Is being a nihilist the ultimate redpill Sup Forums?
Is being a nihilist the ultimate redpill Sup Forums?
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that's like asking
>is shitting on the street the ultimate redpill
no it's not.
No it's the ultimate bluepill. Extreme weakness.
Not at all
there is literally nothing wrong with shitting in streets
Maybe, but if I take nihilism too seriously I fear I might end up chronically depressed.
Grow some balls OP.
No. Read Dostoevesky you filthy curry nigger.
yes, but you are not a nihilist
Nihilism, and by extension atheism, is the bluest of blue pills.
No, being a hedonist is.
Nihilism doesnt cause that in me, looking at the world in the most objective viewpoint is an important redpill
I did a lot of acid
Not being is the ultimate redpill.
>Being obsessed with one delusion or another is strength
Yeah, right
I did too and nihilism makes me very very lonely and therefore sad
Nope. It's a seductive trap.
Redpilling can lead one to nihilism. But if one is truly redpilled, they understand that it's up to them to be the bulwark against the evil of the world. This means being steadfast in your beliefs and fighting for what's right. Succumbing to nihilism means you deserve to have your genes removed from humanity.
muh nihilism
>we know everything of relevance pertaining to life,consciousness and the universe
>everything we know leads to the conclusion that existence is a futile march to the void
taking it one step further
>this knowledge stipulates that I should live for the maximization of my own personal pleasure regardless of how damaging the universal enacting of this maxim has continuously proven to be
The ultimate redpill is being and a member of society who learns as much as he can, contributes as much as he can, creates as much as he can, all while being happy and having personal time. And then creating engineered children that will get to enjoy life just as much as you did.
I know what is right and what is wrong though
I voted for Donald
That's just one of the possible conclusions. The exact opposite can also be made. And tens of others.
Also, do you disagree with the first to points?
Yes but only if you discard spooks
In terms of how to go about contributing, I love what Jordan Peterson has to say. Sticking to truth. And doing what's right
Embrace the emptiness fully and you will have much less anxiety in your life
Now the only thing I am scared of is death
>he thinks this reality is real
>implying delusions in a reality that's not real does not become truth due to a double negative
memes shape this unreal reality
No, being a paleocon is
>this knowledge stipulates that I should live for the maximization of my own personal pleasure regardless of how damaging the universal enacting of this maxim has continuously proven to be
But that's not a necessarily nihilistic thought.
Being a nihilist doesn't magically stop you from being able to care about things, or becoming a decent human being.
do I subscribe to logical fallacies that make up the basis of the philosophical school of thought that equates to the kiddie pool of intellectualism reserved for those whose ability to cognitively engage with the information we have about life as a whole has reached its limit? no, I don't.
>>this knowledge stipulates that I should live for the maximization of my own personal pleasure regardless of how damaging the universal enacting of this maxim has continuously proven to be
Isn't that hedonism though.
I came to terms with death after seeing some "elite abstract meme" (literally) on the web. There was a kid who approaches his mother "Mom, I ended in space" - "One month with no linear time perception". And it hit me that death is no exceptional than the fact that there is a point in space where your butt ends and your chair begins.
That is true in our post-irony megamodernist time, but a nihilist can and will see through all the memes
I can barely understand that.
>caring enough to even ask the question
its an aspect of nihilism though, had I stated that this was the only avenue of thought to which nihilism leads your comment would have been relevant, I did not, so it is not.
then learn harder
yes it is, the statement wasn't an endorsement though
Stoicism is the ultimate red pill.
Actually, living completely in the Now is a pretty big redpill.
Improving yourself as much as possible while at the same time harnessing Meme/Chaos Magic(k) to your advantage
>living completely in the now
>having absolutely no interest in the past and its role in shaping the present
>mum why am I doing circles?
I am a nihilist, but I don't use it as a template for my values.
Improving yourself is living in the future, so to speak
You can be both.
Nihilism doesn't make sense. Everything in the universe has a cause. To say life itself is the only exception and just came by randomly is stupid.
Cause is not equal to meaning or purpose
Nihilism = no cause in the universe
That's not what nihilism is, it means there's no meaning.
No. The future is the Now that comes later.
Basically just don't anxiously worry about the future, enjoy it when it comes
Being so drunk you can't move, and start contemplating your existence to distract yourself from the piss and shid filling your trousers is not fucking stoicism, Dimitri. Trust me.
>believing the "everything has a cause" meme
was probably talking about the personal now. Like not frustrating oneself about missed past oppotunities. because memories essentially are just cute, but nothing more. The only thing you gain from the past personally may be experience, but it's never too late to gain experience and you can always make up for expirience with theory.
Nihilism is fucking fantastic if you get it right.
The Nihilism a lot of people know has been misappropriated by retards. You've probably seen it before - every election, they're the people screaming "hurr it dont matter, muh meaninglessness I'm so much smarter than anyone who believes in anything". It's a way of absolving themselves of any judgemental responsibility, and it's honestly the most pussy way to deal with things.
Nihilism isn't disengaging from the world because you think it's pointless. It's acknowledging the fact that in a cosmic context, you're basically nil. You're gonna live, you're definitely gonna fucking die, and when you're gone everything is probably going to continue on as normal. And in a span of years, everyone is probably going to forget you were here at all. Human life has no inherent meaning or goal. We could all just be sat twiddling our thumbs until judgement day.
But that pointlessness isn't an excuse to reject the world, or lose sight of beauty. It's the opposite - by acknowledging how little you probably mean, you're utterly free to pursue life and happiness in whatever way you see fit. If life has no point, it has no prescribed method for achieving joy - and even if you fuck up royal, eventually time is going to make you obscure. Modern Nihilism encourages people to engage MORE with the world around them, because they know that it's the only one they're going to get, and reinforces that the only thing worth worrying about is changing that which you know you can change.
You wanna get really involved in politics? Do it. Wanna sit in your basement crafting the world's rarest Pepes? Go for it. You want to lie in a field and just wait to die? Whatever, that's cool. There's no point. There's no handbook. Every human life is something beautiful but ultimately meaningless. Nihilism means running with both.
tl;dr Nihilism rocks, because it makes you appreciate the world more.
The only reason to improve yourself in any way is to be better in the future.
Following your logic, past is the Now that has passed. No shit, Sherlock
then nihilism is more bogus than i thought. Only humans can give meaning to things. How can there be a meaning to life, if the meaning has to be given by a lifeform before life even existed.
You fucking heretic shit, the Lord your God was not caused by anything. Read your bible and quit spreading blasphemy
>how can there be meaning in life
Welcome to the club, you said it yourself
What are you talking about?
>Only humans can give meaning to things. How can there be a meaning to life, if the meaning has to be given by a lifeform before life even existed.
This is precisely why nihilism exists, you basically just described why nihilism is true. Meaning is a human construct.
Have this pepe
Depends on which kind
nihilism in materialistic sense, removing attachment with materialistic things is redpill,
but if you do that then become degenerate with "nothing matters" mindset then that's blue pill, because you ARE enjoying it, so it means something to you.
imo the way is to practice detachment with fleeting pleasure but continue to improve yourself and seek truth spiritually.
Oh shi-
I'm fine with this.
We got another one
Its the literal bluepill of this generation
Very nicely put.
ie become a decent Christian
my nigga wizard
Mr Patel you are a funny man.
Poor nihilist fool, you think you can see through anything when nothing is real? You cannot discard memes, since they're everythign and shape everything. Memes is the lense you see through. Nihilism is a meme in itself.
Is not saying everytime red pill the ultimate red pill?
But if you were a Christian, the detachment from pleasure is either something dictated to you, or at the very least motivated by something immaterial. Being a nihilist means making that choice yourself, and taking on the responsibilities that come with it rather than justifying it via "tradition".
I don't know why but I like that gif. A lot.
Depends what you mean by nihilist.
Yes but Sup Forums would have you believe otherwise because they push the nat soc meme. Anyone who isn't an idiot would be able to realize that if the nationalist meme is legit, that it would then be smarter to push for smaller subsets of that group to have control of the nation, because among that group there would be people who are clearly superior and inferior. And the weeding out should continue in such a fashion until we either determine which small group of families has the best genetic stock and deserves the right to live and rule, or which family's males have the right to breed all the other women, leaving the rest of the nation's males as caretakers for the superior brood. The underclass would also still be highly criminal compared to the ruling class, and their being at the bottom might even drive them to commit more crime.
It'd be a terrible train ride that never ends, but Sup Forums only has enough foresight to see the immediate first stage, which is a nat soc nation, instead of seeing the possibilities that grow from having one and the principles it sets for people living in that nation.
Tl;dr- none of this shit matters in the end. Sup Forums is retarded for pushing nat soc because when we remove kebab, what's to stop someone from saying remove the Irish or italians? And then removing all the brown hairs? All the people with freckles or crooked teeth?
Nihilism is the ultimate trial by fire if you will.
If you have good natural virtue, and are healthy of mind and of will. You will come out of it ten times stronger. Empowered by your own self.
if you are a degenerate, or a poo in the loo like yourself, you will come out of it worse, as the religion, the morals of society shamed you into being less retarded.
Not everyone deserves it to be allowed to remove their own shackles. Only the best do.
Look at what happened here on the chan to the other nihilists during the ages. ponyfucking, poo bottles, hedonism, pure fucking autisim, sonic garbage, sjwdom of some form, all garbage.
But you know what? I was not like one of these people, my natural inclinations turned me into a right wing nihilist.
All the advantages of the good parts of the old traditions, with noneo f the stupidity and redundancies. Evolution lore that I fully understand, and integrate into my life, I hate faggots, feminists, jews, shitskins, degeneracy, sjw's, liberals, religions fagets and more bad things.
and I have the scientific sources to hate them too.
fucking nothing can touch me now. I am without sin.
Observation of the physical world yields nihilism. If we could observe the spiritual world, it might yield Christianity. The proper way, then, is to be a nihilist in practice while always being careful not to contradict the moral tenets of Christianity.
but that is just plain wrong and even evil. Egalitarianism is pure Christianity and egalitarianism is completely wrong.
christianities role is only to serve as an example of how not to exist on this planet. Christians should more or less be brutally murdered.
I see Christianity differently from you, clearly. Just substitute the phrase for what you believe to be the most admirable religious ideology, then.
No, why dont you instead become unreligious? You dumb cuck. Your religion is the worst. The feeble feeling of cucks to be subservient to a leader is made as one of the most important virtues, instead of self reliance and self actualization.
Christianity is basically a religion of nigger cum swallowing cucks. Your members daily dream about finding a nigger for your wife, so she can bathe in the hot aids ridden cum, because niggers have souls and you have to turn your other cheek.
Religion for cucks lol. Kill yourself.
>Why don't you instead become unreligious?
In the event that there is a god watching over me I want him to believe that I'm trying my best. I could never do that if I became as vulgar and venomous as you.
lol, true to your natural cuck programming. Why dont you kill yourself instead you genetic failure who cant grow out of "le daddy will spank le me for being naughty"
fucking fag
You mentioned "good natural virtue" earlier. With the words you're saying to me now, what exactly does that mean to you?
shaming and bullying weakness is a good virtue lol, not like you would understand that since your % of weakness and shittiness is much higher than with me.
Its like a bunny trying to comment on a wolfs ability to capture prey, the bunny would say "no, you need to eat more grass, its healthy and not violent!"
Weren't you claiming to be a nihilist? You constantly throw around appraisals of people as though you think it actually has meaning. "Weakness", "shittiness", "good virtue". That's all contrary to nihilism.
man, its pointless to try to explain these things to you, you are just a double digit mongoloid lol.
The only "virtue" you have is such high ignorance of your own shortcomings, that you just keep on going to talk to those higher than you, instead of sitting back in shame. That is why violence is usually the best solution against people like you.
sage and go kill yourself lol
We all have the shortcoming of impending death, bro. I hate to be edgy with you, but all your boasting won't save you in the end.