EU citizens think rape is JUSTIFIED

Nearly 30,000 europeans answered the questionnaire which sheds light on the degenerate views of many europeans. The further east you go the less respect people appear to show towards women, former Communist states recording abysmal views on rape and domestic violence. It indicates that millions of men across the continent believe sexual assault should not be a crime if a woman has been drinking, wearing provocative clothes or even just walking home alone at night.

11 per cent of EU citizens think rape should be legalized. 27 per cent of people said rape could be justified in at least one of the survey scenarios, being drunk or using drugs the most popular and voluntarily going home with their attacker the second most popular.

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haha why y'all mad tho


Hungarians were the most likely to say rape is justifiable in the survey.

Glad you are here dude, Polish people I have worked with told me you guys call rape, fucking them strong? Is there any truth.


Gib link this is promising.

Romanians were the most likely to say rape is justifiable in the survey.

[white knighting intensifies]

lol wtf, this can't be real

Gib link faggot.

Are you trying to argue that rape is acceptable?

The only way it's not acceptable is because it devalues the property of a man (either the father or the husband).

*brady subversion intensifies*

>no citation
Sure, Achmed.

I can attest to this 100% Hungary is very rapist friendly

It's only considered rape socially if she was a virgin or has a husband

I am inclined to disagree.
A woman is not an item of property.
It is a symbol of status.


Never was a trial, Water Willy ;^)

* 18 per cent of Hungarians, 16 per cent of Romanians, 15 per cent of Portuguese and 12 per cent of Belgians think it is acceptable to rape a woman if she is walking alone at night.
>now this is retard thinking

* A quarter of Romanians, 21 per cent of Hungarians, 20 per cent of Maltese and 16 per cent of French men think women can be sexually assaulted if they are wearing "provocative" clothing
>I agree, and by provocative I mean the "still not asking for it" types not a skirt or short shorts, that would be again retard thinking

* One in ten EU citizens believes that rape should not be a crime. The strongest support for this stance is in Lithuania (31 per cent), Italy and Latvia (both 21 per cent) and Romania (20 per cent).


>Literally a tabloid

Get the f out with ur propaganda and ur incorrect polls. Who makes and posts the polls has no fucking clue about life and can control the polls answers to their interests.

What we have to take into account when discussing these figures, is that "rape" is used in the modern connotation. This survey is made by the people living in countries where saying hello may get you a rape accusation, not to talk about the situations in which you regret whoring around with a dude because some other dude won't like you if he finds out. So yea, thats that.

>girl flirts all night with a guy
>guy invites her to his place
>girl agrees
>they have sex

That's not rape you fucking idiot, that's promiscuous sex. Look up that statistic, the questions are biased and retarded as fuck.


Isn't it in the nature of a status symbol to have a positive value? And isn't the opposite in the nature of a woman? And isn't negative value something you're faced with when upholding property? Aren't women therefore property of which the value is decreased if they're raped?

>She dressed provocatively and I had a sexual emergency
They have wifi now in the refugee camps, Ahmed?

Buddy why would they tell lies bout home country?

it's bad

>Trusting polls

Have you learned nothing from Brexit and from the Murican elections Sup Forums ?


you're all fucking retarded

the question was : "Some people believe that having sexual intercourse without consent may be justified in certain situations.Do you think this applied to the following circumstances?"
That doesn't 100% of the time imply rape

but these things are pretty normal and natural if you think about it, maybe you lefties should just kill yourself for being such abnormal freaks that your brain interprets normal things as bizzare. Lol kill yourselves.


They literally asked stuff "Can rape justified ifand she has an active sex life?" "Dressing like a slut?" "While she is passed out drunk?"

The American "If she changed her mind later" wasnt even there

>not clearly saying no or physically fighting back

that does seem like the woman wanted sex.

>mfw my girlfriend is so sexually broken i literally have to forcibly rape her or else we never have sex
she fucking loves it
tried to kiss her once and she called me a faggot
some times i just want to snuggle, you know?

I think you misunderstood what I've said neighbor. My bad for not saying it more detailed. Let me put this way. You "dress" like those "still not asking for it" feminists and go to the worst gypsy slum you can find in the country. The chance of that woman getting raped are bigger than going around like that in the capital city for example. That's the justification. Pure cause and effect, even if it's not PC.

Of course it is not justifiable but take a look at the article and questions. They are created in such a way that you are wrong no matter what you chose, since all the situations can be explained without bias if the questions were not incomplete.

Also I believe you wanted to tag the first reply.

The further East you go in Europe, the more prevalent the Mongol genes are.

Consentual rape is different from feminist rape.

HAHAHA, 100% sure the author just wrote it out of hjis ass... muh commusim, muh russia - ALL BAD, RUSSIA BAD RAPE ALL WOMAN




But it doesn't explicitly ask when THEY THEMSELVES think it's justifed. It can also be interpreted as asking under what of these situations someone other than themselves might think it was justified.

who the fuck cares anymore...

by looks of it , the chart in there is also almost directly proportional to the cuck chart...
So whatever it is... I'm glad to be at the other end compared to Sweden

>Of course it is not justifiable
And the question was if they were justifiable

If a gypsy holds me at knifepoint and takes my phone, they say "fucking gypsy" not "why did you pick up your phone in a bad neighborhood?"

>Muh ex soviet states STFU at least we arent importing milions of people that are the ACTUAL rapists.So eaven if this is true our rapes compeared to sweeden is mutch lower.



As I already said, the questions are made by leftists thus they have a leftist bias. It is not an objective survery as normality would dictate.

The situation can be ended with - The gypsy will get sentenced for the crime he committed but the whole tragedy could have been avoided if the victim A. Did not dress like that and B. If dress liked that, not going into that notorious part of the town

The leftists put justified so that you cannot give all the rational details as above, thus ALL the parties involved taking responsibility. Instead, by giving you a simple no and yes chance, they have managed to keep degeneracy devoid of any responsibility.

Sveikas, lietuviškas braļukas.

>Europe easterners think rape is justified
>Read the arcticle, question is about giving explicit verbal consent

Into the trash it goes.

This is a proof that Europe must be more multicultural! Multiculturalism decreases acceptance for rape! Look at Germany!

You are a moron sir. Rape=rapid. Its in the name you idiot.

>question is about giving explicit verbal consent
you read wrong.

Source or GTFO

well they have town rapists what did you expected

Its always like that. Who wouldnt want to get raped? A bitch even told me once to rape her. Crazy shit.

>Come home on halloween
>Door opens by itself
>See this standing there
wat do?

So I can fuck mute or disabled women? Can I fuck girls I roofied and carried to my room? They cant say no

That post was from Moldova faggot.

If you ask this question literally anywhere other than Europe (and maybe the other anglo colonies), you won't see less than 80% anywhere in the world, because they see women as property.

This is typical leftist kikery: trying to imply "HURR MUH RAPE CULTURE, SMASH PATRIACHY" at the same time as desperately hiding the fact that the West is a fucking bent-over-backwards paradise for women and if they don't like it maybe they should go live in Tajikistan, see how much they "don't" get raped there.

Say I came late for the mass rape and ask her to leavd

Sveikas, brolau. Baltic union when?

>rape belt


Never heard this expression and I've been around some guys that probably would constantly get it in the ass from their cellmates if they were caught.

>Romanians were the most likely to say rape is justifiable in the survey.
What did you expect from these gypsies? They literally believe morality doesn't apply to gadje (non-Roma people).

Maybe instead of stupid polls we could post some stats.


>When you see a pair of tits and have a sexual emergency

>Tfw jamaican
I've never heard any gossip about people getting raped, shot yeah, but not raped.

>Country that doesn't consider rape rape has few rape cases

I can totally believe that Serbian rate, those guys never dindu nuffen

Well, what did you expect to happen when EU let in all those Mohammad's?


>Door opens by itself

Call the fucking cops, how the hell did she get in here?

Whats wrong with Kiwis?

I remember when /x/ was obsessed with this weird bitch



STFU Dingo, the wording relates precisely to verbal consent, not to rape. In western Europe to touch a whore walking naked on the street is rape. In the est, rape is what was: sticking you dick in a vagina when she clearly fights it. Easterenrs are not familiar with feminist propaganda so they will theat this as dick in the pussy+violence situation.