>Here is a tip: Most academics are degenerate, always take with a grain of salt anything they say that disagrees with me.
What did he mean by this?
>Here is a tip: Most academics are degenerate, always take with a grain of salt anything they say that disagrees with me.
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
> Cientiest say its fine to fap
> Neourocientiest say its bad
you chose
Yea, honestly, is your imagination that bad.
They don't say "its bad", they say it behaves the same way that addictions do.
As in, when faced with the choice to fap or not, the more you have fapped before, the more likely you are to choose to fap again, even if its rational not to.
Same as buying a cup of coffee on friday. You are more likely to do it if you drank a few cups every previous day of that week, even if you are saving money.
It is not a "rational" decision, rather you are doing something because you are addicted to it. Thats the "its bad" part.
Men stop watching porn because women are making asses of themselves and making themselves unmarriable.
Got it. This makes all kinds of sense. Jesus fucking Christ.
If women mimicked Japanese porn chicks instead of diseased Hollywood Jew porn slags, the population would soar and men would go back to killing one another over women within 24 hours.
I have allmost finished one week of no-fap.
It gets easier.
Actually the argument that you should use your imagination instead of videos only works if your imagination is bad.
If its good, its will produce a similar effect as videos, as in your mind will race between different women, situations and positions, and your brain will reward you as if you impregnated a few women in the last five minutes, thus relax you for the next couple of hours, and you may have trouble doing the dishes or going for a workout in that period. Jobs done, after all, why not lay back and enjoy life?
>If women mimicked Japanese porn chicks
Scream like aliens from a cheap horror film and pretend they are getting raped every time you touch them?
I see your point, but it's usually a end of the day activity, and I workout everyday except Sunday, but point taken
>Academics and sources that disagree with me are degenerate!
Fucking grade A argument. people actually like this idiot
If you are doing it before bed at the end of the day, using video will have no negative effect.
The problem with video is that you don't watch one film, rather you jump between scenes, and your brain thinks you just got done with an orgy and you fathered a dozen children, so you enter a low effort mode for a while. You wouldn't notice it if you sleep through that low motivation period.
If rubbing them out to tattooed 28 year old sacks of pathology who look 40 whose only clean cells are in their basketball sized silicone bags barely held in place by their sagging tit skin getting fucked by one or more cialis-jacked niggers with a submarine for a dick in positions that would put most people in the hospital is your thing, what the fuck do you care about this discussion? You're already broken sexually beyond repair in your mind and in your body.
>if you are my strawman, you aren't allowed to post
Luckily, I am neither your strawman, nor do you have the power to stop me from posting ;)
black pigeon is cancer. I fucking hate that red pill mgtow piece of shit.
Women are equally capable of all the things men are though with physiological differences and suchlike.
women were crucial to the holocaust, NASA, and pretty much everything.
Like what is this nonsense about porn being dangerous lol.
This dude is a hack. I unsubbed when he started pushing Agenda 21 propaganda on city planning in America. Plus, he's a fucking leaf.
but its so good sometimes youtube.com
Its not an argument and he never claims it is. They are still degenerate as fuck tho
But he is strictly anti-MGTOW.
And his view, which I agree with incidentally, even though I disagree with him on most things, is that women should be raising children.
Children raised with mom at the office instead of home turn out bad. Marriages with mom at the office end up bad.
So yes, mobilizing the other half of the population has created a tremendous economic growth, but at a terrible sociological cost, since kids are raised to be low quality people.
Molymeme has the same view and can explain it much better.
They both coat this otherwise good argument with their ideological diarrhea when presenting it.
One with MUH DEGENERACY, the other with MUH EVIL STATE.
Jusht pure idieology, on both shidesh. *sniff*
>tfw just got done watching porn and fapping after trying nofap for 3 days
fuck man i can't watch this vid i already feel like shit
*respectably sniffs in your general direction*
5 days no fap and no fuck in sight ... raises my anger by a lot - and i don't need that i'm no pussy either way only more controlled and relaxed when i had sexy time or fappenings
forget "not watching porn" when you can't get laid lads ...
Jeffrey Dahmer blamed porn for killing people.
Give me a fucking break people. This guy is actually retarded and just looks for scapegoats to Pigeon toe the worlds problem into a single issue. Which is ironic considering he is a Black Pigeon.
>all these degenerate porn addicts coming out the woodwork
why the fuck are you even on Sup Forums when you are a subversive kike
What the FUCK lmao
In his tourism youtube channel, literally EVERY video has a pornographic thumbnail and has footage of half stripped girls doing lewd things
This cunt is inconsistent as fuck
wtf I love porn now
nah, no-porn is no problem at all, no fap is hardmode.
But well, Nietzsche said that "no sexual degeneracy is not for everyone"
Well sorry lad, you will never be Übermensch.
>what is clickbait
Porn does fuck you up. Every time I fap i feel so drained, i feel anxious, and i feel like a lazy sack of shit. Porn is a fucking jew tool to keep the goyim weak, degenerate, and hedonistic.
>its okay when a jewish canadian with an asian wife speaking for the alt right on youtube does it
I made it for like a week and a half before I was in the same boat, mad at nothing plus trouble sleeping due to painful erections.
On the bright side the fap after waiting that long felt great. I was so sensitive the water from the shower nearly got me off.
It's to get his point across you literal retard. Having a lewd picture gets way more views, it shows how addicted everyone is to pornography.
The anger goes away when the urges subside but its around day 20 for me when that happens
I know how to get people to quit porn, by showing them porn and talking over it that porn is bad!
In fact I hate porn so much, I will create an alternative unrelated channel and have every thumbnail there be porn! Fuck porn, have some more porn, I hate it, here is more!
Thats when depression kicks in. Stop intentionally driving yourself into depression.
I cant:^((
>Every time I fap i feel so drained, i feel anxious, and i feel like a lazy sack of shit
you should go see a doctor.
His videos are always half-baked and disingenuous. So he quotes the percentage of people affected negatively in the first study as if it's obviously false then for the rest of the video it's only communicated implicitly that porn affects all men negatively and to a large magnitude.
Has he yet published a video in which his argument isn't built on lies of omission?
he is one of the few that says it right!
i cant stop watching just yet, just less than used to
I am trying to stop faping, its tough but makes a lot of difference in your life..
+1 that go see a doctor
jacking off, clears my mind and gets me back to work or energetic to get something done afterwards
either its your testosterone levels, hormones or whatever crap you're watching "dog on cat, horse on goat"
Jacking off clears your mind because you get that sweet dopamine hit that you're addicted to. Most people are sleepy after they jack off, you must be an exception.
Nietzsche is overall not a good example in relations to sexuality ...
Who /nofapdecember/ here?
I feel the same, but also with vidya
still in my 20s, don't smoke, drink, take drugs, rarely sick, work out regularly, office jerb (sitting a lot), good nutrition - not much crap
^ ... shouldn't be surprising at that age in that frame and conditioning
Going mental is what gets people these days in 1st world regions ...
>getting your opinions from youtubers
True degeneracy
Some good points, but it really varies from person to person. I've already got mental illness, so healthy porn is a nice stabilizer.
But keep posting on Sup Forums, yes, this place promotes mental health.
i fap literally 1~3 times a day to the wierdest shit, and am also really fucking lazy with no motivation. you nig's think it's related?
It's all I have left
if you watch porn, I can tell you that it is.
I just started no fap. Cant say anything yet.
Do you people just fap whenever you want to (like a set sched for "relieving stress") or do you really feel lust pretty often?
>start watching porn and fapping because I can't get a gf
sometimes a nigga finna bust a nut
Yes, both are caused by the same thing, depression.
i fap probably 4 times a week, and i do it because i'm not getting laid because i don't like to be around women. since i'm going to be fapping, why waste time using my imagination when i can just watch a video and get it over with quicker and move on?
Muted the vid and jacked off to it. Thanks for the fap.
so your saying it's the whacking it that's causing my depression that's causing my lazy parasitic lifestyle? i'm not really against the idea of trying nofap i've just never seen any serious reason to.
Do you know what an unstable equilibrium is? If your response to women becoming degenerate is becoming a degenerate yourself, and not going out looking for those few non-degenerates that are worried, then society will go to shit pretty fast, because this issue isn't gonna fix itself.
Does that include no fapping as well? No porn is easy , no fap is the tough one
Porn configures you to get turned on by watching two strangers fucking, it's basically a voyeur/cuck factory.
it's a cycle, and both exasperate the other
Aren't we the board of mental health of the Internet?
I'm horny almost all the time.
not sure i can listen and believe, but i might as well put it to the test and try nofap.
>tfw a fucking estonian is giving me life advice
thanks if it works, how long am i going with this before shit gets better?
No, it's all the crazy porn. Go pornless, fap when you need to.
>and not going out looking for those few non-degenerates that are worried
and not going out looking for those few non-degenerates that are worth it
I have no idea how I managed to fuck that sentence up so bad
Japan has one of the lowest birth rates and highest number of celibates + incels. Fewer and fewer people are getting married and many Japanese people are opting out of relationships/having kids altogether. Their women are behaving like Japanese porn stars, but clearly it's not working. Could porn itself be to blame for this? Maybe.
>it's a "Sup Forums attempts to rationalise bad behaviour" episode
Worse than people on Sup Forums telling themselves that games aren't a a waste of time
>waste of time
Such a meaningless expression. You have no higher purpose, no checklist of things to do, you aren't in a race.
Do what you want to do, you quite literally can't "waste time", because you don't have a thing to do more important than other things.
When you fap you sure aren't gonna get some.
>haha jokes on you kid I'm a nihilist
You don't have to be a nihilist to realize that there is no higher purpose to you, and there isn't any important goal for you.
Will my brain actually recover if I stop porn? Does it cause permanent damage?
>there is no higher purpose
>there isn't any important goal for you
Didn't mean to trigger you. Go pray, I am sure it will pass.
You should set a purpose for yourself so you don't eventually end up going mad.
>Worse than people on Sup Forums telling themselves that games aren't a a waste of time
Depends if it is compulsive behavior and also how and when you do it. They're a great language learning tool because of the repetition.
>That video
Every time, FUCK my shit up famalam
miert nem akarod hogy spricceljek , buzi antigeci zsido vagy bammeg ? kurva anyadat aztat , rachell starr prt rprt a zsepkendöbe , na jo ejszakat.
>guys seriously stop watching porn it's the devil!!
>oh this? It's just a cigarette I know it's bad but oh well
>this? That's just a glass of alcohol. There's nothing wrong with alcohol.
Who said that?
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