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Super progressive sweden keep at it you should cancel all welfare for native swedes to help the poor migrants
No wonder they call it Stockholm syndrome.
looks like a BBart article
Can someone, anyone just nuke Sweden already? Please.
Wow Sweden, so tolerant, keep up the cuck work
I want to fucking die. Should i just move to Norway? Is it any better?
I believe Sweden was chosen by the NWO to become the first 100% refugee settlement.
You better leave, anywhere is better than there
move here, when you get raped here it isn't by ISIS plants that will behead you afterwards
That's fucking disgraceful! Fuck you Sweeden!
Has there been any positive develop in the right direction for Sweden ever?
It's just one, long, laughable decline towards self destruction. Pathetic.
Not joking here, if someone would throw my demted grandma out of her housing to make place for a sandnigger I would do the very controverse Breivik-Maneuver.
If you are reading thin BND, yiu better make sure Merkel doesn't do this!
Hahaha my favorite part is when OP forgot to mention that the municipality is providing an alternative location for the HSO to gather.
Jesus Christ you're all as bad as the Dems
>meanwhile in Germanistan
It's like a fucking competition
That's the main reason I don't really support the whole "hurr don't give them clicks! Archive that shit! fad.
MultiKulti isn't funded by clicks it's funded by (((you know who))), just like the (((media))) outfits we're boycotting, as if boycotting has any power in an entirely artificial and controlled propaganda system divorced from market forces. It's like how cuck porn still gets produced even though NO ONE PAYS FOR PORN, obviously profit and market forces aren't the driving impetus behind this.
The only thing this fad accomplishes is creating an environment where fags think it's acceptable to just post a screen-grab with no source and calling it a day as Sup Forums's pavlovian response to allegations of degeneration gives him a bountiful harvest of (you)s.
Fuck off leaf there being progressive you should be outside rioting for migrant rights or building mosques America, Australia and others are enjoying this entertainment
Aye laddie
>implying that's the only issue Sup Forums is concerned about
How about you give them your home and relocate, just because the Gassem family decided they don't want to live in the shithole they created anymore?
One must ask himself what is the prize they are so harshly fighting over.
I would be laughing if this wasn't kafkaesque
Might as well move to Chicago at this point, at least your murdered kids won't also get gang-raped or forced to convert.
Sow as much dissent as possible so the right wing rises again, crush them with EU army, and then finally abolish nationalism once and for all.
They get the faggiest white boys possible and ugly white girl to make the muslim normal. Really makes me think.
Another way of seeing it is disposing of useless people in favor of bringing in potential workers to help the economy.
But Sweden and other Eurocucks don't vet their immigrants based on socio-economic usefulness like we do so who am I kidding?
>the muslim is Angered
>ugly white girl
Don't be nasty, man. She ain't that ugly.
fuck off nigger we're full.
we are full and there are no jobs, there are so few jobs that we should really throw out all the immigrants
Use google translate or get a friend translate my man, this is real and it sucks.
When will Sweden have a chance to uncuck itself? Is there a hopeful election on the horizon?
Never. No.
It'll fulfill its noble destiny as a warning to the rest of the world.
a place out in the middle of nowhere, a place so remote that they HAVE to use a service called " färdtjänst" to even get into town, a service that costs out the ass aswell.
I'm sorry I forgot thats what normal brit girls look like
I heard that the only reason why the boys are acting like tremendous faggots is because they had to pretend to be the opposite sex for a quiz or some shit.
poor bastard
>tfw born in Chicago
>leapfrogged suburbs 3 times in 7 years before Dad said "fuck it" and we moved to FL.
>traded in cloudy w/ niggers for sunny w/ beach babes
Do you at least live North Side?
Isn't that just standard Swedish education?
>looks like a BBart article
Its in the state owned media if you don't believe BB
To clarify, they don't actually live there, its basically their club house where they have their supports organisations and things like that.
>only reason
archiving isnt just against giving them clicks, faggot
RIP in Arabs, Sweden
Multi-Culturalism is the ultimate death cult.
Fucking hell I absolutely loath Swedish politicians.
Remember that while swedes might be snooty cunts, they're the primary victims of this bullshit. They never deserved that.
Fucking hell.
>Should i just move to Norway? Is it any better?
Why'd be YES if they kick the trannies and feminist out??
New thread ,lads.
I was in Oslo a few weeks ago, there are somails and arabs fucking everywhere
And welcome back to "Who can be the most cucked". I'm your anchor, Anony Mousse. We now bring you back to the breakneck competition.
>ooh, looks like Sweden is kicking out people with disabilities to make way for migrants
>but Merkel just proposed legislation to punish white people for defending themselves against refugees
>oooh, and college campuses have just arrested 10 people for surviving a terrorist attack because of their privilege
Who will win? tune in and find out!
>controverse Breivik-Maneuver
>this meme needs an update
Little Gustav has a YouTube channel where he regularly crossdresses as a character named "Ann Ahl" (pronounced anal).
what i dont understand is why the disable have to move to shiter buildings? cant the migrants take it instead?
thats hate speech now you have to go to jail
That's racist, Sven.
Please no.
They would just burn those buildings down for being to shitty.
memes do influence reality holy shit
I hate you these days Sup Forums.
Unironically racist.
Actually choosing a presidential candidate and trying to help them.
Have you read everything about this story? It's not a very balanced view, the evicted groups can find somewhere else with ease.. These are victims of a humanitarian disaster that need help desperately, the real thing that needs working on is their full assimilation into western ways.
But instead let's mock Sweden for being caring country. I don't agree with the way they do it but at least they do it for noble reasons, unlike you selfish, uncharitable, soulless generation Z creeps.
Fuck you.
>parents name son after Sweden's most famous King
>he turns out to be a total faggot, bringing shame to not just your family, but the nation as a whole
>noble reasons
>cuck ideology
pick one
>see shit shitpost
>checks flag
>it's not Canada
What is going on??
You're the ones OBSESSED with cuckoldry. You probably fap about it. You associate kindness with weakness when it takes great strength. You're pussies.
Go sell your kids to an american you fucking midget.
>"Local government have said the disability organisations can move to a disused school"
why not move the fucking migrants there? I'm left as fuck but the left everywhere have become so fucking retarded in looking after our own sick and infirm and just paying them lip service while kicking them to the streets for dem programs for dem blacks
>These are victims of a humanitarian disaster
No, they're economic migrants in search of a free ride. They have no intention of assimilating.
come back to eu then anglofag, take dem migrants
>victims of a humanitarian disaster
No they're not you fucking idiot. Most of them aren't actually Syrians, just people looking for a free ride. Then there's the insane amount of African migrants who shouldn't even qualify as "refugees".
Honestly you can't really blame them though, I'd take full advantage of naïve governments too if I were them. I wonder what's going through their minds knowing they'll be treated better than the actually people of the countries they're going to?
>>Local government have said the disability organisations can move to a disused school
So why the hell don't they put the immigrants in the disused school?
Yes, because if there's one thing the disabled like, it's change.
Calm down, Mohammed.
What European army?
Le Pen is about to be elected, Italy is looking to leave, Britain's already gone, Germany is lawless; Wilders is looking strong. Who's going to fight the right-wing uprising when the left has broken its own legs?
You are so generous, "helping" parasites who are scamming the system, not poor men women and children who are coming and leaving for a short time, and you're neglecting your friends, neighbors, and family... the people who really matter to you.
This is why you're actually the soulless twit who doesn't care about your brothers.
So fucking force them or kick them out. That's where Sweden has it wrong.
No doubt there's just as many cunts doing it for economic reasons as others, but you wankers blow all the statistics up out of proportion. IF they work and function, pay taxes and assimilate what's the problem?
Oh that's right, they're brown.
Progressive ideology isn't kindness. It's a kind of political dogmatism that motivates assholes to pretend they're morally superior to those who disagree with them. Were that kindness, they'd care about their own culture as well.
Good troll. Got me to answer again.
Why are the people of Sweden like levels beyond how bad a normie libcuck is what is wrong with them do swedes have no soul?
Like some weird type of nigger even I mean jesus fuck. jesus christ Sweden.. you're no longer human.
Fuck you guys for existing how did you make it this far
>naïve governments
Let’s dispel with this fiction that government doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing.
>IF they work and function, pay taxes and assimilate what's the problem?
They dont do any of those things.
Oh you did already? Nice country m8, pretty sure one of your cousins was wiping my arse the last time I was in hospital.
Breivek 2.0 when?
This guy's flag is wrong...
You can care about both, it's not mutually exclusive dipshit bluepilled fucker.
You all go on about being redpilled, but guess what? your views are probably the most popular. MAGA motherfucker.
I guess any Swedes opinion or post on here is now literally just spam to me. Like unintelligible nigger babble.
You guys an heroed your souls forever.
motherfucker, the state pays them to stay here. we are the ones losing money here. bet most of them wont even be getting any real jobs
I'm not saying they are doing it the right way, but their motivations piss all over yours tranny.
Why can't a nation do both?
How the fuck would you know? I go to Sweden all the time due to work, and there are MANY white Swedish parasites sitting on their arses in the countryside because they can't be fucked to travel to work for an hour, and there's not enough farm jobs.
Yeah because Europeans countries with a service economy (that's becoming increasingly worse) and high unemployment for young people would benefit from importing thousands of illiterate low skilled labour you moronic dunce.
You're sacrificing the lower end of your population for foreign economic predators.
The former generations didn't build Europe for foreigners, they built it because they wanted their children to have a better life than they had.
Because they are obsessed with immigrants. On the other hand, they don't give a shit about their own people, so for all they care those could go drown in a lake.