Why haven't you bought a Kek ring/necklace yet...

Why haven't you bought a Kek ring/necklace yet? We must start collecting items that will allow us to commune with Kek when we are not at our keyboards. This way, our collective conscious is always connected, even outside of the virtual world. Also, other ideas for Kek worship are welcome.

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>Why haven't you bought a Kek ring/necklace yet?


The signet rings are fairly cheap. I got one for a friend and I the other day.

fucking faggot op starting his threads with no links. cant tell you shit when i dont know shit about any kek merchandise

>The signet rings are fairly cheap.

I don't think you understand just how poor I am.

Where do they sell them?

>we got the president elected
>we got rituals
>now we got rings
We're the new freemasons, aren't we?

Shapeways.com has them. It took me 5 seconds to find it on google.

>>This way, our collective conscious is always connected, even outside of the virtual world.

Dude reality is virtual, information based, not materialist, why do you think meme magic works?

Just believe in yourself.

>Just believe in yourself.

Grocery store and landlord don't take "Belief" as a form of payment.

om namah shivaya

Fuck off faggot, I remember you shilling your rings back then. Kek doesn't need any altars or particular items to follow him.


I don't remember seeing any shill threads, but as you can see I'm open to other forms of worship. Contribute or hide the thread.

where do you get them?

I just ordered a Kek statue from here, looks like they are still in stock.


You see how it says Heket statue?

It's Heket, not Kek. The hieroglyphs on the base also reads Heket (google it)

They're just putting "kek" on this shit to make you buy it, idiots.

Gimme some links nigga, I can't find anything like this online. Shadilay.

Meme magic is basically chaos magic. The way we practice it and worship Kek is almost identical to the way practitioners of chaos magic operate.

daily reminder

You say this shit in every thread moloch. Nobody likes you go home

on Sup Forums, OP is responsible for making a decent thead, lest it be googleable or not

>those digits

How'd they manage to make it look tackier than the original?

Chaos is change. When the world stagnates and rots chaos sets things back into motion. Chaos is a necessary force of the universe to prevent entropy.

When the waters on the pond go still Kek throws a stone.

Because the only ones they have got frogs on them.

You all need to embrace Jesus Christ and stop with your idolatry.

I don't believe this. I believe Kek is an agent of Christ. Perhaps the angel of death, final plague of Egypt.

Keep buying cheap chinese shit then, I guess.

This Kek bullshit is the next Guy Fawkes mask, and you cunts are responsible. Fuck you.

Why haven't you bought a Kek ring/necklace yet?

heket is the femal embodiment of kek.

get your shit straight and study up on egyptian theology

Shadilay my friends.

Praise be Kek.

Meme magic be with you.

Why has Shadilay not been established as our version of shalom yet?

I'm not a ring guy, but if I was, this is what I'd be wearing!

oy ribbit

oy dublets

Keep crying like a bitch then, you haven't been relevant as a nation since 1776

>actually putting your faith in an acient god of chaos
Wew lads

Be careful. We don't know if we truly have the power to control kek yet. We may have unleashed a force we may later regret

>current year
>not accepting jesus christ as your lord and saviour
Heressy desu

>look up kek worship on google
>website calls kek a 'hate' god of chaos

You Jews need to leave. We have the power now. Baphomet and Moloch can suck Keks dick.

kek, don't be a poorfag like just be rich instead faggot


no its not you nigger
female counterpart of kek is keket
kek has body of a man head of a frog, keket body of a woman head of a snake

heket is just a frog- goddess of fertility


This guy knows what's up. The power of the mind and the memes will gain you wealth, it's all in your mind.

I already have a 24 carat gold ring with my family crest engraved on it.

I found two baby frogs in my house tonight. Pic related was all tangled up with a dust bunny and I had to clean him up before putting him back outside.

What does it mean, Sup Forums? Am I blessed by kek? I don't have any jewelry or anything, but I did make a Pepe magnet that's sitting in my bedroom.

If you are eating ramen, you HAVE to check this shit out:


Indo mie. Their mie goreng (Indonesian for fried noodle) ramen is FUCKING TOP and it's roughly 50 cents per serving ordered from Amazon. My local Chinese market has it for 39c each.

This is the best shit out there right now. 2 of these, with chili oil bamboo is fucking top. About $1.25 for a meal I ENJOY eating.

you are indeed blessed by kek

he who croaks has granted you two frogs to look over you.


kawaii kek desu :3

ramen is like 10-20 cents a pack bought in bulk

>mfw, I have wild frogs in a small pond in my backyard

I went to a Portuguese cafe today and with my meal I was given a free Christmas biscuit. Except the one I was given simply had a green tree frog one it all the rest were Christmas themed

Let me get this straight, you are accusing me of jewry for helping a fellow Ameripoor eat decent tasting shit for the $1 he can afford to spend?

And I'm the Jew here? Fuck you.

If only there were some industrious merchant to produce and market such a thing.

I know that, but it tastes like fucking shit and has a fuckton of sodium, often several hundred percent RDA.

This stuff is around 30% sodium and is cheap enough and fucking delicious. Quit being a faggot and go out and get some.

>tfw when my nickname in the military was Kermit
Kek was with me this whole time.

top tier brand right there desu

I've got a frog that moved in to my shower. He won't leave. I caught him and put him in the backyard but he keeps coming back.

It sits in the top corner of the shower and REEEEEE's at me if I shower to long until I get out.

I'm going to learn wood carvings and make my own frogs, thank you

Here is the littlest kek, he was a lil dirty too. It's hard to clean lil guys without them jumping away.


You should make a Bohemian Grove style giant wooden Kek.

put him in some water

Digits confirm. That Indonesian kepap packet with the actual oil (not powder) makes all the difference.

>he doesn't have a pepe tattoo on his peepee

we have that shit here in aus, never tried it though cos i'm not a poorfag

I picked the dust/hairs off and then rinsed them both off before releasing them outside. It got pretty tangled in thier lil feets.

reminder that Jews were enslaved in egypt by the kek cultists

Yes, I (((know))) but eating too much sodium for no reason is hard on your kidneys. Instead of (((powder))), ramen should have actual oils and spices to mix with the noodles. Each one of these comes with 2 oil packets, a chili packet, and a spices packet instead of (((broth))).

This is the first I've seen of a delicious but really cheap ramen that doesn't buy into the broth meme.

Hello, newfag!

your'e trying to hard to respond to my bait, also dubz in ID

kek has bestowed two guardians upon you
lucky tbqh

How do you apply the bamboo? And do you "cook" both ramen at once?

What does the Latin mean? Enough to meet their minds?

Wait do you buy the oil bamboo separately or is it in the pack?

You should try it and see if you like it. I like the spicy beef the best. It is actually quite close to Indonesian street food noodles if you've ever been.

My wife and I stockpile it in case of natural disasters and occasionally eat it because it's fucking tasty and not all that terrible for you.

You better take care of them.



they take care of themselves

I eat this shit at uni /because/ I'm a poorfag. Makes you feel full for cheap. Like 0 nutritional value tho, fuckloads of sodium too.

Red packet is best flavour (make sure it's actually red, not dark pink)

Yes, cook both ramen at the same time, in basically 1 liter of water. Inside the ramen package, there are 4 packets: 1 Indonesian kepap (a type of savory sauce), 1 oil packet, 1 chili packet, and 1 spices packet.

You combine the wet + the dry and mix them into a sauce. You drain the noodles and mix the still-slightly-wet noodles with the sauce to coat. Much like Indonesian street food.

Chinese bamboo shoots pickled in chili oil are a Chinese staple. They have a spicy exterior (duh) but a buttery interior. I like them cold and piled up on the side of my bowl with the noodles.

That way, I can contrast the hot, spicy noodles with the cold, buttery (but also slightly spicy) bamboo shoots.

It's probably the best thing going on in ramen right now.

Frogs are good to have, they eat mosquitos and other bugs. Having frogs around is also proof of a healthy ecosystem. However, I could do without all the frog turds on my porch. But what goes in must come out, as they say. HaHa!

Spiders are also nice.

hearing them croaking at night is pretty comfy too desu


Sorry, I forgot to specify, the chili oil bamboo must be purchased separately. Pic related is decent and around $2.50 USD where I am.

I keep spiders, frogs and lizards around to keep the bug population down. I live in Florida in the country so it can be bad.

I got spiders living in the corners of my room, keeps the bugs away, frog living in my shower (he won't leave, I tried to evict him four times and he keeps coming back so now he lives here I guess) and lizards all around the house.

The frogs around my place don't really croak, more like scream. You could say it's like a "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE".
It's not comfy :^(

Hot damn, thanks.

The one in my shower REEEEEE's at me if I shower too long. He's really pushy.

just one click ordered thank you OP and 2016


>buying KEK merchandise

you idiots are so easily exploitable god damn

ban yourself from this board forever if you do this