What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
>90% black
>"hella diverse"
Diversity is a codeword for white genocide
>Diversity means no whites.
I think I died a long time ago without realizing and this is my hell.
I wonder what the founding fathers would say if they saw america today.
I always thought it was hyperbole but the sentiment "diversity means more black people" seems entirely accurate.
Im pretty scared this will bomb & we will hear "racist whitey is why it did" for the next month
They'd get the Trump treatment.
To be fair a movie about the Black Panther character should be 90% black
It would like them making the Vikings TV show with a 90% Hispanic cast.
Trump said he loves blacks, though
Well, yeah? Wakanda is an African nation and was never colonized. From what I understand, the whole thing takes place over there. Why wouldn't it be mostly black actors?
Funny, because people who make films and television programs love to make white characters or groups "diverse"
Doesn't matter, he's literally hitler.
Yes, but the issue isn't that a movie about a black hero from an African country is predominantly casting black people.
It's that the casting was described as "hella diverse" when actually 90% of it is from a single racial group. That just confirms that "diversity" = "few to no white people" to these idiots.
But would you say 90% of the cast being black makes the cast "diverse"?
Just parroting what the leftists believe. Calm your 'tism
>90% one race
I guess Now Pop is another victim of the Fake News plague.
I guarantee you it will do better than any modern blacksploitation piece like Black Annie or Black Bond.
Why are progressives so racist ?
An example being, Heimdall in the Thor movies, also from Marvel. Despite being a Norse God described as the whitest of the Gods, he was made black for the sake of "diversity". Logic never mattered before. Why now?
boy oh boy I cant wait to go to the theaters and not see this multiculturalism abortion
>tv show about a super nigger
>complains that there are too many niggers on a tv show about super nigger
>being this buttblasted over a man who uses the word Hell's
He is wrong, alright? It's not diverse. He said the wrong word. That's it. Move on and don't watch movies in theatres because the whole industry should perish.
I never thought of it exactly that way but you are right. That's scary.
That isn't the problem retard.
thats just a picture of a typical anglo-saxon.
They would just pick the guy who cucked King Arthur to be black. What a (((coincidence)))
Wtf Im with her now!
It'll do well just because it's a Marvel flick.
How can whyte bois even compete?
let me guess. black panther was your favourite super hero before the show got pozzed? if you're even upset by this, you're a faggot
When are we going to get a White supremacist movie that casts us in a positive light like this will surely cast the Black Panthers?
So is the other 10% the Hobbit guy and the robo man?
> The obviously exploitative production making the main character black to draw in an bigger viewership is actually lauded by progressives.
Reasons why we need a new war number 48.
>Pay no attention goyim, he just used the wrong word
Fucking (((leaf)))
>implying I care about capeshit
>implying anyone is complaining about niggerman's movie being filled with niggers
No potatoes till you fix that behaviour Paddy.
>washington and abe u fugge moron
The problem here is not that 90% of the cast is black, it is that this is described as diverse. Diversity is code for 'not white'. They aren't trying to hide this anymore, if they ever were.
diversity literally means more black people in white countries
That person was making a diversity joke, you rock-level IQ alt right turds.
>implying you dont lust after big black bulls as they whiz through the sky with you tucked warmly in their arms
poe's law bruh
>poe's law
when it is impossible to tell the difference between satire and seriousness
No one gives a shit about Black Panther. He's a crap hero.
Someone needs to make a TV show Rosa Parks and she's portrayed by a white woman.
See how much of a shitstorm that causes.
>grandmother was Irish
>grandfather was Anglo
or Harriet Tubman, reminder that she'll be on every 20 dollar bill in the future.
To be fair, Rosa Parks being black is pretty integral to her story. Lancelot being a nigga on a show about fairy tales isnt really the same.
The movie is the story of a African American coming back to kill Africans and loot their precious metals. It's the story of Liberia except with a fantastical ending and characters.
Ayo hol up
We WUZ Romanz
It's not cultural appropriation when it happens to Europeans, apparently.
Kek. What show was this?
Oops, I forgot to put "cultural appropriation" in quotes.
It's not a term I use seriously.
Don't know, but we wuz Shakespeare too.
I hope trump reserves that meme
But why though.
It doesn't matter at the end of the day what the subject is. It's just another propaganda show to push multiculturalism.
He's from Oakland, clearly.
They should be grateful they have Othello. Or write their own black plays.
It's easier to take white peoples stories and make the characters blacks
>why a white actor
When he's clearly not white.There's even white people in the first picture next to him to make a clear comparison. That's a troll fag.
Blacks are really racist
I would call this satire if I wasn't convinced that they really are this stupid.
soon the race war memes will reach their apotheosis and we will be done with them
White Black Panther when?
already exists
We need to make use of this by doing a bio-pic on Adolf Hitler with Hitler played by a black guy. The dindus will embrace him as one of them as part of historical revisionism. Hitler was a good boy who dindu nuffin.
For a potato farmer you're pretty funny. Keep up the good bants
for an american you're pretty literate. never squander your gift
Are niggers aware that Shawn King isn't black? How he didn't get his ass stomped by a pack of rabid blacks already is beyond me.
>"Are niggers aware"
no they are not
Is that 10% that's not black à Rhodesian villain
Blacks communicate by sense of smell. It's why they avoid water and have big noses.
Nice trips.
I told some of the lefties at my college that he was just a white guy pretending to be black when they were talking about BLM. They didn't know what to say.
that wasnt the problem in the first place, them calling it "diverese" when the movie is pitch black is fucking retarded.
He's essentially putting on a kind of blackface with his nostril flaring and what-not, I'm surprised (not really) that he's a voice for niggers and the left and did not get torn to shreds for everything he says. I hate him with a passion.
Im pretty sure that they are mocking "diversity". It's ironic, they aren't being literal but everyone here is assuming so.
>year three, the niggers still think I'm one of them.
That's basically what he's doing.
I guess diversity means "no white people" nowadays?
kinda like whats happened to germany, ey?
>mfw it bombs
It is not ironic. Every year, american NBA wins a first place as a most diverse entertainment industry.
>How he didn't get his ass stomped by a pack of rabid blacks already is beyond me.
lel he did get the shit beat out of him by niggers for supposedly dating a black girl. he of course denies this and says he was beat up by white rednecks. it's worth noting that he also lied about his injuries, they weren't severe
More diversity