For the uninformed;
Sinterklaas is a dutch holiday on the 5th of december where a man called Sinterklaas brings presents to children. It's basically the dutch version of Santa Clause.
Instead of elves though, he has multiple servants called 'zwarte piet'/'black pete'.
These are funny, happy and acrobatic people in extravagant outfits that 'help' Sinterklaas deliver the presents and entertain children.
On the left, you can see how they always used to look. On the right you can see the 'updated' look coming from the left.
Black Pete/ Zwarte Piet
Fucking noorderburen.
You guys are crazy making this into a whole deal... It's cultural and at worst it's a reminder of how the past. Sure it's racially biased but so where the old bug bunny cartoon and shit.
We in wafflecountry don't give a flying fuck and everyone agrees Black Pete should stay. Infact we don't even question it... Even our niggers agree that it's something for the children to enjoy. Not everything has to get involved into politics...
The culture of Dutch reflects what the majority of Dutch wants. And culture always change every year as the society face new challenges and needs, which old bitter faggots happily forget as they thumb through their mobile phone contacts to complain about young people with their faggy iphones and values again.
If most of the Dutch want the right, that's their choice. If you want the left, that's your choice and you should voice it and if most of your countrymen support you, then left will replace right.
It is pretty obvious even here that most Dutch simply don't give a flying fuck about this and concede to the white SJWs for the right to be done for the festival as long as the festival ideal about making family happy is still intact.
>If most of the Dutch want
That's never how this works though. It's always a very vocal minority or people that change these things while a silent majority don't have the time or effort to resist the demands. Someone who is working and raising a family is not going to be able to afford to put in as much energy as a full-time activist. The organizations involved will bend to the activists to avoid attacks and society marches on.
To me it's indicative of the typical European naivete regarding blacks.
And not because it's racist, but because it isn't.
Anyone who has been around blacks-- real ones-- would never make them into a fun, harmless dress-up character. Real blacks are neither harmless nor fun.
>sinterklaas becomes a decentralized celebration
>now people do whatever they want
In the south no one gives a shit so we still do black Pete on a city scale
Is that so? I heard Belgium was gonna change it too?
Pic related
Isn't it just the nigger immigrants who are butthurt?
You would think the big welfare checks they get would keep them happy, but since they don't work i guess they have time to get angry about shit like this
One of the arguments our government gave, was that foreign countries (like America) see Black Pete as blackface and racist. Even the UN made statements about it being racism. So its not just our retarded minority groups protesting but also our government wanting to destroy traditions to keep other nations/parties happy.
Inshallah mijn nedervrienden, jullie zijn toch geen ouderwetse racisten?
Daily reminder that 95% of Belgium wants to leave it unchanged and 2% doesn't care.
Ze me echt aan het DENKen
>We in wafflecountry don't give a flying fuck and everyone agrees Black Pete should stay. Infact we don't even question it... Even our niggers agree that it's something for the children to enjoy. Not everything has to get involved into politics...
try reading a newspaper mate, we've got a government-funded group that "fights for rights of minorities" that's actively campaigning to abolish the Sinterklaas tradition, they say the "black patches look" is not enough. It's that nigger Wouter Van Bellingen that's trying to block our tradition/culture
So your kids get blacked every year?
They're not in fact black
That's the beauty
Kanker op
Dat deze kanker idioten op één zetel staan is nog steeds belachelijk.
>So your kids get blacked every year?
Wow good one, did your wife's son come up with that cucksven? Why don't you get off your PC go outside and fix the mess YOU allowed to happen.
my four year old likes the one on the left more, says the one on the right needs a bath.
It's chimney soot.
They're role models for blacks to give kids candy instead of beatings.
Daily reminder this is SJW-inspired subversion with a little bit of slavery-reparations movement thrown in. Aside from that long arm from Ankara will use this for their own political gains.
>Daily reminder that 95% of Belgium wants to leave it unchanged and 2% doesn't care.
If an honest poll was performed I'd expect the numbers to be the same, the only people complaining (whom celebrate this holiday anyway) are stuck-up governments subsidized idiots or green party voters.
>be Greek migrating to Holland
>only advocates I see concerning the removal of ma nigga Pete are dindus
Why give in to minority ass blastery my netherbros?
Why don't they just use an actual black person.
Liberals love shoehorning black people into historical films, yet here is an actual black historical figure and they flip their shit. I guess they are just looking for excuses to be offended after all.
Because it's racist since they would be working for a old white man.
In a few year they will be complaining about how black pete is too white
Sinterklaas should be a Turk though
Zwarte Piet had to remove his black make-up. Otherwise the Dutch women tried to have sex with him.
Because the way the activists see it, if white people are enjoying it then it must be at the expense of someone.
So this guys gets adopted by a Belgium family and as repayment he destroys Belgium tradition because he doesn't like it?
that's pretty accurate considering i only see an activist smiling when they've made someone miserable.
>DENK die een kamervraag stelt om waarom een smerige Gülen supporter het Sinterklaasfeest leidt
He probably would be since he is a Christian saint
I'm not sure about the lore though
Was he a saint during Byzantium times or ottoman times?
>These are funny, happy and acrobatic people in extravagant outfits that 'help' Sinterklaas deliver the presents and entertain children.
In America they seem to do the exact opposite.
Eigenlijk moeten we blij zijn, nu krijgt de PvdA nog minder zetels.
its just a focal minority who wants zwarte piet to go away/be abolished, dont let them get to you and treat them like the retards they are.
Nothing official. There is a "commitment" signed by government, schools, certain stores, etc., etc. that they will not produce the old iteration of Zwarte Piet, but TV shows like Dag Sinterklaas will keep getting aired without adaptation, and old materials (educative materials in schools, storefront decorations, etc.) will not be removed until such time as they need to be replaced from wear and tear.
Nor is the commitment legally beinding, for that matter.
One government funded group with a single spokesperson on a crusade against this. Wouter Van Bellingen is literally the only nigger complaining.
If you'd actually checked the papers you'd see we even have niggers blackfacing themselves to play Piet
That's never "most of the people" that's always a fringe minority who has the support of every institution since it serves to eradicate culture. Stupid negro.
>If an honest poll
I'm not sure about their methods, but that was an actual poll taken by an otherwise lefty talkshow on our government sponsored broadcaster
It's ridiculous. The guy is otherwise what some people would have you believe "is not a nigger, it's a black man".
Well spoken, educated, Dutch first and last name, the works. Still chimping out like a bitch, though.
Isn't it a good point for nationalism?
Half of you people consider blacks some curiosity, a regular foreigner, closer to yourselves.
Zwarte Piet means there's a cool, popular figure that's practically a nigger. Kids grow up knowing niggers are funny and happy good helpers.
Wouldn't it be redpilling as fuck to make the funny, happy, good people white?
So...what if an actual black person wants to go as Zwarte piet? Does he need to go in whiteface now?
>Sinterklaas 2015
>Zwarte Piet rentals create coloured petes (blue, green, orange,...) as an alternative
>noooooobody hires a coloured Pete
>minority BTFO
Free market will fix it.
Even these niggers do it right and they don't complain.
>"real blacks"
>tfw half black
Sorry, guys.
Dutch are massively naive towards foreigners. THE most naive. The dutch have no idea whatsoever about other countries.
I've met plenty of dutch people who recognize things like Morrocans, Tunisians and Arabs as people with a rich, fun culture, while treating Hungarians as human trash that shouldn't be allowed to enter their country. They'll usually reference things like Black Pete desu - very little is taught of foreign cultures (at least objectively) in Dutch schools and when you grow up, so...imagine if you had to base your opinion of Arabs on Aladdin.
It's probably their biggest problem, because for example, Switzerland has amazing knowledge of foreigners and is very open and experienced with the rest of the world. That's why Switzerland adopts great fucking policies on filling labour places - like how they recognizes Russian (and some post-soviet) as amazing technicians and accepted a lot of them after communism fell. Or how they spread around blacks, accept balkan people for temporary labour (because they go back anyway) and take Italians to do their stuff (restaurants, etc.).
>Sure it's racially biased
Zwaarte piet is just dirty from a chimney, nothing race related.
In that time Anatolia was Greek idiot. The whole sinterklaas was a turk is anachronistic bullshit.
Was it Greek or Byzantine?
I believe the story is very old
Western turks are cucked grecks anyways
that's literally genocide, stand up for your fucking culture and country
Greek. Byzantine is not an identity, is just a name we gave to the eastern Roman empire, there were people until the early 20th century on some currently Greek islands that considered themselves Romans.
jesus christ if they ban this i'm going to lose my shit
Same in the east (overijsel)
each fucking years we have this discussion , then after the Holiday is passed everyone just forget we had the argument only to return the following years , i fucking hate it
I can only get so erect my man.
Also, reconquista Belgium.
The left but soon Geert will rule the Netherlands
>Because of a lack of Dutch sperm, women are being inseminated with Danish seed
are you fucking retarded mate, the average people here thinks of morrocans as absolute human trash, dont even know what tunesia is and only get allong well with atheist or christian arabs, our government loves foreign people, the dutch do not. also nothing of importance gets taught in dutch schools due to lack of funding because we have been stagnating since the 80s because germany is slowely absorbing our industry, wellfare is a thing and paying for eastern europe to stay afloat while ruinning ourselves in the process happens thanks to our cuckservative politicians, everyone here hates the EU and most people have become enbittered towards the rest of western europe and the world as a whole. hence why a lot of people here seem to like trump and Russia a lot.
They could also try getting a man
Fucking sluts
I still wear the fedora I bought from Netherlands in 2009.
>centuries later , vikings still rape the dutch coast
fucking dumb moron you obliviously have never been to the Netherlands retard
Doesn't the right fit the myth of a soot covered helper better?
You say with one sentence I'm stupid and then you prove me right by saying stuff like:
>paying for eastern europe to stay afloat
Mate, the Dutch took the best advantage of the Eastern European accession by far. Your businesses took over huge parts of Eastern Europe and gained massive amounts of profit which eclipse EU budget contribution by far. Some nations like the French and the Germans are a little more fucked because their general contribution is huge and even complete monopoly of french wines and german and french supermarkets/technics can't beat that.
But fucking hell, just the food processing/food enhancement sector of the Dutch gets more profit from full control of East markets than your contribution is worth. And you GET something back from your contribution as well.
>don't even know what Tunisia is
>gets along with any type of arabs
Exactly what I fucking mean.
And pray, tell, why do you think morrocans are absolute human trash?
Perhaps because you used to not think so, took a lot in and saw them?
Typical dutch response to anyone foreign "YOU DONT UNDERSTAND US STAY AWAY REEEE"
Tfw superior viking genes
According to polls about 80 approve yet all the fucking commercials about black pete stopped this year. Stop being naive thats not how it works.
>U5b1b1 maternal and I1 paternal haplogroup
>Literally have ancient scandinavic ancestry that most Scandinavic people don't even have
Come at me faget
this is true
>gets along with any type of arabs
where did i say that we get allong with any type of arab, most people over here hate Saudis and Iraqis aswell as islamists. get jamals cock out of your left ear and the waffle out of your right one you kankerlijer
that would work.
But I do like Amsterdam for its architecture and canals.
well we could always Polder it in afterwards hans
I'm from Amsterdam, it's not worth it bro.
All the anti-zwarte piet marxism comes from here, everyone here votes Socialist or atleast social-liberal.
Just blow it up, we can rebuild that architecture some other time.
Mooi gezegd, hier is een rare
Not saying you shouldn't fight the theft of your culture, but is a Spaniard in blackface really a quintessential part of Dutch culture that you absolutely must keep?
They always start this shit in fucking summer, can't we just deport all the fucknuggets that keep bringing up this shit up back to Africa or some shit?
It was funny when you didn't have tons of niggers, now its too real.
why haven't we done this yet?
It can't be that hard, I mean most of the country is below sea level anyway.
I´ve been living in the Netherlands for 9 years now and I must say that I found the "zwarte piet" kind of strange in the beginning.
After I learned that Dutch people are strange in general I came to terms with it.
It is really not a big deal. You see those guys in the city center entertaining kids, having fun and generally create a good mood.
I`ve literally never heard anybody talk bad about them. I think it`s just a very small minority that makes a lot of noise about it. The vast majority of Dutch people enjoys them without any racist motivation.
Its not that alone. It is that they are trying to use shame and government force to alter traditions against the wishes of the people.
Any as in "you get along with any arabs at all". Because you said you get along with christian/atheist arabs.
Which is just disgusting as fuck.
Funny how you ignored all my other arguments though. Any other national would have at least entered into a shitposting contest/discussion because its important to know other cultures, how the world works outside his borders and stuff.
But hey, you'll pay for your attitude dearly. Just like once upon a time you started letting in the worst of the worst en masse because they were also the cheapest labourers (gee, I wonder why?), you'll "uncuck yourself", decouple from EU crap and throw them all away.
Then there will come a time when you'll get invaded or allow them in again, because you don't have the attitude of the Swiss, who will be ok even in Eurabia.
Might happen in your lifetime.
Hadden we maar touwtjes uit de brievenbus hangen, dan waren we allemaal niet so racistisch geweest. Weg met Zwarte Piet, weg met ons!
even worse lgbtq petes
Sinterklaas in the smaller towns are still 100% black Pete and nobody cares about black people screaming for change
Me and my sister playing black Pete, luckily I didn't had the urge to rob stores or something
Den Haag needs to go to and a bit more west of Utrecht can stay, they are mostly comfy villages anyway.
Other than that the country would be so much better.
>encourage happy, smiling blacks who are just regular dutch underneath
>wonder why your women go for the black dick without knowing how dangerous it is
this, after all, its just a fuckin costume, nothing more. thinking about people who find this offensive i get triggered. fuck this gay earth
They knew that this was an aspect of our culture before they migrated here. If they don't like it they can fuck off. They don't have a say in what Dutch culture is or should be.
Next year we'll finally deal with the far-left infestation of the public television so we can stop giving attention to a very small fringe of angry foreigners. Most blacks don't even care. Shit, they love it over at the (mostly black) overseas territories.
Laat op zijn minst Zeeland nog bestaan. Wij hebben niks met die schijtrandstad te maken
Jezus wat zijn de hollandse dorpen toch deprimerend
Nobody had problem with black pete until labrats from american think tanks came over here telling our media to tell us its bad. Fucking retards. They are just fueling support for people like geert wilders kek
Zwarte Piet is here to stay.
Kek, jesus christ realllly??