Even the most whitest part of the UK has shitskin indian and paki doctors. Why are whites not studying medicine?
Redpill me Sup Forums
Even the most whitest part of the UK has shitskin indian and paki doctors. Why are whites not studying medicine?
Redpill me Sup Forums
Because of your glorious "free medical care".
because i want all sexy female indian doctors to check me out naked, so we can do it on that bed thing in the clinic
Because you're a shit tier country full of immigrants. In Finland all doctors are white, I'm not sure if there's a single black doctor in the country.
Complacency of the masses when you know you can skirt on by with your life but them immigrants from poverty are like they can chuck me back over the pond get a job that will anchor me.
this tbqh
Too many whitey's going for liberal arts or stuff that aren't related to science. That's why. You're so comfortable your youth doesn't give a shit about important things because it's simply provided for them freely.
Meanwhile if paki or Indian don't study something useful they may as well rot in their shitholes(which i'm sure the smart ones don't want).
How does "free medical care" motivate more asians to study medicine than whites?
They' re imported ya dufus.
So why aren't more whites studying medicine then? An "imported" doctor still gets paid 100k as a GP here.
Because being a doctor in the NHS is a shit occupation and no one wants to do it. You put in a huge amount of effort at university, then get fucked about for your 2 foundation years basically being a slave, then you are stuck doing mid tier jobs for years and years until a consultancy post opens up and even once you are at the top of your game you are lucky if you are on £100k a year assuming you don't do private work. And you still work crazy hours.
Medicine is a lifestyle choice, not a career choice.
Being a doctor is Indian/paki/Bengali is a sign of high status/cast in their culture. In ancient times people from lower class where not allowed to be/study to become a doctor so now when they are in a country/time that dosent have this cast system they are making everything for their kids becoming something they didn't have a chance to become and to "look good" infrint of relatives and other families etc.
So shitskins basically have a slave mentality
Because it's
1) cheaper to go to medical school in India or China
2) living in Britain is better than living in India or China, for now
3) It's not worth it for a British person to become a doctor based on pay, educational expense, and "free medical care" beauracracy.
Not even brown British people want to be doctors.
I don't know why people go into it in this country. Must be their parents. At university I studied chemistry to MSc and lived with some med students. Their work was menial, barely any theory (mostly about being sensitive to other cultures and individuals) and the theory was literally wrote learning.
They are now in jobs that they basicly have to pay to do and will do so for the next few years. When they end up earning enough, all of their peers at uni will have made up the gap they now have with high paying consultancies.
It's not worth it in the uk and is only gonna end up worse with hunt cucking national medics and trying to force them to work for even less
They seem to like the job, there were hardly any in my year at medical school (I did 2 years, jumped ship to final year of biology, then got in to a professional services firm) and the ones that were there seemed entirely motivated by the job itself and the status it gave them.
Lower class white kids are lazy as fuck and do shitty BTECs. They have no ambition or drive because if all else fails they can just scrounge for benefits. Their parents give no fucks either.
Lower class Asians are beaten the fuck up if they get anything lower than an A. They have strict traditional upbringings and parents pressure them into success. So as a result the top STEM subjects in the country are full of Asians. Imperial is overrun with Asians.
That is actually admirable.
I went in to it because I could, didn't have a clue what to do after school so through fuck it and stuck an application in. The work itself isn't hard, but there is so much of it.
The pay is good once you get out of uni as far as graduate jobs go, but if you go into the private sector you earn a LOT more much earlier on whereas doctors seem to stagnate for a long period. I earn much more than the people I went to uni with and I work a lot less. Win win in my book.
Because highly intelligent people are discouraged from participating in school, women are doing gender studies instead of doctorates and immigrants are cheaper, there is also quite a bit of affirmative action.
Our doctors are now "doctors without borders" and their doctors are here cucking their wages.
I'm a final year student. I can think of a few reasons.
My year has around 450 people. And about
50% white.
- Most white people I know decided to go into the private sector where they can actually use their skills to get $ quicker and a higher ceiling. So they have gone into the banks, laws and software companies most of the time.
- There is strong cultural indoctrination (including my own) that Medicine is the most prestigious career. Also emphasizing job securit, structure and low risk. My entire extended family are doctors with a few physios and pharmacists knocking around.
- There is a huge amount of nepotism amongst certain ethnicities of doctors. They provide GP practices for their children and family friends; and share vast amounts of private work for themselves.
- The whites that I know that do med. Tend to be extremely do-gooder/PC types.
Did you graduate then switch career?
Is it any different in Sweden?
Do jobs of any kind offer status or respect in your country or people simply don't care as long it's not criminal in nature?
In my country, medical profession is somewhat highly looked upon since doctors in private are highly well-paid. Somewhat because due to influx of crap medical schools, new graduates are terrible at their job and there isn't enough positions for them either in the government.
Why are there so many white rockstars?
Who cares if they are poo in loo or paki they are doctors ,you have cream of the crop of immigrants from there
Maybe just maybe they have higher IQ's on average...
Half of them are Russians who don't know wtf they are doing.
The NHS shits on doctors like Pajeet shits on the Ganges. Half of doctors trained in the UK get the fuck out and go to Aus or the USA. The only option to maintain a minimal level of staffing is recruiting from third world shitholes
tl;dr full socialist healthcare
It's a cultural thing. From a young age, kids in Indian (and generally Asian) families are instilled with the idea that they must enter into a profession that brings prestige and honour to the family. Medicine fits that bill.
>1) cheaper to go to medical school in India or China
Here in the states the meme med schools are the ones in the Caribbean
>TFW I woke up missing my Indian med student ex, and opened Sup Forums to find this thread.
Goddamn it
I'm not studying (((medicine))) because we don't know jack shit about psychedelics and the blockade that's been erected against their study and use is tantamount to crimes against humanity.
Because to Indian parents, being a doctor or engineer is everything. If you are not one of those, you are literally a failure in life. This is why an excessive amount of docs and engineering graduates are coming out of India.
Why the UK takes them in, I have no idea.
Also, Indians are Hindoos and generally hate the mudslimes.
Most of the Russian doctors work in the public health-care centres. I'm so sick of them, they can't even speak Finnish properly, I always have to change doctors.
Because most working class white people can't afford to study for 8-9 years?
Because white doctors leave when they get qualified instead of working in our skeleton health service which new liebor and the neo-tories have been underfunding for over a decade? Whilst undermining it with external contracts to their mates?
So we import cheaper labour in the from of middle class students from the Indian subcontinent and Africa.
They often get the experience of working in the NHS and take it back home?
This is kinda what you get when you try to make education a business instead of a service.
When your selling dreams instead of rebuilding a nation....
How the fuck would you know?
>This is why an excessive amount of docs and engineering graduates
I have never heard of a single Engineering poo, they're just IT doctors.
>get blood drawn
>fat sassy black woman is doing it
IT """professionals"""" and doctors
You should tell them that not all of them will become gastroenterologist nor get to have their clients describe their BM's on a daily basis.
>you can engineer with poo
They just know how to hustle poo over here, ie: bank jobs
maybe outside india they're doctors. but inside india there is an engineer epidemic. even those who try to become doctor and are unable to get in, choose engineering. and then mostly those who have undecided future get into engineering
>overused meme
I'm a civil/geotechnical engineer and my degree is from US.
It's a cultural thing, in India and other Asian countries, parents and families try very hard to get their kids to do high tier work as it provides decent money and high social status, in UK there is not much of this sort of push so people only go into medicine if they're naturally motivated to do it.
wanting to "heal"and "extend the life of your fellow man"
Nah, let disease eat at man kind away.
the fewer humans on this planet the better
>entrusting your health to a filthy poo
Because our parents will disown us from their property if we don't become doctors
>make exceptionally high standards for medical qualifications
>fewer locals pass or even attempt it
>shortage of doctors
>import doctors from africa and india with third world qualifications
Just your normal dose of government logic.
why are polish posters the most retarded on Sup Forums? Is it because of English language or they are just heavy on chromosomes?
why dont poos shit up their own land they were given instead flock abroad to shit up others?