Will we ever see another thinker/auteur quite like him?

Or is he the Bob Dylan / Martin Scorcese of political philosophy?

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(((Stefan Molyneux)))

gimme the tldw



why are stormfags such retards

Stefan is bluedpilled. Annoying. Sad!

404 Argument Not Found

he is a second rate philosopher/psycologist and he's kind of a cult leader but he also produces a lot of good work and introduces libertarians to race realism and the value of borders

he said in one of his latest video that he was not jewish

Why are Poles such miserable pieces of shit?

Not an argument.

>t. person who didn't watch the video but here's my uninformed opinion anyway

>light skin
>no lowered ears
>no hooknose
>no facial deformities
>no nasal voice
>loves the free market
>doesn't like degenerates

Come on faggot

jews gonna jew

He is a Madman. But he is OUR MADMAN

>Red Herring: The Post

Watch the video, faggot.

Yea and someone's ethnicity is an argument

Molyneux thinks that being Jewish isn't genetic. He said at a University talk, which you can watch on YT, that his mother is Jewish.

Stefan "Kill all single moms" Molyneux is a great general of the alt-right and I will follow him until my death.


Found the plebbitor.

i'd love to have a 5 min livechat with him to discredit him completely in front of all his fans

Call into the show then.

Watch as he replies with a non-argument.

Are you literally retarded?



He also hates her guts to death so yeah I highly doubt he was raised a jew.

>HAHA hes a jew EXPOSED

Look mom im a intellectual making arguments

Who are you quoting?


I'm listening to his interview with Eric Prince right now. I love Stefan and Prince is a fucking hero


How about you read the thread

kek i should, ive never watched the show tho, long ass boring shit

>I never watched to his show, too long !
>I will disprove everything he stands for in 5minutes

You don't see how retarded you sound?

Call in loser , why is it that so many self proclaimed public debaters think it would be easy to debate against Molyneux.
The man began debating I highschool and used to travel around Canada/England doing competitions, he has great critical thinking, an advanced language dexterity and he's a philosopher with 25 something years of experience. The man alsodoes a tone of research on his topics before talking about them.

Dude debating is a real skill that requires practice, at best you'd be making a fool of yourself but it'd be entertaining so please go ahead and call.

hes an ancap, anyone can outsmart em in 5 minutes dude

only once in 2000 years

Im leaning ancap- outsmart me

>Bob Dylan
I wish that for just one day, you could stand inside my shoes
you'de know what a drag it is to see you
t. Stefo's Paki garage manager

>debating is a real skill that requires practice
O rly?


i'm not an ancap-I already did

>all biological systems tend towards greater organization when it benefits them
>no ancap nation has ever existed which proves it wasnt a good idea at any time before, and proves that it doesn not benefit them
>military weakness makes any ancap society obsolete
>lack of govt regulation means organizations can use drugs to utterly inhibit peoples ability to enact a free market because you cant be free when youre hooked on heroin. also means quality of all good would degrade past safe levels and people would die of lead poisoning and mercury poisoning
>having children into such a place is inherently immoral because the children cannot chose to live in a world of violence

wow that took me 2 minutes and i barely even think about ancap shit, ez pz

>discredit ancap
>when bitcoin is 700
braver men than you had it much easier when it was just a dollar. but friend ancaps are so correct it hurts

not sure what bitcoin has to do with anything but it never recovered after that one online robbery, bitcoins are toast. everyone who invested in their 1.5 or 2k $ bitcoins got shafted

>no ancap nation has ever existed which proves it wasnt a good idea at any time before, and proves that it doesn not benefit them

>10,000 BC
>there has never been a non hunter gatherer society therefore it will never work

The rest of your shit is also retarded. Learn about human nature and psychology and how communities work together.

literally lol'd at your attempt

do i really need to explain to you why primitive pre-societies dont count? and might i remind you THAT THEY ALL GOT FUCKING CRUSHED BY THE BIGGER SOCIETIES.

there are no hunter gatherer societies except in places where they are totally isolated ie. places without competition. you know why kid? because big scary statists like me with our big brains killed em all, because they are inferior :)

Ancap couldn't exist without a bitcoin like thing.and the internet. Same as bigger societies couldn't exist without agriculture

Fuck I don't know if you are trolling or you are legitimate serious, in case you are that's obviously some bullshit competition.
>Writes shit without a concrete topic pre established topic
>No facts at all
You know you have to base your arguments in fact with a coherent verbal way and can't simply shout out random phrases or jump from argument to argument right?
I highly suggest you watching CNN it seems their kind of debate will suit your retarded way debating perfectly.

It' too fucking late for me to get irritated and be wasting time with your stupidity. Don't (((you))) me again

ancap societies cant exist in any world with real societies. kinda like communism. or homo habilis...

They can't handle evil.

pretty much all jews are light skinned and not all of them look jewish


the topic was anarcho capitalism, and i had plenty of facts. what do u want a fucking uni study?

Yes the youtubes and interweebs are full of them .

Bitcoin is impossible to manipulate/print, and is therefore an objective currency equivalent to gold. Thanks to the blockchain it's anonymous so it's untaxable, untrackable, and unregulatable.
This is all requirement for any "true" free market economy.
Which is in turn a requirement of ancap.

What do you not understand about the new technology allowing new types of societies to exist

Your conclusion - I say so therefore fact. Is pretty dumb.

And Homohabilis lives on in Sapiens DNA

You write like someone who thinks they are way smarter than they actually are.

well then prove me wrong. i say im smart all the time, because i am and other people just cant outsmart me

Thats just your cognitive dissonance

their dna exists but their societies dont. because they are inferior. ancap is not a gene.

also no technology that is currently in existance would allow an ancap society to exist, maybe in the future lol. but certainly not now.

you can hide all the bitcoins under your bed that you want. when a government wants to kill you and you have no government, you are fucked.


not true at all

I agree, but the technology is just around the corner 3-5years. You will see some shit

And govement is a collection of peoples, same as a free society that gun ownership is legal in. Try to attack that

Prove you wrong about what? I simply pointed out the fact that you're not a very good writer. If you were nearly as smart as you think you are you would have recognized that.

Nope, he's the self important douchebag king of Sup Forumstards.

implying scorcese is at the top of his field

Who fucking cares if his mother was Jewish.

no, you pointed out that i wrote as someone who thinks they are very smart, which i am. deal with it user

Smart people know that everyone thinks they are smart and correct at everything

>The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which low-ability individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability as much higher than it really is. Dunning and Kruger attributed this bias to a metacognitive incapacity, on the part of those with low ability, to recognize their ineptitude and evaluate their competence accurately.

>Dunning and Kruger have postulated that the effect is the result of internal illusion in those of low ability, and external misperception in those of high ability: "The miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others."

no, most people think they are average. because they are
you clearly are not very smart

yes which is why every time i tell others i am smarter than them i invite them to outargue my points. as to show i am not just blowing smoke. as long as my premise of being smarter since i made smarter points is true, then i am probably smarter. notice how grandiosly weak the argument is, being wrong about anything would disprove me and make me have to say im stupid and yet it never happens :^)

Everyone can see you are not well read from the incoherent way you write.... stop kidding yourself

But how can you be sure you're not too stupid to realize how stupid you are?

because nobody can outargue the points i make. even an utter retard can tell when theyve been outargued, it requires basically no intelligence as long as you're skeptic

You sound like a faggot.

it was one time and i was drunk, doesnt count. and he only sucked my dick

nothing to see here folks move along


He's really not all that great, Molyneux. Molyneux certainly has broadened my own sense of argumentative strategies and how to very nice and easily debunk a liberal argument or any argument/viewpoint which has its stance set on emotions rather than rationality and logic.

He's not that great because he doesn't really agree with ideas like MGTOW which is a very reasonable way to live life as it is what it says- Men Going Their Own Way. The point is that I don't agree with everything that he says, particularly his libertarian philosophical ideas as they are too optimistic for the real world.

Molyneux doesn't bring many new ideas which haven't already been heard before, either. Blah blah blah. Stefan Molyneux is really just another guy with a lot of knowledge in history, philosophy, computers, etc. and anyways, I don't feel like writing much more because I don't like him that much.

The point is, he's not really that great.

"No greater men are now than ever were" - Ralph Waldo Emerson

>MGTOW which is a very reasonable way to live life
MGTOW is a degenerate philosophy, which if adopted on mass would destroy civilization.

>implying women arent already destroying civilization

He's a good influence, yes. But he is certainly an internet general that hasn't been attacked by mainstream because he isn't actually affecting anything.

The best spokesperson/debater is Nigel Farage. guy is an absolute master.

You really need to take a writing class. The way you write is cringeworthy and embarrassing.

guess all my profs were wrong then :^)

He's not a philosopher. He doesn't argue in good faith. He leaves out relevant information. Maybe he's The Monkees of philosophy.

Hell I even enjoy his videos mostly, but he's very frequently full of shit.

You can ignore it all you want, but it's not going away. You'll never be taken seriously because you're a fucking Canadian anyway so I guess it doesn't really matter.