People may laugh but flat earthers know something

People may laugh but flat earthers know something

>tallest man
are all flat earthers mantels? i don't think dinos ever got that big

manlets* not mantels

Do flat earthers not believe in gravity? I thought gravity was the same on a flat earth

Flatearthers = not sure if trolling or retarded

Dinos were adapted to it. They were very muscular and were able to handle the gravity effecting their huge bodies.

>water creature is not supposed to live on land
Really made me think

Really activated my almonds.

Some do

Dinosaurs had legs. Thats why they didnt suffocate.

If the dinosaur was lying on his stomach he would suffocate too. is this real?

I don't know if that is true but

Yes, that would be true, had the Earth not had been smaller and less dense.

You got magic legs lieutenant dan

>flat earthers in charge of not letting water spill over the edge

>current year
>still being sphere cucked
Earth is flat. Stop swallowing the jews lies

Ice wall. How do trains work on a globe earth?

Without globe earth theory there cannot be a prison planet

Much higher oxygen concentrations allowed everything to be larger

1) No dinosaur is as big as a blue whale.

2) They stand and don't lay on their belly like a white would.

In the Bible dinos might have been called dragons. The Bible in my opinion also says nothing about no curves or pears or spheres. Only faces and corners. Both impossible on a globe

Poe's law

20% more oxygen means breathing is less restrictive.

I'm thinking those huge ass exhibits they have of dinosaurs are pretty big

>How do trains work on a globe earth?

The enormous size of the planet makes the curvature a non-issue.

>Ice wall
>on the equator

Was also a much higher concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere back then. If I remember correctly, this allowed creatures to utilize more energy. Also, dinosaurs generally had a somewhat hollow bone structure. Remember something about how they weigh less than expected.

Why would the Jews care?

Gravity is probably electrical like everything else

TFW stupid people arrive. Yes there is big and then there is the biggest animal that's ever lived. Just ask Alexa or Google tumblerite.

Biblical dragons are symbols of monsters, maybe large reptiles, but not her more. Similar to a chimaera or a witch. Notice how the whale is described in the Jonah story because people literally didnt know anything about whales except that they were huge.

Flatearth nonsense is just controlled opposition, sliding the TRUTH about CUBE EARTH.

Answer the question
What equator. Start flying more sensibly please. Also if this gigantic size were a factor why do no civil planners plan for any curvature? Ever?

Higher oxygen cobtent, you needed less effort to breathe back then

I don't buy almost all of that
Who the fuck cares. Just this month they said they found proof of megalodon. Those were mythical for the longest time

I don't think you understand just how huge blue whales are.

Gravity can't be electrical, it's inherently different mathematically as there's no negative gravity

Every instance of the word dragon was transliteration of serpent, which might as well have been 'monster' with such little designation.

Fuck outta here everyone knows the earth is a d20

Are you ready guys?

Are you ready for the TRUE redpill?

Check this shit out.

This. It's why scientists STILL haven't figured out gravity in totality.

>Answer the question
i dont quite undestood the question , why wouldnt they worlk on a globe earth

>why do no civil planners plan for any curvature? Ever?
I'm still on the fence concerning whether we're flat or spherical, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't shitpost like this.


Sure i do. Brontosaur and tyrannosaurus and pterodactyl are probably within a few metres of blue whale
The fuck are you talking no negative gravity. Vacuums? Massless photons or even atoms? Have you heard of the primer fields?

What the fuck is the problem with trains working on a globe?


megafauna existed because there was far more oxygen

Serpent is devil so you're comparing apples and oranges
Google it. How the fuck is the most powerful locomotive supposed to pull five miles of oil up anything but a flat plane? You can have six engine cars. Which doesn't exist as a thing. And still fall backward. How can you not understand such a statement? Nice try
Hahahahahaha tough

>The fuck are you talking no negative gravity. Vacuums? Massless photons or even atoms?
Atoms have mass. A vacuum has zero mass, not negative mass. Photons are massless but have a mass-energy in general relativity, so still exert a tiny gravitational force. There is no negative mass unlike negative charges.

theres nothing that says repulsion (anti-gravity) can't exist


I thought it was because plants hadnt evolved woody stems yet so there was a lot more biomass that could be digested by herbivores

Imagine trees where the whole trunk is edible

The world is embedded in 4 spatial dimesions and forms a klein bottle, so everything is selfcontained.

No, nasach was also transliterated to serpent. Hebrew isn't really very varied.

>there's no negative gravity
Dark energy is literally negative gravity.


>Google it. How the fuck is the most powerful locomotive supposed to pull five miles of oil up anything but a flat plane? You can have six engine cars. Which doesn't exist as a thing. And still fall backward. How can you not understand such a statement? Nice try

Simple question to flat earthers.

If the earth is flat why is it that when we look at the telescope, every planet that revolves around us is spherical?

the sun, the moon, mars , venus etc.. spherical.


>How the fuck is the most powerful locomotive supposed to pull five miles of oil up anything but a flat plane?
Local topography (aka hills or small rises you retard) is more important at small scales than the curvature, which is only apparent on large scales. And even then you're not travelling up anything, since down isn't a fixed cartesian direction, it's the direction towards the earth's centre. Equipotentials of the earth's gravitational field are spherical

>No negative gravity?!1?!?11?!
>Cites vacuums as evidence
Yep, definitely a flat earther, but more importantly,

Brontosaurus: 22m
T-Rex: 12.4m
Pterodactyl: 10.6m wingspan

Blue whale: 30m

>How the fuck is the most powerful locomotive supposed to pull five miles of oil up anything but a flat plane? You can have six engine cars. Which doesn't exist as a thing. And still fall backward. How can you not understand such a statement?
What are you even trying to ask?

Well in theory yes, but not in ordinary matter

Dark energy may or may not exist though, could just be something wrong with our understanding of energy

It's negative pressure and not relevant on the earth.

i hope your trolling

Yes or its bullshit and god exist and just as the bible told us giants were real

Almond status: activated

That thing they know isn't how gravity or biology works.

The whale is lying on it's chest
The dinosaur is walking
The whale's weight is against it's lungs
The dinosaur's weight is on the ground

Take a fucking go-pro, strap it to a tiny science rocket, send it to the stratosphere, track where it fell, watch, and see the fucking curve of the Earth you stupid shits.

>primer fields

My nigga

still waiting on episode 4 to 6 :(

I think light can move itself and time isn't related to distance. If I to say that slalom is judged best three of five distances and half pipe is judged best three of five times. How the fuck do you know which one has the greater opportunity cost? If time and distance were truly correlated then this would be easy. There are no shades of green or brown in the sky but we say we know how old the stars are, based on their colours. It's all cock and balls

>Comissioned to sculpt
So it's a fake?

Jewish holograms

Trees, being giant ass plants, coincided with the rest of the gigantism that was happening at the time. Fungi to get help decompose of it all didn't evolve until later so there was just shit everywhere. No grass either.

>are they that small?
>see this

what the fuck.

>I think light can move itself and time isn't related to distance. If I to say that slalom is judged best three of five distances and half pipe is judged best three of five times. How the fuck do you know which one has the greater opportunity cost? If time and distance were truly correlated then this would be easy. There are no shades of green or brown in the sky but we say we know how old the stars are, based on their colours. It's all cock and balls
Not an argument.

The person who made that pic it's fucking retarded, just like the people who actually belive the world is flat.

What do you mean wat. Get outta here. Strained peas mutha fucka
I don't believe this. It doesn't make intuitive sense
Lay flour on the floor. Vacuum it up. Nice gravity you got there
Close enough
See Hue
Me too. The only half intelligent hooman in hurr

Flat earth as a premise that's not just a thought experiment includes the belief of the firmament, which would throw into question everything perceivable from 'space'.

They're not even the ancestors of birds either, they come from an entirely different lineage

smaller Earth means lower gravity, the Earth is growing, expanding even, check mate flat earthers

I missed the word "were". Get on my level. You are supposed to have invented our language. I need specifics, nigger

>unironically comparing a vacuum cleaner to the phenomenon that is a vacuum

1/10 b8 because I replied

I know this is bait but most dinosaurs weigh a hell of a lot less than whales. Diplodocus was as long as a Blue Whale but had weight more comparable to Proboscideans.

Then why don't we see anything up in the sky?

Right. Just a shit ton of ferns

Kinda crazy that fungus basically made coal unsustainable. if fungus hadn't evolved to decompose plant material as well as it does today we'd probably have way more coal and oil reserves

he's just shitposting.

>tfw whales and elephants will be extinct someday and people will just have to describe them to their kids like scientists do dinosaurs to us

the whale suffocates on land bc it's a fish retard

I didn't say phenomena now did I? Your fancy buzzword for "things I don't understand"

>Canada knowing this little about dinosaurs when the fucking paleontologist's wet dream that is Alberta exists


>I don't believe this. It doesn't make intuitive sense
Go back to middle school.
>Lay flour on the floor. Vacuum it up. Nice gravity you got there
Are you retarded? A vacuum doesn't create an actual vacuum, it creates low pressure to generate an air flow that exerts enough force on the flour to suck it up. Go back to school.

Gravity is a scam shilled by intelectuals and the NASA mafia to discourage regular people from trying to go explore space and see for themselves the beautiful disk shape of the Earth


probably not

my guess is intelligent bipedal rodents


Make sure it doesn't have a fisheye lens, that's what they always claim

>Lay flour on the floor. Vacuum it up. Nice gravity you got there.
Are you saying because the flow of air created by a vacuum can overcome the gravity acting on tiny particles it is negative gravity? If so magnet are also negative gravity because they can pick up paperclips

I have literally no idea what you even said, it was some crazy nonsensical sentences.

Yeah it's all related and still you sound retarded, in menopause and in agreement. And pick your train words better if you're going to write off the entire right brain. Jack ass

A force exerted against the force of gravity isn't inherently negative gravity. What the fuck is that Trudeau feeding you wingnuts?