Why doesn't stefan talk about Canadian issues

Hes not even American yet his whole showmis about usa.

Is he a leaf operative influencing us politics?

All other countries are irrelevant.

US politics affect Canada more than Canadian politics.

Leafs hate to directly admit this, but it's true.

This is true 100%.

cause no one gives a fuck about a leaf

why would they hate to admit this?

Obviously this is true and most Canadians know this. It says far more about your Jewish ruling class and its genocide of ethnic europeans than it does our country.

Canadians jump at the case to blame it on America and many times they're right. The most common recently was due to back in 2003 our PM promised to legalize marijuana but Bush said he would freeze up the border with searches thus fucking our entire economy (and most of the midwest and north east). Bush also invoked article v which pulled us into a war we couldn't decline even though nobody thought article v would be used for terrorist attacks. etc. The biggest decisions that have hurt Canada were/are made by the UK and the USA.

supply and demand you fucking idiot


the reason article 5 was invoked was because congress voted in favor of war

Exactly. So long as Americas Jewish ruling class controls that country we're all forced to either comply or be sanctioned/bombed into the ground.

The point is nobody ever thought Article V would be used for a 9/11 type scenario and it was a real Jewish fucking move to pull it. Only America could have gotten away for that shit if France, Spain, Germany, or the UK used Article V after their terrorist attacks everyone would laugh in their face.

ie. Serbia which tried to deal with its Muslim population and America bombed it into the ground and allowed Muslims to declare independence in Kosovo which was only 10% Muslim in 1919.

No, this is just narcissism on the part of Americans

Which issues do you think garner more views on YouTube, American issues or Canadian issues?

Reminder that Stefen is intentionally ignoring Peterson.



Probably can't stand to have a genuine highly intelligent philosophy on the show. Peterson has been trying to get on the show since October.

leaf springs or coil springs, we can service them at Stefo;s garage.

I don't think he's ignoring him stef has lots of guests hard to get someone on like that

Stef is egotistical as hell m8


>Canadian issues

lmao there literally aren't any

I remember he had Stefan on his related channels list about a month ago, then last I checked a few days ago it was gone.

Can't say I'm unhappy about it. Peterson is an authoritarian prick, anyway.

There's nothing wrong with authoritarianism.



Not an argument



He's a shekelgrabber and his country is a boring liberal shithole

Obviously he won't get any views talking about his country that noone cares about

He doesn't care about Canada, just like everyone else. He only talks about countries that matter.


Hi Qatar, nice flag.

Peterson > Stefan. He cant even refute this argument.

Legendary id holy shit

>still no response to Varg

Is this the beginning of the end for Molymeme?

For the same reasons i don't bother to learn my ministers names or care about the politics of my country

Shekels can be even dearer friends

Armenians give him sheckles

accurate ID to post ratio

Vargina isnt even in the same league as Stefani al noargumentani (may no aggression be cast upon him)

because Canada is a lost cause


Canada isn't a real country. There is no such thing as Canadian people.

Canada is to America as Austria is to Germany. Canadians are Americans.


>Hey y'all! Stee-fan Molynukes from Freedom Main Radio, hope y'all are doing swell!

Canadian issues would not bring him views. Who cares about Canada? Canadians don't, look at the faggot running the place.


You forgot about Québec. We fucking hate everybody


I don't blame him.

If Trudeau was my president I'd want to spend all my time talking about America, too.

fuck statists and fuck non-white people

Austrians are slavs not germans (atleast to me)

This, fix USA= fix canacuck.
Plus who gives a fuck about canada.