Enjoy your soylent green, herd faggots

Reminder: If your hard boiled eggs don't look like this, you didn't grow up on a farm in a Red state

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>hard boiled eggs
>literally worst way to prepare them
go away corn pleb

Boiling an egg is fucking terrible

>boiled eggs
no thank you

any hard boiled egg looks like that of you cut through the middle of the yoke.

Hard boiled eggs are disgusting

>mommy not around to peel my hardboiled eggs

This is how you boil egg you pleb.

>>literally worst way to prepare them

*flavor completely sealed in
*will hold at room temperature for days
*this cooking method doesn't require outside additives such as milk or fat

Vanish, pop tart fatty

I think they taste alright

this is soft-boiled tho

>what is hard boiling vs soft boiling

Hard boiled eggs are delicious. I only wish I could eat more of them without my heart hurting.

Why would a boiled egg look any different?

Enjoy your salmonella, Nigel

Only good with tartar sauce

not if youre from jew york

pls don't boil rotten eggs

Just a tip from an Asian for my white compatriots
>Add some soy sauce to the yolk
>Now try it

No need to thank me for this life hack



If your mom and wife ain't your sister, you didn't grow up on a farm in a Red state

I too wonder Hans

>Hard boiling your eggs.

But how will you dunk the soldiers in it?


as the OP says, if you dont live in a red state, you prob arent getting eggs from a nice farm but rather from GMO chemtrail chemchickens

Why is there a ring?

>bongs in charge of cooking

r/asianmasculinity please leave.

I thought we were talking about only an egg. If you add things to it then all bets are off

you can't beat an onsen egg

Pan fried sunny side up eggs are the best

>put plenty of oil in the pan
>let the oil get hot
>drop the egg in the center of the oil
>the edges are instantly fried and crispy

Then sprinkle with kurkuma, black pepper, salt and a little garlic powder. I usually eat mine with a little bit of yoghurt based mayonaise.

>getting upset at boiled eggs
y tho

In Europe we don't wash eggs, thus keeping the protective layer that keeps the samomnella from getting inside, so we don't have to cook them fully like you american bacteriophobes retards.

this isn't how eggs look in other parts of the world?

I get packages of already hard boiled eggs from the local bougie market and they look exactly like that.

Thank god I don't have to take care of fucking chickens to get the same shit.

Only blue state Democucks buy their eggs from Wal-Mart

>he doesn't eat balut instead

Soft cocks need not apply

I think you mean "jew yolk"

What the fuck is the Grey shit around my hard boiled eggs and why are they a darker yellow than these ones. Someone pls explain

god tier is medium poached imo

I was hoping for a more detailed explanation of what turns the yolk that color

There are but two proper ways to prepare an egg (assuming you don't have healthy enough chickens to eat them raw):

1) Poached
2) Slightly fried so the whites get white but the yolk is runny

Why even eat eggs if you're going to destroy the protein? Also, you have no fucking taste buds go eat another sugar bar you midwestern rascal jockey!

Cause you're probably getting your eggs from a chemically enhanced steroid shit bird

hahaha this

Ameritards remove the outer casing of their eggs and they take on bacteria and smell.

If you're going to actually cook better make angel eggs instead.
You know something with actual quality ,texture and flavour and not just HURRR LETS DROWN EVERYTHING IN FERMENTED SAUCE like all the fucking morons in Asians do.

Salmonella poisoning due to rarely cooked egg is not common than what you think right now. The egg's structure is composed of multiple layers of protective membrane coating which inhibits bacteria to reach the egg yolk. Your egg white is composed of enzymes which would kill microbes at a certain rate. If salmonella managed to penetrate the egg yolk which doesnt have any bacteriocidal enzymes, you still cannot easilly remove its toxin even by cooking it under high temperatures

t. Food science major

This. Stop the omega 3 from oxidising.

If you're going to boil eggs you may as well just munch on army surplus powdered eggs.

Learn to cook or just hurry up dying

just eat more fish

hard boiled is mostly just for convenience

I love it when Asians and Blacks coat their food in natural-flavor-destroying spices and sauces and then give white people shit for not doing the same like it's supposed to be some sort of badge of honor.

>I'm a lazy slob
Why even bother boiling the egg? Just buy powdered and fill your calorie-hole. I doubt you could tell the difference.

>Thank god I don't have to take care of fucking chickens to get the same shit

Dude, remove your balls from your girlfriend's purse

Also try this, I learned this from my girlfriend

>buy a ripe avocado
>cut boiled egg in half
>remove yolk
>mash and mix the yolk and avo together, season the mix with some salt and pepper
>put mix back onto the egg
>top it off with a bit of ketchup

Anybody who says GMO or factory farmed egg is either an idiot or a troll.

It is 100% dependent on cooking duration. Period. Green comes from the sulphur in the egg white reacting with the iron in the egg yolk forming ferrous sulfide. Don't want green? Hard boil it for a shorter duration.

Red state eggs and blue state eggs taste the same and are the same by and large.


t. City slicker Jew who voted for Trump

what if you want some fried eggs?
and buying 2 forms of eggs is just crazy

WTF is wrong with you?

1) Buy avocado
2) Don't fuck it up with a destroyed former-food like a boiled egg. Instead sprinkle with salt and enjoy your avocado.
3) Throw your raw egg out the window since you clearly have no idea what to do with an egg