I'm bored, let's talk about politics


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wrong board

>Sup Forums
>talking about politics

well that went well

I got the most advanced communication system in the universe in my hand.

Hardest thing to do on it is finding someone to talk to.

join the EU already

No, that's dumb. I'd rather live in Cuba than England.

What do you want to talk about?

will there be another muslim invasion in spain in the future again?

It's never too soon for al-andalus.

I am still confused about Marine vs Fillion


btw if you wanna talk, you can join my whatsapp group, they discuss about misc stuff



I hate politics

Fillon is a christian ultra-liberal socially conservative guy. He calls himself the "new Thatcher". He wants abortions banned.

Marine is economically socialist and socially mixed between conservatism and liberalism. She wants a strong cultural identity. Very strict on the immigration and religion questions (no religious signs for anyone).

var för?

Fillon = liar
Marine = french version of Trump

Det gör mig arg

his program say so but he's nothing else than a lying bastard, like Sarkozy

That's a cute girl.

What's new in morocco that I don't know about?


Me too. It's why I like to talk about Americas. It's more fun, cause I don't care.


sweden gets made fun off all the time in Sup Forums so i would understand why

I like to talk in text because I used to work answering phones/making announcements and it got circulated I sounded suicidal so everyone would call my number to hear my suicidal voice, and then hang up.

Took me some time to figure out why that was happening.

>What's new in morocco that I don't know about?

Not much, I guess... the whole Al Hoceima affair with the fishmonger getting crushed in a garbage truck by a policeman fizzled out in the end.

Same old corrupted country.

rekt but we chill tho in my chat nobody really gets that much targeted, unless they say stupid shit all the time; it's also more about your attitude rather than what you've actually said

How much rake can you take?

The fishmonger was corrupt?

all arabs are corrupted :DDDD

Someone said Reconquista?

Idolmaster girls are so hot.

yes, make granada great again

I know something I noticed now. Ever since the american election, people have changed.

I always told people what I thought, but since trump won it's like a silence broke. People come up to me and talk about how they hate Hollywood, how think global warming is a crock. It's neat. People even seem friendlier about the white supremacy thing.

You have to go back

No. He bought 500kg of swordfish, which was legally sold in the port of Al Hoceima. However, the fishing of swordfish wasn't allowed at that time of the year. He got arrested by the police when driving out of the port, and they threw his entire luggage in a garbage truck. When he tried to get in there to take it back, one of the policemen shouted to the guy driving the garbage truck "grind the fucker". He got crushed in plain sight. Makes you wonder why they allowed the fishing boats to get back to the port and the fishermen on the port to sell it.

Anyway, since the region in which this happened is the rif (lots of separatists, ethnically very berber, and was always "punished" by the royal family which forsaked it due to multiple riots during the reign of the previous king), it sparked huge protests. There were even flags of the rif republic flying around.

REMOVE SPAIN remove spain

Is having a black and white view of the world healthy?

Hard to say, but probably not. I mean, you can find a way to justify anything. Murder's bad, unless it's war, then most people are fine with it.

Why haven't we invaded Greenland

That's a shame. Died for some fish.

Not just "some fish", his entire life savings. Guy was unemployed before and did some crowdfunding with family and friends in order to start a business.

Do people live there? I forget. I think there was one outpost, like Antarctica..

you are a cute, rocco

why would you wanna live there?

They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists and some I assume are good people.

inuits or someshit called like that

they've had a semi big impact on yout culture and language as well as portugal's

We're not bringing drugs! That's just on the algerian border.


if your country is 50.01% welfare leeches
is it the event horizon to death of your democratic country?
is there any mechanism to save it

I want to buy exotic lamps, do you have any. Actually what does your house look like? I imagine it looking like a comfy mud/sandstone villa with silk curtains and exotic furniture.

"A culture's teachings, and most importantly, the nature of its people, achieve definition in conflict. They find themselves, or find themselves lacking. Too long did the Republic remain unchallenged. It is a stagnant beast that labors for breath; and has for centuries. The Jedi Order was the heart that sustained its sickness — now the Jedi are lost, we shall see how long the Republic can survive."

How hard did she swallow the redpill?

It's called Poortugal. And the impact was Arabic in fact not Moroccan.


And confiscate their coats!

It's a sad story alright. Everyone's been them. The hobo who came to my house recently, he said he found a girlfriend, which was nice, but she has cancer, which was sad.

Does China a thing of its own or are they influenced by (((them)))

One quickly learns, that white nationalism does not have all the answers. If you wish to understand all aspects of life, then you will need the contrast, not adherence to a single ideal.

>Sup Forums threads in disguise
Sage & report.

Sure not.

We need Greenland as a defensive force, to launch an attack on Iceland. Iceland will be turned into a site with ICBM nukes to defend the glorious new Canadian Empire.

From that point forward, we either invade The UK, or Scandinavian countries

Optionally, we should sign a treaty with Putin, and take over the E.U. , and perhaps other parts of Asia

It's the first nation Canada should invade, in order to build a pan-Canadian empire that spans across the Atlantic ocean

Who's Korea

>exotic lamps
Not really...

Haha, we don't have mud houses. Sandstone is mostly used in the historical parts of towns.

I do live in a villa. Area probably doesn't look as exotic as you imagined, though, especially since there are a lot of buildings in construction.



Just looks that way on the picture. It's nearly 12PM here.

You crazy Moroccans. Shat will you think of next?

Four a.m. here. Another hour and I have to get to work.

Politics is just war by other means.



how badly is Canada cucked?

Oh, don't worry about Ivory Tower Trudeau. He might be an idiot, but at least he's an ineffective one. I'm so amused that the liberal party has been trying to get this weed thing done for twenty years.

Four years of nothingness, almost impressive. There was an orange juice scandal, a pushing scandal, just retarded. I wrote a few articles lambasting him and one even got printed in some rag where no one read it anyway.

He made a sexist law to try stop Indians from getting murdered, but the worst part wasn't the sexism, it was the sheer uselessness.