Transgender man with questions

I'm writing a for a school paper and I'm wondering how we can make the online world accepting of the transgender community and also the millions of other genders? Also should choosing to not date a transgender be a hate crime ?

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You cannot "make" people accept you.
And no, refusing to date a trans is not even close to a hate crime.

Doesn't that make you a homophobic bigot ?

No. You are mentaly hill. You need treatment and I refuse to pay for it.

What is mentally hill? But even if you disagree on transgender anyone with any logic would see its a hate crime and should get some sort of punishment

By that logic, being gay makes you a misogynist.
People have preferences for partners.

Probably the best way would be if you all got together into one big transarmy, marched into the Middle East and North Africa, and suicide bombed every extreme Muslim terrorist in the region. Then, I personally would consider accepting you. But I can't vouch for the rest of these crazy bastards.

>mentally hill

Wtf I'm with xir now

"Hate Crime" is a fabricated absurdity conjured by people bent on maintaining categories of humans and policing stupid minds.

You should probably kill yourself. Faggot.

Yeah but that region of the world and Islam are very peaceful why would we do that?

[Citation Needed]

Because you're trans. And that's what trans people do. duh

If you think your legitimately a woman while in a mans body your have a mental illness that only effects you so it's a non-issue. If you don't your a narcissist, anyone who doesn't identify as male or female is someone that wants attention nothing more nothing less.

Obviously you're brain washed to think that. Xenophobic racist.


You sound hot desu

This guy's a memer, but I love how some LGBT retards actually promote Islam and mudslime immigration.
It's like they don't realize muslim countries would lynch them the second they set foot in there.

Empty assertion and name-calling

Par for the course, really.

>he fell for the trans meme

>Civil/Attack helicopter
What the fuck? Since when do I share a gender with those bitch civil helicopters. They don't even come equipped with hellfires, you are a bigot for not being able to tell the difference

Forgot obligatory meme.

You see those numbers on the right of post? Use your fingers to click on it so us biology-accepting folk know who your responses are directed towards.

Hmmm fell for what?

I can't wait to get my 25mm changing installed. Removal will never be the same.

Fuck Google, what a cuck.

Muslims got one thing right

ok Ty. I like the dominant stuff . Are interested in exchanging pics


Those are republicans not Muslims

Beat me to it.
Low tier b8 if you ask me

Fun to play with, not for eating.

I don't get it?


trans also btw

Sure. Here's one of me in church.

They should all go to Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and see for themselves.
I have no problem with the transgender people so long they aren't SJW retards defending mass muslim immigration.

LGBT's for Trump people are totally fine, I have nothing against them.

Pretty much the same here. I've known trans on both ends of the blue/red spectrum. The Reds can stay if they don't chop their dick off or sew on a fake one.

As far as I've read the Middle East is more accepting of gays and trans than the US. WHERE DO YOU GET THESE LIES ON ISLAM

They are not "totally fine." They're fucked in the head. Michael Jackson is the ultimate emodiment of the mentality shared by trans. Black guy wishes he were white woman, mutilates himself to look like Diana Ross fucked the crypt keeper and wanted to live like Peter Pan in a magical playground. If you think he was "totally fine" and not obviously suffering from horrible mental issues, then you're just as insane.

Fake news. Heard of it? I'm disgusted by the way this racist website is run.

What are citations?

Low quality bait. Low test shitpost.

A trans person would immediately be asking this kind of garbage on tumblr, not on Sup Forums.

Here's something from a more confirmation-biased source.

People aren't going to accept "I'm non-binary" and other trans labels if the only proof you have is "Because I said so"

None of us get to choose our own gender, not even trans people, hence dysphoria. Some form of external validation and gatekeeping needs to exist to separate decent people with a shitty condition from the feminist attention whores.

I'm well aware of tumblr. Wanted to see what other thought. What does low test mean

Low testosterone. It's usually a phrase to mean that someone is weak.


It means you're a disappointment to your father, your grand parents, your ancestors, and to mother nature.

Altering yourself to look as the other sex, because of your degenerate and delusional reasonings, makes you a freak. And no matter how politically correct people will speak to you, they will think that you are a freak and a retard that is attention whoring as a special ed snowflake trying to believe they are a girl. Kill yourself.

typical bigot talk

Not incorrect, though.
The strongest woman is outmatched by the vast majority of men.
Testosterone makes might possible.

I bet I can beat your ass. And fuck your dad.

>Beating anyone's ass

Please, you're a wet noodle with all that estrogen hormones you take. You can barely fight that ugly face of yours infront of your mirror with your arsenal of makeup to play your degenerate dress up games.

You were not born a female.
You were born a male.
You don't look like a woman.
You look like a drag queen.
You don't sound like a woman.
You sound like a man with you adams apple.
You do not have a vagina.
You have a penis.
You cannot get pregnant and give child birth.
You are a male.

what is gender identity

No one but closet homosexuals cares what you do. The majority of people don't give a shit what "gender" you want to call yourself this month, just stop attention whoring.


By firing up the gas chambers and putting you in it.