are.

> doesn't know what he's doing

I'm tired of everyone here pretending to be on the same level of this man. He's successfully played the media like a fiddle since the day he started running, cultivated an enormous following and managed to win in an electoral landslide, despite the whole world against him.

Only a moron would think someone is capable of doing so much by accident. Smarten up.

I didn't like him because he reminded me of Brexit, but I'm beginning to agree.

He has actually cultivated a primitive image which is basically positive across different cultures.

Seriously? So Trump can do whatever he wants and anyone who protests is salty? What happens when he does something you don't agree with?

Seems like our lord Kek smiles upon you

more like OYUwU

Shadilay Brother

He is POTUS now, you leaf. He can't just call them filthy pakis. + it pisses off inferior PILs

Why is an american shilling for pakistan here?


Aww you dear sweet innocent.

learn the history of various empires trying to win the loyalty of that that troubled area. (hint including Pakistan's neighbors.)

The Man on the left is a Cricket legend.