Need I say more?
Need I say more?
"Our last hope"
What's up with your parties and flowers?
I'll vote for them, but they are complete milquetoasts.
You're right, we should use quotes of Martin Luther.
I like how they boil the tolerance frog slowly.
Approaching this issue from an immediate "race war gas the kikes 1488" standpoint would never work. We Swedes are too indoctrinated with the opposite view. By slowly escalating, they enter this the only way possible.
So many dog whistles in everything they say, all the time. Nobody who understands will mistake them for anything but national socialists.
they won't get 51%. They will never get in Power. Your NeXT election is Your last hope, but it won't happen. After that, the niggers are too many, and there are not enough swedes to vote them in.
gave up on them after the (((NATO))) fiasco
Tradition I think. A tradition of faggotry.
You think M and S will form a bipartisan government instead of M selling out and going with SD?
SD will get ≈30% next election.
Are you worth it? Are people like you worth existing? Do you have an interesting and different culture? Should the whole world just be brown and one relilgion?
Think its to honor Carl von Linné first and then it became a meme
To hold SD out of Power? Yes. And i won't be suprised. Nothing from Sweden suprises me anymore.
Even your right wing party is homo
>need i say more
Autistic SD voter cant fucking speak english. Im not surprised, fat fucking neckbeards with no friends
To show respect to their dying country
That's an entirely valid phrase
Yep, but what does the "muh hitler vikangz" LARPers actually do, besides getting their skulls bashed in by police, and posting videos of themselves working out and wrassling other men? SD is boring and bland, and no longer edgy, but at least it works, and that's the bottom line.
>cant fucking speak english
Bad b8, Sven
>a fucking flower
goddamnit sweden, even your nazis are lame cucks.
pic related
not a fan of SD, will probably not vote the next election but I dont mind them getting more influence and ruin for the other parties wince they are all retards.
Could be worse.
Could be led by Timo Soini.
SD is a meme party.
They will accomplish absolutely nothing.
PS is false-opposition, socialist centrist shit, not even comparable with sverigedemokraterna.
What's with the overwatch symbol?
Still better then the rest of the parties your retard.
They call themselves social conservative.
They kicked all the nazis out of the party as soon as they got into Riksdagen.
t.former SD member
You probably can't even speak Swedish.
They all read have. They have polarized society and made people lose hope in change through political means.
They forced the cabinet to set up basic border controls. M and KD are making U-turns in their migration policies, even C has shown signs of waking up. None of this would have happened if SD hadn't loomed at 20-25% in polls.
They made Åsa cry.
Current speculation is that SD throws Kent Ekeroth under the bus while M does the same to AKB.
Why did you leave/get expelled?
När man ser alternativen så verkar det ju helt kört.
>They kicked all the nazis out of the party as soon as they got into Riksdagen
>Voting for wage dumping party 2.0
No thanks
topkek, if you think that mass immigration will lead to anything but massive wage dumping and tax hikes you're retarded
SD are cucks and wont change anything, but I will still vote for them
Tyvärr så är det högförräderi att gå med i NATO, och SD vill ju gå med.
I do not like how SD is being compared to Trump and UKIP and the rest. They are totally different. The only similarities I see is Muslim immigration, and that is it.
Will vote for M in 2018, they're pretty much SD-light now and the only ones who have a chance of winning and save us from yet another 4 years of socialist faggotry
With the added feature that SD are zionist shills- hell, need I reminds you of Kent "Kike" Ekeroth and his thief kike mother?
Don't trust cuckservatives you idiot. Besides if SD gets big enough they will bend the knee.
>Will vote for M in 2018,
kill yourself you fucking Megacuck. If M wanted to save Sweden from socialism they could have done so 2014 and they can do so in 2018 again if they cozy up to SD.
Get with the times, commie. He's being thrown under the bus as we speak.
That's what I think will happen. M will probably play on the safe cards and stick with Alliansen, but might make SD what V is to the current gov; not officially in, but helping eachother out. L and C will protest, but will be too small to make a difference. SD will never get own majority and its only chance is to worl something out with Alliansen.
I wish I had never learned this hurdle jurdle language
>kicks out everyone who's a Little more to the right than the leaders
>licks the lefts ass so they won't be called racist
>wants to keep mussies coming here but in smaller amounts
yeah... no thanks
They could do that today if they uncucked themselves and started working with SD
What do you guys think about non-Whties voting for SD?
In the US 1/3 of Hispanics voted for Trump. But American nationalism is different from Swedish? Cause America is not race specific?
Hispanics and somalis are very different
A toast full of milk
I am very fascinated how 1/3 of Hispanics voted for Trump. If you add in the illegal alien Hispanics voting, and the propaganda campaign, claiming Trump called them rapist. It is a lot.
They were led by Fredcuck Cuckfeldt in 2014, M has veered to the right ever since Kinberg Batra became the new leader. Ruling with indirect support from SD is a possibility in 2018
American nationalism is definitely race specific. People have just been brainwashed into believing that America has always been multicultural.
North America was conquered by white Europeans. North American civilization was built by white Europeans.
There's also a difference in that they basically only had two candidates to choose from but in Sweden we have nine parties with a realistic chance of getting into the parliament.
If the only options was the social democrats and the sweden democrats the sweden democrats would probably have around 30% of non-european votes.
Legal immigrants fucking hate illegal immigrants. Here it's the Indians and Asians that protest most loudly about the boat people, no one can call them out for being 'racist' either.
>SD are zionist cucks
This is tactics from their part. Nothing else. The internal atmosphere in this party is different than what they show the outsiders. This is why there is sometimes antisemitism leaking out of the party - you know, like when Hedvall wanted to limit "ethnic ownership" of newspapers. She's not talking about the sami press or the muslim press.
Söder can kiss the wailing wall all he likes. This will not change the fact that they are in fact a NS party. Their shilling for Israel is just pragmatism and their stance will change when they get into power.
>9 parties
MP and KD will be under the required 4% in 2018 for sure
Are they hypocrites? Turn-coats? Or just being smart? Changing their mind after beign let in?
For instance, there are leftists who become right wing when they start making money and pay taxes. Is that different?
How old are you? :D
I can only say that the next election will be the first time in which I can vote
>They were led by Fredcuck Cuckfeldt in 2014
And they didn't say shit
>M has veered to the right ever since Kinberg Batra became the new leader.
Literally married to this guy and she signed DÖ.
>Ruling with indirect support from SD is a possibility in 2018
Why would the smaller party rule with indirect support from the bigger party? Either M sucks it up and becomes a support party for SD (seeing as SD will be the bigger party) or they continue to to be cucks bleeding voters to SD until they are below 4%.
No one that has gone over to SD will vote for M ever again and only retards still vote for them.
There's a lot of national socialists in SD but the leadership of SD is definitely sionist cucks. Söder, Ekeroth, Karlsson etc.
Vad menade de med det här?
He is being kicked out now though, good riddance
Your view is very narrow. KD and the smaller parties are always under 4 %, and still manage to get in, every damn election. Also, you probably never seen Europeans as "blattar." Swedish nationalists used to burn refugee camps containing Serbs in the 90's. But then they where called svartskallar and juggepack.
My point is that you have much to learn. The other parties will stay.
I read somewhere that the right-wing block can only discuss with SD if they throw Kent Ekeroth out.
>Literally married to this guy and she signed DÖ.
Vad är hennes slutspel?
On a scale of "we'll just take less migrants" to "14! Lebensborn now", how good are the SD?
SD will go the same way as PS. You just wait.
It's the same here, there is a lot of hatred towards these economic migrants, especially the ones from Somalia.
>Swedish nationalists used to burn refugee camps containing Serbs in the 90's. But then they where called svartskallar and juggepack.
Most of the people in my city still see most eastern europeans as gypsies xd
The top of the party is "only jews allowed to my kibbutz"-tier but most of the members are based.
"good goy" would be the appropriate term for them now
Also, what was this thing about that Russian propagandist who worked for SD?
>Married to David Batra
Meh, he might be a Pajeet but he's born and raised here. Leftists get constantly agitated by him and calls him a housenigger a lot, so who cares
Seems to me that most KD voters have went over to SD, and MP voters are jumping ship to V or S. Only chance they have is support votes
Generation Identitaire
Thrown under the buss? He has been fucking caught chimping out on the streets and has on several times acted like a total nigger, yet he faced little to no consequences.
Unless you're from NZ, it's a pain in the arse to get into Australia legally, you have to offer something (be skilled or whatever) and it takes a while to become a citizen. When they see uneducated hicks from bumfuck Syria getting in easily (by boat or brought in by the gov) they feel cheated.
Helps that most illegals are Muslim and China and India both have problems with Muslim extremists, some see it as a threat to their 'new home'.
I'm guessing it's similar in America.
If anything, the top in the SD party are zionist shills and want to get rid of the annoying semi-nazi agitators within the party.
It was a journalist with the alias "Egor Putilov". He was everything from a russian propagandist desu. He's Russian-born and reported during the demonstrations leading up to the Syrian civil war and Russia's help to Assad. He also wrote articles both in Swedish and Russian about Putin's "veil of propaganda" on the events in Maidan and Ukraine. He's a pretty big Putin-critic honestly, but he was hired by SD for some journalistic job and the other parties flipped their shit and called him a Russian spy simply for being Russian-born. Nothing shady about it, it was all just an attempt to discredit SD.
Many of them are Cubans who hate Castro and Communism.
Memetier socialists, why do,SD even exist anymore?
Only reason SD should exist at all is to see S cry again on national TV
SD is such a joke, even they don't believe they'll get anywhere. I still wish they'd win just for the salty tears of media.
someone post the sd = controlled opposition image i dont have it
Anna Kinberg "The Pooinloo fucker" Batra, is a career creature. She holds no serious convictions whatsoever. She realized that her party is bleeding voters to SD so shes trying to coax people back. She will change nothing. Dont trust that bitch.
>oh shit he supports Israel and doesn't want to gas kikes
>he compares nazism with Islam
>therefore he must be controlled opposition
Not to mention wanting to join NATO all of a sudden. High treason right there.
It's just an old tradition here in Sweden to use flowers as party logo. The only party in the parliament without a flower is the Liberals. They switched earlier this year, so now they have a giant blue dildo instead.
Oh yeah, the Nordic Resistance Movement!
I like those guys. They're pretty good.
actually it is
Literally an erected penis and its balls.
Alt for Norden! Meld dere inn i den Nordiske Motstandsbevegelse!
Men förfan.
Det absolut största hotet mot Sveriges kultur, ekonomi, säkerhet och välmående överlag är massinvandring och vänsterfjollrande, såsom "stackars abdul har inga getter kvar nu när han flydde till sverige från ett förhållandevist fungerande afrikanskt land enbart för att få ekonomiska fördelar, vi måste öppna våra hjärtan när han nu kanske råkar våldta några tonåringar".
SD är inte perfekta, långt ifrån, men de ställer sig allra längst ifrån massinvandringen och vänsterdjävulskap. Att de nu vill gå med i NATO är ju förfan småpotatis jämfört med massinvandringen.
Man kan inte ha kvar kakan och äta den, nånting måste man uppoffra. NATO är ett lågt pris att betala för att stoppa Achmed och Mohammed för att våldta vårt land.
what does that say? i don't speak arabic (Norge) (Sverige) (Finland) (Danmark)
Norðurví (Island)
Meld dere inn idag!