Need California redpills for a project I'm working on

Hello Sup Forums,

I've been meaning to make this thread for awhile, but now that I've had the chance to actually make it, I've needed help, not monetary, or physical, but factual help.

I'm currently working on a series that follows three friends. Mark Diaz, a suicidal writer, Jonathan Kelly, a US Army Infantry Officer, and Peter Ashworth, an RAF pilot.

The three find themselves trying to find themselves trying to survive what appears to be a viral outbreak, only to be an opening for the collapse of American(Namely, Californian) society.

Tl;dr, the three essentially survive the chimpouts, rioting, dindu nuffins, and societal collapse that takes place during a zombie apocalypse.

This is where you guys come in. I've been doing as much research as possible for this series, and so far I've been trying to get as many facets of Californian "society" as I possibly can.

So far, I've gotten these:

>Chimpouts happening over the smallest of provocations
>The general snobbiness of Californians, believing themselves to be better than most because they're Californians.
>Bullet buttons
>Trying to be Calexit commentary

What else could I potentially add to the California commentary? I fucking hate this shithole with a burning passion but all I'm good at is writing.

Forgot to mention, it takes place pre-Trump win during the 2016 election season.

Californians are notoriously shallow, nothing matters but material possessions and looks.
Surfer bros are pretty cool.
Dude weed.
Can't have magazines over 10 rounds for "assault weapons"
No factories because of enviro laws
Very little to no manufacturing
Lots of miles of desert
"severe drought"
Mexicans and Mexican gangs everywhere

I'll mention more if I think of any, lived in CA my entire life.

sounds like shit tbqh. im not even trolling or trying to dissuade you, maybe you should find a different line of creative expression


Holy shit, I didn't actually think someone would respond. Yeah, I'm currently living down in the PS area.

Yeah, the three characters(I should mention) are British(Ashworth), American white(Kelly), and Filipino(Diaz).

Also, that's weird. I was at the range and they let us use 20 round mags.

I also was planning on adding Mexican crab/nigger mentality that consisted of five of them swearing at my Flip char in Spanish, only for him to come back and swear at them in their own language. Mainly because spics have a tendency to group up and get on whites/Asians and act as if they're superior for knowing Spanish.

I know, it's not for everyone.

I'm just trying to get ideas to put this area in a very bad light in comparison to what generally is shown of California(SUN FUN AND SHINE) propaganda.

This sounds about right.

Only family I have there, had to move there for work reasons. All make 1,000,000+ each, per year. Hate the state other than everything is super convenient and it never snows.

Don't get me wrong, I fucking love California, so much to do. Rivers, lakes, deserts, mountains beach, amazing weather. Just the people and the laws suck massive dick, almost enough to make it not worth it.

>good at writing
>needs ideas

I'd agree with that, it's the fucking culture that pisses me off.

Also, check out this kid's "military-grade assault rifle magazine", let's ban all guns!

>I want to be writer
>Give me your ideas
saged, reported, kys

>Asking for anyone's ideas
>Asking for ways to add to MY idea


CA fag here.

I'm having trouble understanding what you want. What do you want, explicitly?

This. California people up North, the conservative ones seem cool, but weary of strangers. In the South, where I have lived seven years, if you grew up here you are dead inside.

Essentially, what parts of California culture are the worst? What parts of California culture cause issues for the average person?

See .

You have to understand something. California is a dominance hierarchy. It's not like the rest of the country.

There is no such thing here as the average person. There are the haves and the have-nots. When the have-nots try to take from the haves, they are put down in brutal fashion. When the have-nots take from the other have-nots, then it's just about as close as an anarchist state as you can have.

I'm willing to follow up for the next 30 min on anything you ask, as honestly as I can answer it.

It really depends on where you are. Where I'm writing about(Palm Springs/Riverside County area), it's about the class bullshit from both sides.

Mainly the shitshow that's been created from placing Hispanics before Asians/whites in the name of virtue signalling.


Could you elaborate on

>There are the haves and the have-nots. When the have-nots try to take from the haves, they are put down in brutal fashion. When the have-nots take from the other have-nots, then it's just about as close as an anarchist state as you can have.

I actually am curious.

Same with the dominance hierarchy. I'm kind of curious. Are you making a reference to a type of caste system?

> placing Hispanics before Asians/whites

In what have-not world is this occurring? Certainly not in the jobs that pay $100,000+. I can tell you that for a fact.

> Are you making a reference to a type of caste system?

Of course, the entire state is a caste system. Look at the latest HLI (high level insider) post. What does he recommend?

Acquire agency. What is agency? The ability to make your own plans into reality.

There are two castes in CA: those able to make their plans their reality, and those not able to.

This makes extremely strange bedfellows: perhaps the local Cambodians are allied with the Surs, perhaps the Viets are allied with the NF at any given time.

But any tactical analysis usually misses the point-- they all act to maximise their (usually nonexistent) agency, regardless of typical social paradoxes.

I'm saying jobs that pay less than 100k, the have-not world Diaz(The failing writer) lives in, being a janitor, where he barely makes enough to take care of himself, causing him to have a strained relationship with his fiancee.

The second part though- Would that apply to Koreans? Especially since I'm going to be making some serious nods to Koreatown and how people do end up making their own(nomadic) ways by themselves and how races tend to self-segregate similar to that OF the LA riots.

>facets of Californian "society"

Dude youre stupid California can be a really cool place if you know the right people. Which you clearly dont because those facets are only for idiots who surround themselves with those people or talk to them. I grew up here I can spot a chickenshit liberal a mile away. Quit your book.

Where you live must suck. LA county?

either that or Palm Springs.

Northern Cali(which I'll be writing about) is fucking cool.

SoCal is what I'm writing about though.

> Diaz, janitor, barely makes enough, strained relationship with fiancee

The question really is: why would anyone want to occupy this territory? The answer is, unfortunately, only those who aren't smart enough to understand that this is undesirable territory to occupy in the first place.

Therefore, the only competitors for this space are already people who "don't get it" in some large sense.

I'm a HLI sympathizer (perhaps) in that I feel we need to do more for people in this position. But the unfortunate fact is that we simply do not. They are exposed on all fronts. This is a shitty way to live life.

That doesn't mean that they are shitty people. Janitors provide essential functions and in my mind should be celebrated.

> Would that apply to Koreans?

Koreans are interesting. They tend to do well, simply because they are polite and well mannered, and they are successful in pretending they are Japanese a lot of the time (CA anons will understand what I mean).

Koreans have good relations with most other races, and they're too small to be targeted in any meaningful sense.

They tend to be hard workers and thrifty business owners, so they are typically looked upon as an asset.

Think of CA this way: the upper part is a pyramid, and the lower part is a whirlpool. The lower parts of the upper pyramid will give anything to not fall into the whirlpool, and the upper part of the whirlpool will do anything to grab onto the lower part of the stable pyramid.

The middle and lower parts of the whirlpool will hold on to anything on a tactical, short-term basis for survival purposes. There is no honor there.

Hey OP, I can tell you about most of the poverty tier shit since I grew up in South Central and am now living in mexican central. Anything specific your looking for?


You gave me a lot to think about user. Though, it took me a second to realize who you were talking about with HLI. I sympathize with the poor bastard too.

I feel like there's going to be a slight bit of a survival instinct because Diaz is Filipino.

How ready are people to kill each other over really small bullshit? What do you think stops them from even killing each other outright(Besides law enforcement obviously)? Isn't there more of a familial instinct in those types of areas, even in gang type living situations?

No, we shouldn't get behind him, because Seaman believes the most important thing about this is he was right about Bitcoin, and also Satanic Reptile people, and not the, you know, more important part of it being pedophile child murderers. He's going to bring shame on us.

Mexican gangs, Korean castles/forts, private armies to defend rich Californians/Hollywood and a surprising number of Teslas running down the infected.

Oh, I think two people mixed up.

>FBI user

Either of the two back their points up, but HLI I'm on the fence about.

*I got two people mixed up

I'm fucking running on coffee and poorly guided hope tonight.

> because Diaz is Filipino

The true redpill is understanding that it wouldn't matter here whether he was Mex, American, Flip, Viet, Cam, whatever.

The only thing that matters is his place on the pyramid / whirlpool caste system. Which here is basically one or two steps above the bottom.

If he is a poor Flip, he'll run with anyone. If he runs with Mex, he'll learn janitorial Spanish. If he runs in food, he'll learn food Chinese.

In some ways, CA is really post-race, and in many ways, it's 100% the opposite. Again, depending on where someone is in the caste system, it's often 100% tactical and 0% strategic.

Regular people aren't going to exactly kill each other at a moment's notice, but you do have to be careful of the people at the very bottom of society since they don't really have nothing to lose and any slight thing might push them over the edge. For example, a typical mexican neet might be having a bad day and go apeshit on his neighbor, call his brothers to back him up and cause a scene over fucking parking spots. You also have to be very careful of potential gang members and not stick into their affairs. They are the ones most likely to kill people over the tiniest shit ( for example accidentally bumping into them) partly because of their power trip.

What stops most people from outright killing each other is that they usually have some reason to live for (child, job, fiancé, family, etc) and nothing to prove. It's the people who are on welfare and make their living selling drugs and glorify going to jail that have no problem doing the crazy shit you see on the news.

As for familial instinct I'm not sure what you mean? Can you clarify?

>Familial instinct

You pretty much answered it partially.

>What stops most people from outright killing each other is that they usually have some reason to live for (child, job, fiancé, family, etc) and nothing to prove. It's the people who are on welfare and make their living selling drugs and glorify going to jail that have no problem doing the crazy shit you see on the news.

As in, "You go after my 'brother' and I'll pop a cap in your ass."

Familial instinct in regards to smaller gangs/criminal elements. How often does

> call his brothers to back him up and cause a scene over fucking parking spots.

end up happening? Because that's partly where I'm going to be headed at some point.

Basically, if I may summarize, never fuck with people that don't have anything to lose, or have everything to prove.

Just let them have the win unless you want to fight to the death. In my model, this is the lowest tier of the whirlpool.

It's not THAT post-apocalyptic, but the rich Asians do insulate themselves among each other and go to seedy private parties held from 2 am to 12 pm in secret after hours bars where drugs are the norm. I remember one time I saw an Asian chick just balling at 7 am, just crying her eyes out, while clinging to her stoic Asian (supposed) boyfriend.

It was clear she was coming down from some kind of ecstasy-infused drug cocktail.

I was given GHB at one of these once and I handed my phone immediately to the one who gave it to me to watch it, for no apparent reason, then I forgot and he ended up letting me use his own phone to reset my passwords, so whoever had my phone would not have full access. It took me days to remember the actual reason I lost my phone was I gave it to the Asian who let me use his phone to reset my passwords. This is one of the weirdest experiences of my life, trust me. GHB is scary stuff. Never do it, unless with most trusted friends who can be sober to watch you. Those first five minutes are similar to the effects of scopolamine, from what I hear. I had no memory of those five minutes for days and I had willingly handed my phone to the dealer.

You're spot on, they are the lowest of the low.

Oh ok, I understand now. Familial instincts honestly run pretty rampant in the worst neighborhoods. You learn not to fuck with so and so because of the person that they're related to or who they are close friends with. And that example I told you happens rarely in decent neighborhoods, but get into the bad ones and that shit happens every other month. I'll give you another example, my friends neighbor was having parking arguments with her neighbor since there wasn't a lot of space due to the way the street was made. Turns out the lady she was squabbling with was a small time drug dealer and she had people shoot up her car. She would also pay people to break her car windows at night and pop her tires and so on. The drug dealers son also got into the mix at some point and would shout at her family from their front door to come out and fight and other nonsense. It slowed down when they installed cameras on their house and reported it to the cops but they occasionally still get shit from them.

> my friends neighbor was having parking arguments with her neighbor
> the lady she was squabbling with was a small time drug dealer

Again: Never fuck with people that don't have anything to lose, or have everything to prove.

She could have anonymously called parking enforcement. She could have anonymously called vehicle abatement or done 10,000 anonymous things that might be branded passive aggressive by the rest of the world.

But she committed the cardinal sin of fucking with people who had nothing to lose, or everything to gain. At this point, its on her.

Alright, thanks anons.

Appreciate the help.

UCLA student here. It's not bad really. People segretate into groups basically by social class and leave each other alone otherwise. Everyone is friendly on the surface.

>>The general snobbiness of Californians, believing themselves to be better than most because they're Californians.
>>Trying to be Calexit commentary
if you're going for realism this would only describe the very rich and out of touch and very young people.

there are not that many blacks in california, the few there are are in southern california and oakland. blacks are a minority here especially compared to mexicans and asians. your black riot apocolypse in california makes no sense. your story looks like you researched it on pol. good job faggot, you weren't supposed to take this shit seriously.

who said it had to be blacks?

in general, it's just people under have nots.

You took a serious gaba/traquiliser without your friends while I'm guessing drinking. The particular substance is a miracle healer and sleep regulator but also highly addictive. I've heard interesting stories from people working in rehab clinics about it.

Use it in bed with a loving partner nexttime burger.

you said chimpouts

why the fuck are you writting about socal? you've never stepped foot here?

basic writing 101: write what you know, or else you end up sounding like a poser. which is what your first post sounded like.