India hate?

Why does everyone here hate Indians?
Does it come from butt-hurt paki's?

Other urls found in this thread:

poo in loo

way too many of them
imagine if there were 30 dudes named pajeet running around your house shitting all over the place

I fucking love Indians! Both kinds!

But i have never seen an Indian here.
Don't they mostly stay in India?

Go home Pajeet.


Pakis are 10x worse and 10x more violent.

Yeah, Pakis who live in the U.K., Canada, US, etc

I went to India once.
I thought nothing could top our favelas, but I was wrong.

Cool, now go home pajeet.

not everything is that Pakistanis, you paranoid Pajeet.

The hate is because you broke your promise to unleash Shiva's nuclear wrath on pakistan. Do that and you'll be honorary Aryans.

turks and indians do not belong on this board

India is a developing nation with a massive population and rapidly growing economy. It will take a few years to capitalise on the human resource though. Nonetheless, these poo in loo fags can say as much as they want now because they sure as hell won't be in 2050.

Many of them are fucking gross. I don't like a lot of them because they come to the US with some bull shit fake degree and don't know shit about the job they're at but they get to keep the job because they work for cheap.

it's just memes. Indians are cool

lmao this has to be a vpn.


It mostly comes from muslims who disuse as whites.

Intelligent Whites know that Hindus are against Pisslam.

nah mate, indians and pakis are made of same shit.

Nasty motherfuckers desu.

Indians are fucking disgusting.


because india sided with the commies during the cold war. russians never taught indians how to poo in loo.

So annihilate each other.

says a slav. Oh im laffin

Swim, bathe, drink trash dead body water.

Fuck off proxy poojeet, take your shit and piss consuming enthusiasm elsewhere.

Why do you shit on the streets? Why do you rape little children? Why do you try to rip off every tourists? Why do you practice this fucked up caste system?

poo in the streets but a loo in the sheets

Madarchod, teri gand q phat rahi hai

they're just Sup Forumss whipping boy.

Indians are teased with affection unlike Jews...

India is a cool guy, any hate towards it is from paki muslims. Only bad thing Indians have done was invent Pakistan. (funnily enough it was a white man)

Not an argument, pooskin.

why not?

>India is a cool guy

>A Brazilian goes to India

This is the most interesting documentary. Tell me more.

Here in dallas all the paki and indian punjabis chill together

This will change very soon under Trump and his appointments to DHS.

The Zionist KIKES created the H1B program to artificially depress wages in the US, by letting less qualified immigrants work for 30-40% less than Americans.

don't you have a sister to rape s that you can put her video on pornhub later?

I dunno, there's a number of Hindu refugees where I live and they're pretty close friends with Muslim refugees. I assume this is because they're all refugees and find some sort of solidarity in this but there certain is no Hindu-Muslim fighting going on at all.

Hi I am indian

t. Shit and piss enthusiast

>looks at flag
>not india
>highly disappoint



t. goat fucker and cousin fucker
In seriousness, do you realize your ancestors were hindus too?

Born here?

Anyone remember this thread?


>Islamic republic has a problem with incestious rape

What do you do for a living?

6th year med student. What about you Jan?

fuck off kike.

>Med student

I knew it!
I'm an accounting student.

Where do you live?

>Smelly Paki gives his opinion

Nice proxy poojeet, didn't get enough rat droppings for lunch, gandu yadav? lmao kys

>Unable to form a coherent argument this mudshit uses false dichotomy


Rotterdam. It is weird though. Half of the study are indians, afghans or other muslims. Other half are white people from doctor families or brabanders. Where you from?

Groningen, my uni is like 95% white kek

Man we have the second highest population of hindus of all of europe after the UK. Ive known tons of indians. Never heard of a hindustaan?

What does this mean?

>Pakis multiplying in Kashmir
>encroaching on India's territory
>Modi finally snaps
>launches entire arsenal
>120 warheads in the air
>10 nukes hit Karachi
>5 for Lahore
>5 for Islamabad
>2 for each city above 200,000
>still 60 missiles to spare
>hit military bases, power plants, factories, airfields, water supplies
>pakis getting rekt
>manage to scramble a few jets and launch a few nukes back
>few million poos dead, no big deal
>billion more to take their place
>china gets in on the action, fires 10 nukes on karachi just to make sure no paki roaches survive
>no one notices in the chaos
>end of the day, Pakistan is a desolate wasteland
>Indian ground army invades
>stomps out last remaining life
>kills all animals as well
>spreads salt on the earth so not even plants will grow there for decades
>Pakistan is now a vast shitting field for Indians of future generations
>Mission Accomplished

That would be an improvement not only for the world, but for Pakistan as well





>fantasies of a rat child born of shit and piss

>my uni is like 95%
disgusting, needs more diversity.

India/Pakistan war is no joking matter. It will be the biggest tragedy in human history.

Indian detected. You do realize China is India's mortal enemy and allied with Pakistan right? Continue living in your delusions.


lol I'm a white american Mohammad, something you'd kill your own mother to be

What's it like having parents who are first cousins? Have they decided which of your first cousins is to be you bride yet? What's it like donating 30% of your income for directly sponsoring terrorism? What's it like being one of the few countries shittier than India?

cos when i traveled trough italy and spain, there
where a lot of them and they had those little shops
good thing you could bargain with them
bad think they looked and behaved like monkeys
also i've heard numerous times about people
stewardess hating indians, a pilot i've met
said india was the worst/shittiest country hes been
thats about it

India has a population of 1.3 Billion, along with 3 times the size of land for their designated shitting streets. India is objectively filled with more shit.

lol at admitting your a poo on a proxy

india vs pakistan war will be the second-best thing to ever happen. first will be the day of the rake
nope, I'm white
and china doesnt give a shit about India. ever heard of brics?
>prison colony

>American education


that's why they need a few hundred thousand square miles of new pooing territory

>im a white american

You spelled basement dwelling perma virgin neckbeard with 7$ to your name wrong.

Indians are alright.

I have more than $67,000 in my account lol
try again mohammad


God damn wtf burn them with fire

Indians are repulsive. They try to act Jewy and haggle down prices but they're too fucking stupid to do it effectively, and they're followed by a permanent and pungent miasma of old sweat and curried shit, so you're always forewarned of their approach before they greasily slide up to the cash register and dump out 10 $2 wicker baskets and demand you accept $1 for each.

>"Mother fucker, why is your ass getting blasted"?

Is that about right?

Fuck off Daanish

Yeah, all of India lives in your local store. Nice logic, lower Australia.

Sure feels like your whole fucking country has moved over here, take them back to bathe in your poo river please, I don't want them.

hell no
That goes as far as the both being develooping nations

Hinduism is tolerant of all religion
and mudslimes scream death to anything not mudslime

There is a difference of sky and land when sh1t gets real.

i-is he d-die