If anyone get's quads in this thread before it 404/get's archived...

If anyone get's quads in this thread before it 404/get's archived. I will give myself the purpose of lifting myself out of the hellhole of depression. Lift, train and then take on the enternal cause of uncucking Sweden. This I will sign with my signature. In blood tribute.

I have literally no purpose in life, zero motivation. And I'm boiling with anger over how my country is treated by the ruling cuck class. Let's see if kek wills it.


Why don't you just so it. Why should a chaos god give you a reason to improve your life?

God wills it


Be a Viking. Be a sleeper patriot. Your time will come to raid your government.

Also, if you aren't already there, you ought to take a long drive, bus ride/whatever the else the fuck yall do to get around and see for yourself in the towns. Yours is a small country, as an individual you have more power to make change than you think you do. You don't need to lift or do anything really.

(Some good things that came out of sweden, the m96 and m38 mauser in 6.5 Swede, one of the best target, hunting rounds to this day) In order to look forward, look to your past.

.t swede-amerimutt who's swedish great grandfather was a lutheran pastor/inventor.

We are a nation of mutts

Ideally european mutts.

Help make Sweden great again.

Join the Military Swedish Bro, make something out of yourself or at least die in battle instead of eating a bullet.

Destroy the Heathen.

Well Swedebro I wish you all the best. Deus Vult. I do think you should do it even if you don't get quads, though.

Check em bitches

rise up swedebro


Take these dewbs as a means of support you blue and yellow bastard child

oy vey

get it done my friend

the power of kek wills it

God speed user!

Nords are nigs but I'll give you a roll user. Good luck saving your cucktry.

What the hell, it's for a good cause, rolling.

Dem quads are never gonna come sven your country is doomed.


this isnt how you get quads you fools




Too close

But how do we know your not a Mooslim trying to steal the power of kek to fully take over that country.

Kek's power in this thread grows......


If this is 4 repeating intergers I command you stay depressed and lazy

as a 70% swedish burger I'm ashamed to share blood with you faggots

please go brevik on those faggots for me

För kung och fosterland.


Kek wills it

Yep only 4000 posts too late or 6000 posts too early

Do it manlet

Time to be a hero Sven. Here's some magic from the land of the Impaler.

Deus Vult


I'd like to add to that, that we will all develop strong motivation and begin to achieve our duties and desires if quadsaregot in this thread.


You're not gonna fucking make it if you need this shit as motivation

Do it for yourself, jackass

So close.

What about xxxx4444? 444 too early

kek is here, waiting for the proper user to channel

stop it with this shit captain autismo. you're avatarring at this point.
and other romanians are embarassed by you, i've seen it.

If get you also have to get a tattoo of this post ID with flag

And you got triggered by...?

Kek wills it.

Re rolling





>Being depressed

Sweden is already lost. Just move.

god speed user

Make white kids


To the shed Magnuson

Sven, when Kek deems Sweden worthy of chaos then Kek will intervene. Until then you need to prepare for the day when Kek will call on you.

Stop being a faggot on Sup Forums and waiting for quads and go start tearing down the cucks.

Your sacrifice will be honoured

Rolling for new viking uprising.


Lift my friend

Har du kommit så här långt har du ingen anledning att vänta på fyrtal din jävla tölp. Du har ju en plan och ligger redan i startgropen.
Aktivera, agera och inspirera!

Sweeden needs a civil war

hey bud, something i taught myself after highschool is that some things are not our fight. i used to REE about politics or whatever until i realized i'm in my 20s and the world will need well read based pragmatic peoplr when i am old.

let the (((current))) generation deal with the (((current problems))) and just ...learn...

but dont waste life smoking weed, that wont help anyone long term

You can do it swedefriend
I believe in you


Remove kebab

For you


Do it in a horse mask.

Meet you at the quad

so you need quads to do whats right as opposed to snuffing yourself out?

like what have you got to lose?
this is why youre losing and Im ashamed of sweden faggot.

There will be no quads in this thread, it is keks will

Kill all migrants


oh yeah?

>pic related, the future of the Swedish man

Here you go

Reroll, praise kek

Last reroll attempt. If 5's tattoo on ass is demanded to please KEK.


it is done



nigger I'm amazin, do the right thing.


> And I'm boiling with anger over how my country is treate

Stop wasting your life listening to the lies on Sup Forums.

This site is satire. Do not take it seriously.

if that had worked it would have blown your mind

I'll give it a spin mate.

Rolling 4 finding a gf making white kids Asap

It'll be your kikes doom if he doesn't.

If kek wills it you will do your best. Please don't kill me in the process.


you sure troled me xd

When someone asks why you turned your life around, I want you to tell them "I did it for Hitler"

Don't you see swedebro, the quads were in you the all along.

You can do it Ulf

You can do it!