Is Sup Forums done for now?

Is Sup Forums done for now?
You have never been BTFO this hard

It's all about purging the "normal" familia

I like it. Might even post it to my Facebook wall to move the left to center.

Hilarious! All my friends on Facebook will really get a kick out of this!

>You have never been BTFO this hard
Not true. Sup Forums was equally BTFO the hundred other times this shit has been posted


I agree Satan! I cannot wait to post this photo to all of my social media accounts! I might even take a selfie and use emojis!

Why in the everloving fuck is the "right wing" on the left side of the comic, and the "left wing" on the right side? What drooling retard made this?

She still dating a nigger in the middle

You can call me Mark but we all know his name Jamal or whatever

Difference is the people in the "left wing fascism" column can do all those things openly.
Some of those things are even enshrined in laws and regulations.

Also, there's nothing wrong with calling out a hateful ideology like Islam.
Christianity (the NT) is pretty much all about peace and love, and that gets called out constantly for being hateful anyway.


>implying non-east asian minorities act like white people and can be western
I shiggy diggy.

The Eternal Normie is the true enemy of every Sup Forumsak.
Fortunately they're fucking clueless, so we can bide our time before obliterating them.

>BTFO by a comic made by a centrist cuck that made a career out of picking the low-hanging fruit of SJW faggotry while supporting/fucking trannies

quite the proxy, leaf


if only the middle would be at easy as depicted

"hey linda check this awesome pic! i'm so glad that when you grow old you grow ugly...but also wise" *sips wine and posts unironic minions*

The funny thing is that 90% of Sup Forums is in the middle, but the blue thinks everyone is red.

Theres a problem with this whole thing. Its immigration.

First panel
They wouldn't need to justify based on race if other races weren't present or too sparsely present for it to matter. Also if the culture didn't have to deal with it because there were so few immigrants.

Second panel
Would the normal person be ok if it just so happen upon coincidence that white people were the most qualified in most cases? I would hope so

Third panel,
middle is the best but I have to ask, How did these two completely different people end up together for that interaction to happen? I would argue that immigration is the issue again

Fourth Panel. Same thing. Why are those colored people there for the people to complain about. Why would the leftest complain about whiteness if there were no coloured people to defend?



I really like those strawmen on the left!

>Im from Canada, they think I'm slow ehhh

>multicultural society
It's a modern creation, and one of the biggest causes of conflict in society because human beings are tribal as fuck.

No, 90% of Sup Forums is genuinely and openly racist, but still delude themselves into thinking racism isn't a problem in modern western society.

normal is the only unspooked strip

I actually agree with that shit but you came here shit posting > HuRr POL bTfO !!!! so fuck off and die in a fire, you stupid asshole piece of shit.

Why is the right side so funny tho

>believing certain genetic make ups in groups of people will make them less or more adaptive to a typical western society is racist

this is the true redpill, it removes all the white nationality pride bs and strikes at the core fact

genetics make the man and approximations of genetic homogeneity can be made among a people

The difference is left wing people are being racist yet claim they arentband want to punish others they perceive as being racist.

Right wingers are racist, don't deny it and don't think anyone should be punished for being racist. Simply put they believe in absolute freedom of opinion.

So basically the right wing and centralised have different stances for different reasons but act logically based on those stances. The left wing on the other hand a hypocritical fuckwits


This guy here clearly smokes crack.

>Right wingers are racist, don't deny it and don't think anyone should be punished for being racist. Simply put they believe in absolute freedom of opinion.

Yep, crack smoker.

Left wing racism ie. white genocide and gendercide is the normal.

We need to make right wing racism ie. white nationalism the new normal.

"normal" normal never existed and nobody wants it.

What's so funny about that?

And I'm talking about "right wingers" that the cartoon is referring to, people like Muhammad Ali who on TV in his prime was saying blacks should be with blacks, whites with whites.

Im not talking about people who just scream nigger at black people unprovoked.

this is now a nazi doggo thread


You keep posting this, but that doesn't make it right.

>Immigrants are only a problem because the native population is racist
Who knew PatriArchie was such a buffoon ? How about the fact that they are violent illiterate cunts in the first place ?


fucking communist scum!

actually, most Sup Forumsacks are the middle ones. Only left are radicals.



Delet this immodelemnly

Jokes aside, this is redpill-lite and is appropriate to share on facebook for example without being considered racist. This is the type of shit that brings normies away from the leftist faggotry and can prevent us normal nations from becoming Sweden tier where literally everyone is like the left wing racists. This shit is way more affective than Nazi Larping and those autistic white genocide posters that trigger normies.

top kek

>tfw to smart to take sides


>tfw too smart to be an extremist on either side like most NORMAL people

This is effective, our nations sadly leaning to the left wing racism so being a socially unaware nazi larper who posts pics about white genocide are not going to be effective at all, they will just call you racist to shut down all debate. You can either get RESULTS or you can continue LARPing about your failure autist god Hitler who ruined ethno nationalism for all of us by losing.






The point is to remain as objective as possible; to not ignore facts due to personal bias.
Nice bait m8

Wow, thanks Jamal! I can almost read the sentences and everything!

Dad calm down and take your pills



how is this /BTFO/? I completely agree with this based comic and so should every sane person

it truly is right, however only liberals are smart enough to realize if they go full autist in public it will just push normal people the other way

GUESS I AM A #clintoris NOW!!

you suck, trumpcuck

>the world is black and white


I'm OK with this it's not wrong

There's a difference between moderation and refusing to do anything, leafy boy.
The only thing that's black and white is your cuckold porn stash.

> Christianity is about peace and love

The most ignorant bullshit I have read today.

yeah, the author's viewpoint is obvious.

Ever heard of a guy named Jesus?

>implying most of us aren't yellow strip

It's culture I have a problem with, not race.

Reverse it in paint if you don't like it

stfu stop "reposting" threads

this comic is literally me
I fucking hate sjw and alt right faggotry so much

they're both just butthurt pussies.


Ever heared of crusades? Ever heared of maximum child molestation? Ever heared about gay-hatred? Ever heared about burning women for being part of satan? Ever heared of international catholic scam? Ever heared about nuns (pre burquas) locking themselves up for life?

>Ever heared of crusades?
What do you reckon they were in response to?

>What are averages

Ever heard of a guy named Jesus?

Ever read the NT?

thanks reddit

They were response in a captured Jerusalem and gave people excuse to rape and kill because they were subhuman fucking cunts. Untermenschen in lowest rate you could say.

Islam is bloody, christianity just as much

>"I prefer Nazi Larping over getting results"

Moderation is something that can be easily spread and accepted in the mainstream. Nazism and wanting to gas jews is not something that will be accepted by the mainstream, EVER, and is instantly shut down in the 21st century. Keep playing into the jews hands though you fucking low IQ loser.


Too bad the loud side of your country is either that left or right side

>Islam is bloody, christianity just as much
you goddamn retard.

>if you fight your enemies they win
why even express yourself if you have nothing in your head?

>doing something requires doing something retarded

Let's break this down a bit

Sexual preferences and the reasons for them are a non-issue

The next panel talks about diversity in the workplace, but the main reason it happens is due to cooperate tax breaks for forcing the reese's pieces standard while corporate law has the legality to sue if they feel that they were not allowed a job due to the color of their skin, typically the case is usually won if as left side panel describes only has a preference for whites only as described in The Civil Rights Act of 1964

Next left side panel doesn't happen due to many European countries having strict hate speech laws, and in america one can sue for slander for those exact words while typically left wing argument has no basis for grounds of slander so it would not hold in a court of law

The next panel shows consumer racial profiling and is grounds for a law suit, this is breaking the law and if anyone were to do this they would get their business license terminated by the state

In conclusion most of the panels on the left don't happen since many of the things stated are against the law and punishable by the state while things on the right side of the panel typically do happen and have laws that protect such practices and allow it to continue to happen

It's a very biased infographic and would work well on facebook

We've already descended into leftist extremism, time for a quick u-turn and descend into rightist extremism for a bit to balance things out.

Funnily enough diversity actually lowers workplace performance.

>leaf posts furry porn
of course, why did I expect anything different

>thanks reddit

I fucking hate reddit m8. Also why does Sup Forums accuse every normal socially adjusted non autist sperglord as someone from reddit? Does their user base just appear more normal when compared to this place cause in reality reddit is far from normal tier when viewed from the eyes of a non autistic Sup Forums user.

So if you don't vote for Merchant 1 or Merchant 2 you're a degenerate?

Duly noted.

> :-)

you're not normal you fucking moron. you're a fucking idiot. you don't have a point of view, that doesn't make you superior.


>who ruined ethno nationalism for all of us by losing.
For all Westerners perhaps.

>Being this dumb....

"You shall experience even more of it. You are in the second age. The first age has been overcome. This is the age of the rulership of the son, whom you call the Frog God. A third age will follow; the age of apportionment and harmonious power." ~Carl Jung, The Red Book.

We've only descended into leftist extremism because a massive brainwashing push by the jews, who is doing that for right extremism? Literally only Sup Forums and stormfront, both of which are extremely fringe sites and do not represent 99% of the population.