>mfw I thought brexit would actually save us
>tfw its already over
Just fuck my nation up senpai
>mfw I thought brexit would actually save us
>tfw its already over
Just fuck my nation up senpai
Other urls found in this thread:
Bongs need to be more original
Keep redpilling your neighbors and pitting people against Islam. The war is near. Be ready.
At least muhammad is no longer number 1. It had been that way for several years hadn't it?
That's happened because mussies have like two names in their Book of Baby Names.
But mostly it's happened because of mass immigration caused by Jews.
they all name their first kid muhammad so it skews the results a bit
it'd be like if christians all called their first kid jesus, it'd be the #1 name forever
you're telling me
>#7 Girls, ISLA
for fucks sake just name her islam and drop the pretense
Fuck im the only one here called olivier i dont want my name to become mainstream
Fake and gay
and the award for shittiest url goes to
Mate it has been over since the nineties.
>i thought brexit would actually save us
>the number one name in britan is oliver
your PM is a faggot and praised fidel castro lol
what's wrong with the name oliver?
What's up with all these names like Harry, Jack, Charlie, Freddie.
Name your kid properly and call by them by a nickname, don't just give them a nickname as a formal name.
The only thing that will save you now is removing kebab.
I've read that it's because while everyone else has 20 popular names they use, All Muslims go for the Muhammad.
Don't despair too much. Muhammad is up there on the list more because muzzies are so unoriginal when it comes to naming thier kids that like 50% of all of them are muhammad and the other 50% are some variant of Achmed.
Natives have a much greater diversity of names to use.
because almost all muslims will name their first born male muhammed, notice how there isnt a single muslims name on the girls list, do muslims not have female children?
Stop posting facts user, the little shitlords on Sup Forums don't like facts. You need to check your fact checking privilege.
>what's wrong with the name oliver?
It's a faggy name.
When I hear Oliver I picture a skinnyfat chef with a pencil moustache that talks with a lisp.
Something like this.
It's another baby name thread where people ignore the fact that Muhammad adds up all the different spellings of the name and only amounts to about 6000 babies
nothing is over my friend
Yep, I work in the medical field and like 90% of the Muslims have their boys named Muhammad, using about five different variations. They usually go by their middle names to differentiate each other.
What it's not showing you is the rise and fall of specific names
Holy Shit, did Current Year Man really score top name of the Current Year, man?
That happens because mudslims are so obsessed with the prophet that every first boy they get, gets called Mohammed.
The first isn't even Oliver, It's Mark. Put this Tabloid garbage and then yourself in the trash compacter.
Muhammed used to be 1.
You'll notice that the other 14 names are all white. The reason Muhammed is so high is because all the fucking Muslims name their sons Muhammed. All of them. They have like 1 fucking first name. The fact that it has dropped to 2 means that you're actually gaining ground against them.
Do jews call their kids satan?. nice