Donald DRUMPH just got Backed The Fuck Off!!! Face it Sup Forums, this is his absolute BEST case scenario...

Donald DRUMPH just got Backed The Fuck Off!!! Face it Sup Forums, this is his absolute BEST case scenario. I was even generous and gave him Ohio which probably will even go to Clinton.

Just give up! Come be on the right side of history and break the glass ceiling with us.

Just go and die somewhere.

You lost. Thats the worst punishment for you and your mindless kin.

Was there anyone here who genuinely believed Trump would get WI, MI and PA?

Nah, the worst case scenario would be Trump following on his campaign promises, which he's already backing the fuck up on.

>le red Texas meme

I always had them at light blue. There was always a chance.

>probably Clinton
>nine point win for Trump

I called MI, but I never thought he would get PA. I never even considered him getting WI.

>Still shilling for soros

The fuck is wrong with you amerifats?

Hillary voter here.

No lie I thought this would be the final map. The only difference in my prediction was giving Trump Iowa. I still cannot believe he won Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. I really thought it was going to be an early night with blue Florida.

They forgot to turn off the spambot


No he's not. Those are just kike media lies. You give me an example of Trump backing up on what he said, and I will explain to you why you're wrong and a retard.


So funny, considering that he got WI and PA election night, and MI two weeks later

Prolly trolls parodying shills. Soros has better things to do with his shekels now than pay people to try to make this Taiwanese Chopsticks forum like Hillary.

i sure as hell didn't

genius 11/10

The latest polls say Hillary is going to win almost everywhere. Trump stumped.

Is this a joke ?

Well he didn't get them, russia hacked it. He lost, but no one one wants to accept the anomalies.

Trips of truth! I feel so bad for Hillary :(



>Hillary voter here

Get the fuck out of here and kill yourself, too.

Hillary conceited and Trump is building his new government as we speak. If there's anything you guys are not getting is that government will maintain control and stability first and foremost. It's not so important if it's republican or democrat, it's that the current hegemony of the USA government as a total keeps running. You think eather side wants to actually spark a civil war or rebellion? The tax dollars fuel the system and they will absolutely not risk any major events to stop that no matter what side of the same coil wins the election.

What does the word conceded mean to you?

"Trump threatened Hillary into giving up"

this was my map

is this late or just bait?

Yes, I thought he would get PA.
But not WI or MI

honestly I miss the shitty CTR memes. I kind of wish the left would keep paying to make shitty memes.

Any proof or are they such good hackers that they actually hacked the paper ballots and George soros owned machines? They then changed results and then hacked and changed the recount results to the same numbers all without a trace. Right under the noses of the government with the most advanced electronic servalance system that collects absolutely all electronic communications during the most watched election in the world?

i actually got a little triggered seeing this

Pretty close honestly. You were right about MN being a swing state this year, was only 2% away from flipping to red.

I could barley stomach them. Most of them were blatant rip offs of decent memes, at worse they were eye-bleach inducing anime fanfic from a demention afflicted with autism

Seriously some terrible "I took photoshop as an elective in high school" bullshit

He said he was going to gas all the mussies... haha btfo drumpf raycist mrs.ongynist, xenophobic, hydrodrophobic cis white, redneck, county, bumpkin,