Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
she looks like a Draugr
shell be fine
I hope that (((Ginsburg))) dies soon, so Trump can nominate one more judge.
BTW, why didn't that bitch move to Australia as she promised to do if Trump would win.
needs to be removed and murdered
may these double bring disaster.
maybe she'll resign
is she the one that made political statements?
she should be sacked
Nice are those 00g plugs?
The Supreme Court's job isn't to legislate from the bench. It's simply to determine if a proposed law is constitutional or not. That's it.
she's a literal shitbird
Doubles says kek has his way with the witch
>she will die in my lifetime
Die bitch.
as will Hillary, Bill, Bernie, Soros, Merkel, Junker, Schultz
The future looks so bright i might need shades.
Le roll
Kek doesn't work that way you faggots
Kek will rip open her jaws and shit down her throat. Following that begins the expulsion of Jews from the USA
why did I ever join Sup Forums
I would have thought Jews were just funny neurotics who hate bacon
hell be fine
>1 off from quads.
Wew lad. Don't scare me like that
Former Daily Show anchor Jon Stewart
He says otherwise
He works by summing the holy digits, Ginsburg will die soon.
Shes cute.
Fool you need gets like mine, take them.
I don't know, maybe they found out we're fucking full.