trolled himself
Trolled himself
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I saw a fat feminist on their fb page talking about stuffing her pantry with pop tarts
Why do lefties love pop tarts so much
gluttony is degenerate
I don't get it
They're fucking disgusting
$5 says that's not the
only selfie with a box of poptarts he's ever taken
Strudels blow the fuck out of popshits
how will the alt-right ever recover?
Me neither. Maybe it has something to do with circumcision? Isn't the Kellogg's guy the one who made it popular in America?
>poverty pastries
>not going to an artisan donut shoppe every morning before work
Stay pleb
Donuts are just sugar-coated Jew rings.
Is there anything wrong with eating sugar-coated Jew rings?
Makes your shit solid gold which isn't fun
>not flying to Denmark for lunch to get real authentic danish pastries baked by only the finest of danish bakers
enjoy eating your peasant food.
the torus jew
The only reason I feel triggered is this :
Why do fat guys never wear shirts at home, and think it's socially acceptable to photograph themselves while shirtless?
What the fuck lmao? Poptarts now equals leftie?
You are fucking retarded, kike muncher.
Hipster faggot
>artisan donut
donuts are industrial shit, kill yourself
pic related, artisan pastry
If liberals are keen on purchasing and consuming poptarts because of the alt-right, could the alt-right continue to boycott junk food so liberals all fatten themselves up and die of diabetes (well faster than they already are)? Would liberals, intent on spending their money on frivolous shit, be capable of being goaded into buying other stupid shit for laughs? Should someone start organizing internet "boycotts" of products to watch liberals make idiots of themselves buying shit in response?
Why is he naked?
start a twitter campaign something like #fatsagainsttrump or #eatingforhillary make it about gaining 1 kg for every day trump is elected or something like that
Pierre. He's American. He will never know.
Probably can't find any clothes that fit him.
plz bully pierre
That looks like shit. Seriously, it doesn't even look appealing.
Have Euros never seen Chopped? Your 'artisian' shit isn't as good as a $0.30 pop tart.
>when you take a selfie of your fat self to virtue signal for a fucking brand
Ask your parents to do that for you.
...Oh right I forgot they cut contact with your pitiful and shameful existence. Guess they're happier they don't have to think about a failure anymore.
>not eating STALKER artifact cakes exclusively
Let's encourage her. If both those fat slobs keep eating it, they'll drop dead
I always wear a shirt except when showering or when overheated
For the sake of my faith in humanity, I choose to believe he was just trying to score some free shit from kelloggs, not taking time out of his day to whiteknight for and give free advertising to a company with a...*googles*...$1.13 billion annual marketing budget.
Make fat fuck th face of pop tarts. Slovenly liberals for Kellogg's
... but that's just baumkuchen though? (or the polack version of it, judging by the filename)
>ja, ordnung muss sein.jpg
Do you helmuts have fun, like, ever?
Go away, swine.
what kind of cake is this? i like the texture
What is this woman so smug about?
you know complain about this fat fuck is pretty pathetic.
anyway this kellog/breitbart thing it's funny, i hope some anons try to do some austistic thing like ebola chan to destroy Kellog business
Can somebody TL; DR somebody who doesn't do Twatter? Is this just some fat guy who started a hashtag to get free sugar? [spoiler]Pumpkin Pie Pop-Tarts are pretty damn good[/spoiler]
Your $0.30 poptart is giving you diabetes and ass cancer. You desensitised your taste buds with all the industrial """food""" you stuff your face with everyday, baka. I'll kick you in the mobility scooter!
Apparently it's called a spit cake.
It's created by roasting layers of something between sponge cake and sweet pancake batter next to an open flame.
Traditionally poured by hand by old babushkas with dirty fingernails, but that's falling out of favor for some reason.
So you're telling me that gold is jew-shit?
Is it degenerate to enjoy the nigger jew?
Kellogs removed their ads from breitbart
why would the alt-right be pissed about pop-tarts?
Kellogg removed their advertising from Breitbart
huh, i dont see what that hasanything to do with politics or Sup Forums then
Wew lad, how will we ever recover? I can't wait for the reaction for when we remove tax dollars for (((diversity officers))) in public universities.
>Wake up in the morning
>Travel to best pastry chef on earth
>Make them prepare their finest specialty
>Taste specialty once, throw pastry in trash
>Shoot pastry chef in the head
>Repeat the next morning
Get on my level
It's so easy to boycott Kelloggs when seemingly all they make are boxes of refined carbs and salt. It's one step away from being literal garbage.
I wish that guy would buy a thousand boxes of those for every one I don't buy.
It was funny hearing them whine when Trump won.
they love it because they are overgrown kids and it reminds them of their childhood
>not owning female Danish slaves locked in your basement whom you impregnate on a regular basis and force to have an abortion afterwards just so that you can drink milk directly from their tits and force them to make danish pastries while you're away so that you don't have to fly to Denmark every day
Fucking poorfag.
>how to make the gravity pissed at you
>be 400 pounds
is that fat or just retarded?
I don't get it....
>nathan young
>will die young
Things that this humble third worlder would love to experiment but will never will:
>Pop Tart
>Montain Jew (hue)
>Tripple Heart Attack Burger
>Deep fried Coca Cola
>KFC chicken
Fuck my shit up senpai :(
>Not having a trap door that leads to a shark tank.
What's the story with Kellogg's? Should we boycott? I seem to have missed that one.
because they're sweet with no real substance and prolonged ingestion will turn you into a fucked up bloated mess
pop tarts are the food version of leftist politics essentially
Feel no desire user. These products are shit and taste like shot.
>because they dont sell these in america
funny enough i only find these in islamic bakeries
Dunno bro. Twkinky for example seems to be really soft and creamy. LOok sgood as fuck
As for Mountain Dew, I have no idea for what to expect. Probably is grapefruit flavored.
mountain dew is lemonade
literally lemonade with a bit less lemon flavour and way more sugar
pop tarts are disgusting if you haven't spent your life guzzling sugar, they will literally taste of overwhelming sugar, I tried one once and couldn't eat more than two bites
americans eat crazy amounts of sugar, and they don't tend to realise because this sugar consumption has fucked their ability to taste it
they have sugar in their bread ffs
consequently anything designed to be 'sweet' to an American market is literally diabetes
Them I will never taste those.
I gave up on sugar and soda about 2 months ago.
I still have some drawbacks here and there, but Im holding up as much as I can.
Lost 8 pounds just by stoping eating these things.
>Mountain Dew
Fuck off britbong, Poptarts are the shit.
Everything else sucks though
what is this thing? Looks like crusty bread filled with huge loads of dry cum and then a roasted rat tail on top of it.
is this french """"cuisine""""?
He got one thing wrong. We are not a bunch of pussies that get triggered by pictures. We just make fun of them. Fucking idiots just won't ever get it. You can't hurt the feelings of people that don't buy into having them in the first place.
ITT: Degenerates arguing about the best way to masturbate their mouths with sugarshit.
God dammit i miss France... If you fucking faggots weren't all communists and didn't destroy your own country literally importing fucking terrorists. it would be the most ideal place to live.
they assume were just like them
damn, i haven't had a pop tart in a really long time.
i'm just a little dollop of jam spread across a piece of toast poorfag.
>the Kellogg's guy
they gave you a cake to put in the toaster, and you said 'no take that back and put icing sugar on it'
how am I wrong?
Who doesn't love pop tarts?
Niggas got more chins than a Chinese phone book.
How sad his life must be that he literally can't even post a photo of himself without it becoming a joke
Fucking fat fuck.
yea poptard suck ass
this isn't real photo right?
Is this Tay Tay?
Because she's an anthropomorphic pig beast.
And you don't see the irony in posting that comment on fucking Sup Forums?
Pop tarts actually suck major ass DESU. The texture and taste is maximum levels of artificial. Is it even made out of things that were meant to be eaten. it's like the McDonald's of snacks, it doesn't seem to actively rot and that's not normal
>mfw just ate some pumpkin pie poptarts
They weren't even good anyway. So what if I've eaten three out of the four packs already.
As opposed to good christian doughnut holes, the jesus sugar spheres
>can't cook for shit literally one of the 3 or 4 important things that humans should know how to do above all else
>thinks something not made by a machine is artisan
And I just noticed
Just kys you fucking faggot